+ if ( !GetBatchCount() )
+ CalcDimensions();
+void wxGrid::SetColMinimalWidth( int col, int width )
+ m_colMinWidths.Put(col, width);
+void wxGrid::SetRowMinimalHeight( int row, int width )
+ m_rowMinHeights.Put(row, width);
+int wxGrid::GetColMinimalWidth(int col) const
+ long value = m_colMinWidths.Get(col);
+ return value != wxNOT_FOUND ? (int)value : WXGRID_MIN_COL_WIDTH;
+int wxGrid::GetRowMinimalHeight(int row) const
+ long value = m_rowMinHeights.Get(row);
+ return value != wxNOT_FOUND ? (int)value : WXGRID_MIN_ROW_HEIGHT;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// auto sizing
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxGrid::AutoSizeColOrRow( int colOrRow, bool setAsMin, bool column )
+ wxClientDC dc(m_gridWin);
+ // init both of them to avoid compiler warnings, even if weo nly need one
+ int row = -1,
+ col = -1;
+ if ( column )
+ col = colOrRow;
+ else
+ row = colOrRow;
+ wxCoord extent, extentMax = 0;
+ int max = column ? m_numRows : m_numCols;
+ for ( int rowOrCol = 0; rowOrCol < max; rowOrCol++ )
+ {
+ if ( column )
+ row = rowOrCol;
+ else
+ col = rowOrCol;
+ wxGridCellAttr* attr = GetCellAttr(row, col);
+ wxGridCellRenderer* renderer = attr->GetRenderer(this, row, col);
+ if ( renderer )
+ {
+ wxSize size = renderer->GetBestSize(*this, *attr, dc, row, col);
+ extent = column ? size.x : size.y;
+ if ( extent > extentMax )
+ {
+ extentMax = extent;
+ }
+ renderer->DecRef();
+ }
+ attr->DecRef();
+ }
+ // now also compare with the column label extent
+ wxCoord w, h;
+ dc.SetFont( GetLabelFont() );
+ if ( column )
+ dc.GetTextExtent( GetColLabelValue(col), &w, &h );
+ else
+ dc.GetTextExtent( GetRowLabelValue(row), &w, &h );
+ extent = column ? w : h;
+ if ( extent > extentMax )
+ {
+ extentMax = extent;
+ }
+ if ( !extentMax )
+ {
+ // empty column - give default extent (notice that if extentMax is less
+ // than default extent but != 0, it's ok)
+ extentMax = column ? m_defaultColWidth : m_defaultRowHeight;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( column )
+ {
+ // leave some space around text
+ extentMax += 10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ extentMax += 6;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( column )
+ {
+ SetColSize(col, extentMax);
+ if ( !GetBatchCount() )
+ {
+ int cw, ch, dummy;
+ m_gridWin->GetClientSize( &cw, &ch );
+ wxRect rect ( CellToRect( 0, col ) );
+ rect.y = 0;
+ CalcScrolledPosition(rect.x, 0, &rect.x, &dummy);
+ rect.width = cw - rect.x;
+ rect.height = m_colLabelHeight;
+ m_colLabelWin->Refresh( TRUE, &rect );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetRowSize(row, extentMax);
+ if ( !GetBatchCount() )
+ {
+ int cw, ch, dummy;
+ m_gridWin->GetClientSize( &cw, &ch );
+ wxRect rect ( CellToRect( row, 0 ) );
+ rect.x = 0;
+ CalcScrolledPosition(0, rect.y, &dummy, &rect.y);
+ rect.width = m_rowLabelWidth;
+ rect.height = ch - rect.y;
+ m_rowLabelWin->Refresh( TRUE, &rect );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( setAsMin )
+ {
+ if ( column )
+ SetColMinimalWidth(col, extentMax);
+ else
+ SetRowMinimalHeight(row, extentMax);
+ }
+int wxGrid::SetOrCalcColumnSizes(bool calcOnly, bool setAsMin)
+ int width = m_rowLabelWidth;
+ if ( !calcOnly )
+ BeginBatch();
+ for ( int col = 0; col < m_numCols; col++ )
+ {
+ if ( !calcOnly )
+ {
+ AutoSizeColumn(col, setAsMin);
+ }
+ width += GetColWidth(col);
+ }
+ if ( !calcOnly )
+ EndBatch();
+ return width;
+int wxGrid::SetOrCalcRowSizes(bool calcOnly, bool setAsMin)
+ int height = m_colLabelHeight;
+ if ( !calcOnly )
+ BeginBatch();
+ for ( int row = 0; row < m_numRows; row++ )
+ {
+ if ( !calcOnly )
+ {
+ AutoSizeRow(row, setAsMin);
+ }
+ height += GetRowHeight(row);
+ }
+ if ( !calcOnly )
+ EndBatch();
+ return height;
+void wxGrid::AutoSize()
+ BeginBatch();
+ wxSize size(SetOrCalcColumnSizes(FALSE), SetOrCalcRowSizes(FALSE));
+ // round up the size to a multiple of scroll step - this ensures that we
+ // won't get the scrollbars if we're sized exactly to this width
+ // CalcDimension adds m_extraWidth + 1 etc. to calculate the necessary
+ // scrollbar steps
+ wxSize sizeFit(GetScrollX(size.x + m_extraWidth + 1) * GRID_SCROLL_LINE_X,
+ GetScrollY(size.y + m_extraHeight + 1) * GRID_SCROLL_LINE_Y);
+ // distribute the extra space between the columns/rows to avoid having
+ // extra white space
+ // Remove the extra m_extraWidth + 1 added above
+ wxCoord diff = sizeFit.x - size.x + (m_extraWidth + 1);
+ if ( diff && m_numCols )
+ {
+ // try to resize the columns uniformly
+ wxCoord diffPerCol = diff / m_numCols;
+ if ( diffPerCol )
+ {
+ for ( int col = 0; col < m_numCols; col++ )
+ {
+ SetColSize(col, GetColWidth(col) + diffPerCol);
+ }
+ }
+ // add remaining amount to the last columns
+ diff -= diffPerCol * m_numCols;
+ if ( diff )
+ {
+ for ( int col = m_numCols - 1; col >= m_numCols - diff; col-- )
+ {
+ SetColSize(col, GetColWidth(col) + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // same for rows
+ diff = sizeFit.y - size.y - (m_extraHeight + 1);
+ if ( diff && m_numRows )
+ {
+ // try to resize the columns uniformly
+ wxCoord diffPerRow = diff / m_numRows;
+ if ( diffPerRow )
+ {
+ for ( int row = 0; row < m_numRows; row++ )
+ {
+ SetRowSize(row, GetRowHeight(row) + diffPerRow);
+ }
+ }
+ // add remaining amount to the last rows
+ diff -= diffPerRow * m_numRows;
+ if ( diff )
+ {
+ for ( int row = m_numRows - 1; row >= m_numRows - diff; row-- )
+ {
+ SetRowSize(row, GetRowHeight(row) + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ EndBatch();
+ SetClientSize(sizeFit);