from wxPython.xrc import *
genericStyles = [
- 'wxNO_BORDER',
+ ]
+genericExStyles = [
+ ]
buttonSize = (35,-1) # in dialog units, transformed to pixels in panel ctor
class ParamExStyle(ParamBinaryOr):
def __init__(self, parent, name):
if g.currentXXX:
- self.values = g.currentXXX.exStyles # constant at the moment
+ self.values = g.currentXXX.exStyles + genericExStyles
self.values = []
ParamBinaryOr.__init__(self, parent, name)
error = False
try: size = int(self.value[0])
- except ValueError: error = True
+ except ValueError: error = True; wxLogError('Invalid size specification')
try: family = fontFamiliesXml2wx[self.value[1]]
- except KeyError: error = True
+ except KeyError: error = True; wxLogError('Invalid family specification')
try: style = fontStylesXml2wx[self.value[2]]
- except KeyError: error = True
+ except KeyError: error = True; wxLogError('Invalid style specification')
try: weight = fontWeightsXml2wx[self.value[3]]
- except KeyError: error = True
- try: underlined = int(self.value[4])
- except ValueError: error = True
+ except KeyError: error = True; wxLogError('Invalid weight specification')
+ try: underlined = bool(self.value[4])
+ except ValueError: error = True; wxLogError('Invalid underlined flag specification')
face = self.value[5]
- mapper = wxFontMapper()
- if not self.value[6]: enc = mapper.CharsetToEncoding(self.value[6])
except IndexError:
error = True
+ mapper = wxFontMapper()
+ if not self.value[6]: enc = mapper.CharsetToEncoding(self.value[6])
if error: wxLogError('Invalid font specification')
font = wxFont(size, family, style, weight, underlined, face, enc)
dlg = wxFontDialog(self, data)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
font = dlg.GetFontData().GetChosenFont()
+ print font.GetEncoding()
+ if font.GetEncoding() == wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM:
+ encName = ''
+ else:
+ encName = wxFontMapper_GetEncodingName(font.GetEncoding()).encode()
value = [str(font.GetPointSize()),
fontFamiliesWx2Xml.get(font.GetFamily(), "default"),
fontStylesWx2Xml.get(font.GetStyle(), "normal"),
fontWeightsWx2Xml.get(font.GetWeight(), "normal"),
- str(font.GetUnderlined()),
+ str(int(font.GetUnderlined())),
- wxFontMapper_GetEncodingName(font.GetEncoding()).encode()
+ encName
# Add ignored flags
class ContentDialog(wxDialog):
def __init__(self, parent, value):
# Load from resource
- pre = wxPreDialog()
+ pre = wxPreDialog()
g.frame.res.LoadOnDialog(pre, parent, 'DIALOG_CONTENT')
self.this = pre.this
- self._setOORInfo(self)
+ self._setOORInfo(self)
self.list = XRCCTRL(self, 'LIST')
# Set list items
for v in value:
class ContentCheckListDialog(wxDialog):
def __init__(self, parent, value):
- pre = wxPreDialog()
+ pre = wxPreDialog()
g.frame.res.LoadOnDialog(pre, parent, 'DIALOG_CONTENT_CHECK_LIST')
self.this = pre.this
- self._setOORInfo(self)
+ self._setOORInfo(self)
self.list = XRCCTRL(self, 'CHECK_LIST')
# Set list items
i = 0
class IntListDialog(wxDialog):
def __init__(self, parent, value):
- pre = wxPreDialog()
+ pre = wxPreDialog()
g.frame.res.LoadOnDialog(pre, parent, 'DIALOG_INTLIST')
self.this = pre.this
- self._setOORInfo(self)
+ self._setOORInfo(self)
self.list = XRCCTRL(self, 'LIST')
# Set list items
class ParamBitmap(PPanel):
def __init__(self, parent, name):
- pre = wxPrePanel()
+ pre = wxPrePanel()
g.frame.res.LoadOnPanel(pre, parent, 'PANEL_BITMAP')
self.this = pre.this
- self._setOORInfo(self)
+ self._setOORInfo(self)
self.modified = self.freeze = False