Name: embedded.xsl
- Purpose: Embedded XSLT
+ Purpose: Used by check.sh for offline checking of the configuration.
Author: Mike Wetherell
- RCS-ID: $Id$
Copyright: (c) 2007 Mike Wetherell
- Licence: wxWidgets licence
+ Licence: wxWindows licence
<transform xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
<template mode="copy-xsl" match="*[//xsl:template[not(ancestor::*[name() != name(/*)])]/@name = name()]">
<when test="ancestor::xsl:template[@name = name(current())]">
- <XSL:choose>
- <XSL:when test="name() = '{name()}'">
- <XSL:copy>
- <call-template name="copy-xsl-children"/>
- </XSL:copy>
- </XSL:when>
- <XSL:otherwise>
- <copy>
- <call-template name="copy-xsl-children"/>
- </copy>
- </XSL:otherwise>
- </XSL:choose>
+ <copy>
+ <call-template name="copy-xsl-children"/>
+ </copy>
<call-template name="expand">
<for-each select="@*">
- <variable name="expr">
- <call-template name="before">
- <with-param name="string" select="substring-after(., '{')"/>
- <with-param name="target">}</with-param>
- </call-template>
- </variable>
+ <variable name="len" select="string-length(.)"/>
- <when test="string-length($expr) = string-length(.) - 2">
- <XSL:with-param name="{name()}" select="{$expr}"/>
+ <when test="substring(., 1, 1) = '{' and
+ substring(., $len, 1) = '}'">
+ <XSL:with-param name="{name()}"
+ select="{substring(., 2, $len - 2)}"/>
<XSL:with-param name="{name()}">
- <call-template name="avt">
- <with-param name="string" select="."/>
- </call-template>
+ <call-template name="avt"/>
<template name="avt">
- <param name="string"/>
+ <param name="string" select="."/>
<variable name="before1" select="substring-before(concat($string, '{'), '{')"/>
<variable name="len1" select="string-length($before1)"/>