pascal OSErr AEHandleOApp( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon ) ;
pascal OSErr AEHandlePDoc( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon ) ;
pascal OSErr AEHandleQuit( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon ) ;
pascal OSErr AEHandleOApp( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon ) ;
pascal OSErr AEHandlePDoc( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon ) ;
pascal OSErr AEHandleQuit( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon ) ;
// AEODoc Calls MacOpenFile on each of the files passed
short wxApp::MacHandleAEODoc(const WXEVENTREF event, WXEVENTREF WXUNUSED(reply))
// AEODoc Calls MacOpenFile on each of the files passed
short wxApp::MacHandleAEODoc(const WXEVENTREF event, WXEVENTREF WXUNUSED(reply))
// Support Routines linking the Mac...File Calls to the Document Manager
// Support Routines linking the Mac...File Calls to the Document Manager
// Carbon Event Handler
// Carbon Event Handler
AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments ,
NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandlePDoc) ,
0 , FALSE ) ;
AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments ,
NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandlePDoc) ,
0 , FALSE ) ;
AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication ,
NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleQuit) ,
0 , FALSE ) ;
AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication ,
NewAEEventHandlerUPP(AEHandleQuit) ,
0 , FALSE ) ;
AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments ,
NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandlePDoc) ,
0 , FALSE ) ;
AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEPrintDocuments ,
NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandlePDoc) ,
0 , FALSE ) ;
AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication ,
NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleQuit) ,
0 , FALSE ) ;
AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass , kAEQuitApplication ,
NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleQuit) ,
0 , FALSE ) ;