+ wxMouseEvent wxevent(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN);
+ SetupMouseEvent( wxevent , cEvent ) ;
+ // handle all enter / leave events
+ if ( currentMouseWindow != g_MacLastWindow )
+ {
+ if ( g_MacLastWindow )
+ {
+ wxMouseEvent eventleave(wxevent);
+ eventleave.SetEventType( wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW );
+ g_MacLastWindow->ScreenToClient( &eventleave.m_x, &eventleave.m_y );
+ eventleave.SetEventObject( g_MacLastWindow ) ;
+ wxevent.SetId( g_MacLastWindow->GetId() ) ;
+ wxToolTip::RelayEvent( g_MacLastWindow , eventleave);
+ g_MacLastWindow->HandleWindowEvent(eventleave);
+ }
+ if ( currentMouseWindow )
+ {
+ wxMouseEvent evententer(wxevent);
+ evententer.SetEventType( wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW );
+ currentMouseWindow->ScreenToClient( &evententer.m_x, &evententer.m_y );
+ evententer.SetEventObject( currentMouseWindow ) ;
+ wxevent.SetId( currentMouseWindow->GetId() ) ;
+ wxToolTip::RelayEvent( currentMouseWindow , evententer );
+ currentMouseWindow->HandleWindowEvent(evententer);
+ }
+ g_MacLastWindow = currentMouseWindow ;
+ }
+ if ( windowPart == inMenuBar )
+ {
+ // special case menu bar, as we are having a low-level runloop we must do it ourselves
+ if ( cEvent.GetKind() == kEventMouseDown )
+ {
+ ::MenuSelect( screenMouseLocation ) ;
+ ::HiliteMenu(0);
+ result = noErr ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( currentMouseWindow )
+ {
+ wxWindow *currentMouseWindowParent = currentMouseWindow->GetParent();
+ currentMouseWindow->ScreenToClient( &wxevent.m_x , &wxevent.m_y ) ;
+ wxevent.SetEventObject( currentMouseWindow ) ;
+ wxevent.SetId( currentMouseWindow->GetId() ) ;
+ // make tooltips current
+ if ( wxevent.GetEventType() == wxEVT_MOTION )
+ wxToolTip::RelayEvent( currentMouseWindow , wxevent );
+ if ( currentMouseWindow->HandleWindowEvent(wxevent) )
+ {
+ if ((currentMouseWindowParent != NULL) &&
+ (currentMouseWindowParent->GetChildren().Find(currentMouseWindow) == NULL))
+ currentMouseWindow = NULL;
+ result = noErr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if the user code did _not_ handle the event, then perform the
+ // default processing
+ if ( wxevent.GetEventType() == wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN )
+ {
+ // ... that is set focus to this window
+ if (currentMouseWindow->CanAcceptFocus() && wxWindow::FindFocus()!=currentMouseWindow)
+ currentMouseWindow->SetFocus();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( cEvent.GetKind() == kEventMouseUp && wxApp::s_captureWindow )
+ {
+ wxApp::s_captureWindow = NULL ;
+ // update cursor ?
+ }
+ // update cursor