Recent Changes for wxPython
+* 18-Oct-2006
The following deprecated items have been removed:
Added battery and power related functions and events (wxMSW only so
far.) See wx.PowerEvent, wx.GetPowerType and wx.GetBatteryState.
-Added wx.ListCtrl.HitTestSubItem which returns the sub-item that was
-hit (if any) in addition to the item and flags.
+Added wx.ListCtrl.HitTestSubItem which returns the sub-item (i.e. the
+column in report mode) that was hit (if any) in addition to the item
+and flags.
Added wrappers for wx.ColourPickerCtrl, wx.DirPickerCtrl,
wx.FilePickerCtrl, and wx.FontPickerCtrl.
Added the PseudoDC class from Paul Lanier. It provides a way to
record operations on a DC and then play them back later.
+Upgraded to Scintilla 1.70 for
+Added CanSetTransparent and SetTransparent methods to the
+wx.TopLevelWindow class, with implementations (so far) for wxMSW and
+SetDefaultItem() and GetDefaultItem() are now members of
+wx.TopLevelWindow, not wx.Panel.
+wxGTK: Stock items (icons) will be used for menu items with stock
+Added wx.lib.combotreebox from Frank Niessink
+Added wx.ImageFromBuffer, wx.BitmapFromBuffer and
+wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA factory functions. They enable loading of an
+image or bitmap directly from a Python object that implements the
+buffer interface, such as strings, arrays, etc.
+Added wx.App.IsDisplayAvailable() which can be used to determine if a
+GUI can be created in the current environment. (Still need an
+implementation for wxMSW...)
+The wx.html.HTML_FONT_SIZE_x constants are no longer available as the
+default sizes are now calculated at runtime based on the size of the
+normal GUI font.
+wx.Colour now includes an alpha component, which defaults to
+wx.ALPHA_OPAQUE. This is in preparation for allowing various new
+alpha blening functionality using wx.Colour objects, such as drawing
+with pens and brushes on a wx.DC.
+Added wx.NativePixelBuffer, wx.AlphPixelBuffer and related iterator
+and accessor classes. They allow platform independent direct access
+to the platform specific pixel buffer inside of a wx.Bitmap object.
+The beginnings of support for RTL languages has been added, thanks to
+a Google SoC project.
+Added wx.lib.dragscroller from Riaan Booysen. It provides a helper
+class that can used to scroll a wx.ScrolledWindow in response to a
+mouse drag.
+Applied patch 1551409: Adds support for indeterminate mode gauges.
+wxMac: I've turned on the compile option for using the native toolbar
+on the Mac now that it supports hosting of controls. If the toolbar
+is managed by the frame via either CreateToolBar() or SetToolBar()
+then the native toolbar will be used. Additional toolbars, or
+toolbars that are not children of the frame, are managed by sizers or
+what-not will still use the emulated toolbar because of platform
+restrictions in how/where the native toolbar can be used.
+Added Python properties for many of the getter/setter methods of wx
+classes. In order for the names to be predicatble for somebody
+already familiar with wxPython the property names are simply the name
+of the getter with the "Get" dropped. For example, wx.Window has a
+property named "Size" that maps to GetSize and SetSize. So far there
+is only one known name conflict using this naming convention, and that
+is wx.KeyEvent.KeyCode, however since KeyCode was formerly a
+compatibility alias for GetKeyCode (and has been for a long time) it
+was decided to just switch it to a property. If you want to use the
+method then change your calls to event.KeyCode() to
+event.GetKeyCode(), otherwise you can use it as a property just by
+dropping the parentheses.
+Updated the C++ code for wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl from the wxCode
+project. This has resulted in some minor API changes, most of which
+were worked around in the wrapper code.
+Added wx.lib.delayedresult from Oliver Schoenborn.
+Added wx.lib.expando, a multi-line textctrl that exands as more lines
+are needed.
+wx.Image.Scale and Rescale methods now take an extra parameter
+specifying type of method to use for resampling the image. It
+defaults to the current behavior of just replicating pixels, if
+wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH is passed then it uses bicubic and box averaging
+resampling methods for upsampling and downsampling respectively.
+Added the wx.lib.buttonpanel module, which is a tweaked version of
+Andrea Gavana's FancyButtonPanel module.
+Added the wx.lib.flatnotebook module, from Andrea Gavana.
+Renamed wx.FutureCall to wx.CallLater so it is named more like
+wx.CallAfter. wx.FutureCall is now an empty subclass of wx.CallLater
+for compatibility of older code.
+Added the wx.lib.customtreectrl the from Andrea Gavana.
+Added ChangeSelection to wx.BookCtrl (the base class for wx.Notebook
+and other book controls) that is the same as SetSelection but doesn't
+send the change events.
+Added wx.TextCtrl.ChangeValue() which is the same as SetValue() but
+doesn't send the text changed event.
+For consistency, all classes having an Ok() method now also have
+IsOk(), use of the latter form is preferred although the former hasn't
+been deprecated yet
+Added the wx.AboutBox() function and wx.AboutDialogInfo class. They
+provide a way to show a standard About box for the application, which
+will either be a native dialog or a generic one depending on what info
+is provided and if it can all be shown with the native dialog.
+The code in the animate contrib has been moved into the code wxWidgets
+library, and refactored a bit along the way. For wxPython it still
+exists in the wx.animate module, but has basically been reduced to two
+classes, wx.animate.Animation, and wx.animate.AnimationCtrl. You load
+the animated GIF (and hopefully there will be other supported formats
+in the near future) in the Animation object, and then give that to the
+AnimatedCtrl for display. See the demo for an example. There is also
+still a GIFAnimationCtrl class that provides some level of backwards
+compatibility with the old implementation.
+wxMac: The compile option that turns on the use of CoreGraphics (a.k.a
+Quartz) for wxDC is now turned on by default. This means that all
+drawing via wxDC is done using the new APIs from apple, instead of the
+old Quick Draw API. There are, however, a few places where Quartz and
+wxDC don't fit together very well, mainly the lack of support for
+logical drawing operations such as XOR, but there is work in progress
+to provide other ways to do the same sort of thing that will work with
+Quartz and also on the other platforms.
+The first parts of a new 2D drawing API has been added with the
+wx.GraphicsPath and wx.GraphicsContext classes. They wrap GDI+ on
+Windows, Cairo on wxGTK and CoreGraphics on OS X. They allow path-based
+drawing with alpha-blending and anti-aliasing, and use a floating
+point cooridnate system. Currently they can only target drawing to
+windows, but other wx.DC backends are forthcoming. The APIs may
+evolve a bit more before they are finalaized with the 2.8 release, but
+there is enough there now to get a good feel for how things will work.
+There is also a transitional wx.GCDC class that provides the wx.DC API
+on top of wx.GraphicsContext. Docs and a demo are still MIA.
+Added a wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC that is a subclass of wx.PaintDC on
+platforms that do double buffering by default, and a subclass of
+wx.BufferedPaintDC on the platforms that don't. You can use this
+class to help avoid the overhead of buffering when it is not
+needed. There is also a wx.AutoBufferedPaintDCFactory function that
+does a little more and actually tests if the window has
+double-buffering enabled and then decides whether to return a
+wx.PaintDC or wx.BufferedPaintDC. This uses the new
+wx.Window.IsDoubleBuffered method.
+* 15-July-2006
+wx.lib.pubsub updates from Oliver Schoenborn:
+ - fixed the hash problem with non-hashable objects
+ - now supports listeners that use \*args as an argument
+ (listener(\*args) was not passing the validity test)
+ - corrected some mistakes in documentation
+ - added some clarifications (hopefully useful for first time
+ users)
+ - changed the way singleton is implemented since old way prevented
+ pydoc etc from extracting docs for Publisher
+DocView and ActiveGrid IDE updates from Morgan Hua:
+ New Features: In Tab-View mode, Ctrl-number will take the user to
+ the numbered tab view. Modified files now show an '*' astrisk in
+ the view title. Debugger framework can now support PHP debugging.
+ Not important for python development, but at least that means the
+ debugger framework is more generalized.
+wx.lib.mixins.listctrl.TextEditMixin: Fixed the double END_LABEL_EDIT
+event problem in TextEditMixin by checking if the editor was already
+hidden before continuing with the CloseEditor method. Also added code
+to OpenEditor to send the BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT event and to not allow the
+opening of the editor to continue if the event handler doesn't allow
+Undeprecated wx.GetNumberFromUser and added wx.NumberEntryDialog.
+Made necessaary changes for building wxPython for Python 2.5. There
+may still be some issues related to the new Py_ssize_t type and 64-bit
+machines, but at least all compile errors and warnings related to it
+have been resolved.