#include "wx/sysopt.h"
#include "wx/dcprint.h"
#include "wx/module.h"
-#include "wx/dynload.h"
+#include "wx/dynlib.h"
#include "wx/rawbmp.h"
+// support for dynamic loading of msimg32.dll which we use for some functions
+class wxMSImg32DLL
+ // return the symbol with the given name if the DLL not loaded or symbol
+ // not present
+ static void *GetSymbol(const wxChar *name)
+ {
+ wxLogNull noLog;
+ if ( !ms_triedToLoad )
+ {
+ ms_triedToLoad = true;
+ ms_dll.Load(_T("msimg32"));
+ }
+ return ms_dll.IsLoaded() ? ms_dll.GetSymbol(name) : NULL;
+ }
+ static wxDynamicLibrary ms_dll;
+ static bool ms_triedToLoad;
+wxDynamicLibrary wxMSImg32DLL::ms_dll;
+bool wxMSImg32DLL::ms_triedToLoad = false;
+// helper macro for getting the symbols from msimg32.dll: it supposes that a
+// type "name_t" is defined and casts the returned symbol to it automatically
+#define wxMSIMG32_SYMBOL(name) (name ## _t)wxMSImg32DLL::GetSymbol(_T(#name))
// ===========================================================================
// implementation
// ===========================================================================
if (m_clipping && m_hDC)
+#if 1
+ // On a PocketPC device (not necessarily emulator), resetting
+ // the clip region as per the old method causes bad display
+ // problems. In fact setting a null region is probably OK
+ // on desktop WIN32 also, since the WIN32 docs imply that the user
+ // clipping region is independent from the paint clipping region.
+ ::SelectClipRgn(GetHdc(), 0);
// TODO: this should restore the previous clipping region,
// so that OnPaint processing works correctly, and the update
// clipping region doesn't get destroyed after the first
HRGN rgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 32000, 32000);
::SelectClipRgn(GetHdc(), rgn);
SIZE sizeRect;
+ const size_t len = string.length();
+ if ( !::GetTextExtentPoint32(GetHdc(), string, len, &sizeRect) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(_T("GetTextExtentPoint32()"));
+ }
+ // the result computed by GetTextExtentPoint32() may be too small as it
+ // accounts for under/overhang of the first/last character while we want
+ // just the bounding rect for this string so adjust the width as needed
+ if ( len > 0 )
+ {
+ ABC width;
+ const wxChar chFirst = *string.begin();
+ if ( ::GetCharABCWidths(GetHdc(), chFirst, chFirst, &width) )
+ {
+ if ( width.abcA < 0 )
+ sizeRect.cx -= width.abcA;
+ if ( len > 1 )
+ {
+ const wxChar chLast = *string.rbegin();
+ ::GetCharABCWidths(GetHdc(), chLast, chLast, &width);
+ }
+ //else: we already have the width of the last character
+ if ( width.abcC < 0 )
+ sizeRect.cx -= width.abcC;
+ }
+ //else: GetCharABCWidths() failed, not a TrueType font?
+ }
- ::GetTextExtentPoint32(GetHdc(), string, string.length(), &sizeRect);
- GetTextMetrics(GetHdc(), &tm);
+ ::GetTextMetrics(GetHdc(), &tm);
if (x)
*x = sizeRect.cx;
- // bitmaps can be drawn only from GUI thread so there is no need to
- // protect this static variable from multiple threads
- static bool s_triedToLoad = false;
- static AlphaBlend_t pfnAlphaBlend = NULL;
- if ( !s_triedToLoad )
- {
- s_triedToLoad = true;
- // don't give errors about the DLL being unavailable, we're
- // prepared to handle this
- wxLogNull nolog;
- wxDynamicLibrary dll(_T("msimg32.dll"));
- if ( dll.IsLoaded() )
- {
- pfnAlphaBlend = (AlphaBlend_t)dll.GetSymbol(_T("AlphaBlend"));
- if ( pfnAlphaBlend )
- {
- // we must keep the DLL loaded if we want to be able to
- // call AlphaBlend() so just never unload it at all, not a
- // big deal
- dll.Detach();
- }
- }
- }
+ static AlphaBlend_t pfnAlphaBlend = wxMSIMG32_SYMBOL(AlphaBlend);
if ( pfnAlphaBlend )
#endif // #ifdef wxHAVE_RAW_BITMAP
+void wxDC::DoGradientFillLinear (const wxRect& rect,
+ const wxColour& initialColour,
+ const wxColour& destColour,
+ wxDirection nDirection)
+ // use native function if we have compile-time support it and can load it
+ // during run-time (linking to it statically would make the program
+ // unusable on earlier Windows versions)
+ typedef BOOL
+ static GradientFill_t pfnGradientFill = wxMSIMG32_SYMBOL(GradientFill);
+ if ( pfnGradientFill )
+ {
+ grect.UpperLeft = 0;
+ grect.LowerRight = 1;
+ // invert colours direction if not filling from left-to-right or
+ // top-to-bottom
+ int firstVertex = nDirection == wxNORTH || nDirection == wxWEST ? 1 : 0;
+ // one vertex for upper left and one for upper-right
+ TRIVERTEX vertices[2];
+ vertices[0].x = rect.GetLeft();
+ vertices[0].y = rect.GetTop();
+ vertices[1].x = rect.GetRight();
+ vertices[1].y = rect.GetBottom();
+ vertices[firstVertex].Red = (COLOR16)(initialColour.Red() << 8);
+ vertices[firstVertex].Green = (COLOR16)(initialColour.Green() << 8);
+ vertices[firstVertex].Blue = (COLOR16)(initialColour.Blue() << 8);
+ vertices[firstVertex].Alpha = 0;
+ vertices[1 - firstVertex].Red = (COLOR16)(destColour.Red() << 8);
+ vertices[1 - firstVertex].Green = (COLOR16)(destColour.Green() << 8);
+ vertices[1 - firstVertex].Blue = (COLOR16)(destColour.Blue() << 8);
+ vertices[1 - firstVertex].Alpha = 0;
+ if ( (*pfnGradientFill)
+ (
+ GetHdc(),
+ vertices,
+ WXSIZEOF(vertices),
+ &grect,
+ 1,
+ nDirection == wxWEST || nDirection == wxEAST
+ ) )
+ {
+ // skip call of the base class version below
+ return;
+ }
+ wxLogLastError(_T("GradientFill"));
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS
+ wxDCBase::DoGradientFillLinear(rect, initialColour, destColour, nDirection);