WindowRef m_macWindow ;
ControlHandle m_macRootControl ;
wxWindow* m_macFocus ;
+ bool m_macHasReceivedFirstActivate ;
} MacWindowData ;
virtual void SetFocus();
- virtual bool Reparent( wxWindow *newParent );
virtual void WarpPointer(int x, int y);
virtual void CaptureMouse();
virtual void ReleaseMouse();
void MacClientToRootWindow( int *x , int *y ) const ;
void MacRootWindowToClient( int *x , int *y ) const ;
+ virtual wxString MacGetToolTipString( wxPoint &where ) ;
// simple accessors
// ----------------
// event handlers
// --------------
+ void OnSetFocus(wxFocusEvent& event) ;
void OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& event);
void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event);
void MacOnScroll(wxScrollEvent&event ) ;
+ bool AcceptsFocus() const ;
// For implementation purposes - sometimes decorations make the client area
// Responds to colour changes: passes event on to children.
void OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event);
public :
+ virtual void MacCreateRealWindow( const wxString& title,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxString& name ) ;
static bool MacGetWindowFromPoint( const wxPoint &point , wxWindow** outWin ) ;
virtual void MacActivate( EventRecord *ev , bool inIsActivating ) ;
virtual void MacUpdate( EventRecord *ev ) ;
virtual void MacFireMouseEvent( EventRecord *ev ) ;
virtual bool MacDispatchMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& event ) ;
virtual void MacEraseBackground( Rect *rect ) ;
- WindowRef GetMacRootWindow() const ;
+ virtual void MacPaintBorders() ;
+ // obsolete : only for link compatibility
+ virtual void MacPaint( wxPaintEvent &event ) ;
+ WindowRef GetMacRootWindow() const ;
- virtual ControlHandle MacGetContainerForEmbedding() ;
- virtual void MacSuperChangedPosition() ;
+ virtual ControlHandle MacGetContainerForEmbedding() ;
+ virtual long MacGetLeftBorderSize() const ;
+ virtual long MacGetRightBorderSize() const ;
+ virtual long MacGetTopBorderSize() const ;
+ virtual long MacGetBottomBorderSize() const ;
+ static long MacRemoveBordersFromStyle( long style ) ;
+ virtual void MacSuperChangedPosition() ;
+ virtual void MacSuperShown( bool show ) ;
+ bool MacIsReallyShown() const ;
bool MacSetupFocusPort() ;
bool MacSetupDrawingPort() ;
bool MacSetupFocusClientPort() ;
bool MacSetupDrawingClientPort() ;
virtual bool MacSetPortFocusParams( const Point & localOrigin, const Rect & clipRect, WindowRef window , wxWindow* rootwin ) ;
virtual bool MacSetPortDrawingParams( const Point & localOrigin, const Rect & clipRect, WindowRef window , wxWindow* rootwin ) ;
virtual void MacGetPortParams(Point* localOrigin, Rect* clipRect, WindowRef *window , wxWindow** rootwin ) ;
virtual void MacGetPortClientParams(Point* localOrigin, Rect* clipRect, WindowRef *window , wxWindow** rootwin) ;
+ virtual void MacDoGetPortClientParams(Point* localOrigin, Rect* clipRect, WindowRef *window , wxWindow** rootwin) ;
MacWindowData* MacGetWindowData() { return m_macWindowData ; }
static WindowRef MacGetWindowInUpdate() { return s_macWindowInUpdate ; }
bool MacIsWindowScrollbar( const wxScrollBar* sb ) { return (m_hScrollBar == sb || m_vScrollBar == sb) ; }
virtual bool MacGetWindowFromPointSub( const wxPoint &point , wxWindow** outWin ) ;
MacWindowData* m_macWindowData ;
static WindowRef s_macWindowInUpdate ;
+ RgnHandle m_macUpdateRgn ;
+ bool m_macEraseOnRedraw ;
int m_x ;
int m_y ;
int sizeFlags = wxSIZE_AUTO);
virtual void DoSetClientSize(int width, int height);
- // get the size which best suits the window: e.g., for a static text it
- // will be the width and height of the text
- virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize();
// move the window to the specified location and resize it: this is called
// from both DoSetSize() and DoSetClientSize() and would usually just call
// ::MoveWindow() except for composite controls which will want to arrange
// common part of all ctors
void Init();
void wxAssociateWinWithMacWindow(WindowRef inWindow, wxWindow *win) ;
void wxRemoveMacWindowAssociation(wxWindow *win) ;
class wxMacFocusHelper
public :
GrafPtr m_currentPort ;
bool m_ok ;
} ;
class wxMacDrawingHelper
PenState m_savedPenState ;
bool m_ok ;
} ;
class wxMacFocusClientHelper
public :
GrafPtr m_currentPort ;
bool m_ok ;
} ;
class wxMacDrawingClientHelper
public :