- "To&ggle month selector style\tCtrl-G",
- "Use another style for the calendar controls",
- TRUE);
- menuCal->Append(Calendar_Cal_Month, "&Month can be changed\tCtrl-M",
- "Allow changing the month in the calendar",
- TRUE);
- menuCal->Append(Calendar_Cal_Year, "&Year can be changed\tCtrl-Y",
- "Allow changing the year in the calendar",
- TRUE);
+ _T("To&ggle month selector style\tCtrl-G"),
+ _T("Use another style for the calendar controls"),
+ true);
+ menuCal->Append(Calendar_Cal_Month, _T("&Month can be changed\tCtrl-M"),
+ _T("Allow changing the month in the calendar"),
+ true);
+ menuCal->Append(Calendar_Cal_Year, _T("&Year can be changed\tCtrl-Y"),
+ _T("Allow changing the year in the calendar"),
+ true);
+ menuCal->AppendSeparator();
+ menuCal->Append(Calendar_Cal_SetDate, _T("SetDate()"), _T("Set date to 2005-12-24."));
+ menuCal->Append(Calendar_Cal_Today, _T("Today()"), _T("Set the current date."));