-The contrib hierarchy
-When contributing a new class or set of classes, please
-organise your files in the following hierarchy, so that
-when a user unarchives your contribution, it
-slots neatly into the existing source hierarchy.
-It also simplifies compilation for users, since wxWidgets
-makefiles and project files are set up to search in
-contrib/include/wx and contrib/lib. For example, to
-include yourclass.h, the following directive is used:
-#include "wx/yourclass/yourclass.h"
-Here are the directories:
-contrib/include/wx/yourclass/ ; Your header(s) go here
-contrib/src/yourclass/ ; Your source file(s) go here
-contrib/samples/yourclass/ ; Your sample(s) go here
-contrib/docs/latex/yourclass/ ; Your Latex doc sources go here
-contrib/docs/html/yourclass/ ; Your HTML doc files go here
-contrib/docs/htmlhelp/yourclass/ ; Your MS HTML Help doc files go here
-contrib/docs/htb/yourclass/ ; Your wxHTML doc files go here
-contrib/docs/pdf/yourclass/ ; Your PDF doc files go here
-contrib/docs/winhelp/yourclass/ ; Your WinHelp doc files go here
-contrib/build/yourclass/ ; Your makefiles
-It is recommended that you produce a manual using Tex2RTF, as specified
-in Technical Note TN0003. This allows you to output all the above
-formats, though for PDF you will need Latex and Ghostscript or
-Word and Adobe Acrobat, and for MS HTML Help and WinHelp you need
-the appropriate (freely available) help compilers.
-Your binary library files can go in the main lib directory or contrib/lib,
-but the main lib directory is recommended.
-Please include a readme.txt in your source directory, and conform
-as much as possible to the coding guidelines specified on the web
-site in the 'Backroom' section. Include bakefile and generated makefiles
-(see Technote #16 for details).
+Also, in order to be included in wxWidgets, your code should
+follow the wxWidgets coding conventions
+(see http://www.wxwidgets.org/develop/standard.htm) and fit in the
+wxWidgets src, include, docs directories hierarchy.