+ return wxFrame::SetMenuBar( menu_bar ) ;
+void wxMDIChildFrame::MacActivate(long timestamp, bool activating)
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("MDI child=%p MacActivate(0x%08lx,%s)"),this,timestamp,activating?wxT("ACTIV"):wxT("deact"));
+ wxMDIParentFrame *mdiparent = wxDynamicCast(m_parent, wxMDIParentFrame);
+ wxASSERT(mdiparent);
+ if(activating)
+ {
+ if(s_macDeactivateWindow == m_parent)
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("parent had been scheduled for deactivation, rehighlighting"));
+ UMAHighlightAndActivateWindow((WindowRef)s_macDeactivateWindow->MacGetWindowRef(), true);
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("done highliting parent"));
+ s_macDeactivateWindow = NULL;
+ }
+ else if((mdiparent->m_currentChild==this) || !s_macDeactivateWindow)
+ mdiparent->wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp,activating);
+ if(mdiparent->m_currentChild && mdiparent->m_currentChild!=this)
+ mdiparent->m_currentChild->wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp,false);
+ mdiparent->m_currentChild = this;
+ if(s_macDeactivateWindow==this)
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("Avoided deactivation/activation of this=%p"),this);
+ s_macDeactivateWindow=NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp, activating);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We were scheduled for deactivation, and now we do it.
+ if(s_macDeactivateWindow==this)
+ {
+ s_macDeactivateWindow = NULL;
+ wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp,activating);
+ if(mdiparent->m_currentChild==this)
+ mdiparent->wxFrame::MacActivate(timestamp,activating);
+ }
+ else // schedule ourselves for deactivation
+ {
+ if(s_macDeactivateWindow)
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("window=%p SHOULD have been deactivated, oh well!"),s_macDeactivateWindow);
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("Scheduling delayed deactivation"));
+ s_macDeactivateWindow = this;
+ }
+ }