- /* get next code */
- readcode = code = getcode(ab_bits, ab_fin);
- /* end of image? */
- if (code == ab_fin) break;
- /* reset alphabet? */
- if (code == ab_clr)
- {
- /* reset main variables */
- ab_bits = bits + 1;
- ab_free = (1 << bits) + 2;
- ab_max = (1 << ab_bits) - 1;
- lastcode = -1;
- abcabca = -1;
- /* skip to next code */
- continue;
- }
- /* unknown code: special case (like in ABCABCA) */
- if (code >= ab_free)
- {
- code = lastcode; /* take last string */
- stack[pos++] = abcabca; /* add first character */
- }
- /* build the string for this code in the stack */
- while (code > ab_clr)
- {
- stack[pos++] = ab_tail[code];
- code = ab_prefix[code];
- }
- stack[pos] = code; /* push last code into the stack */
- abcabca = code; /* save for special case */
- /* make new entry in alphabet (only if NOT just cleared) */
- if (lastcode != -1)
- {
- ab_prefix[ab_free] = lastcode;
- ab_tail[ab_free] = code;
- ab_free++;
- if ((ab_free > ab_max) && (ab_bits < 12))
- {
- ab_bits++;
- ab_max = (1 << ab_bits) - 1;
- }
- }
- /* dump stack data to the buffer */
- while (pos >= 0)
- {
- (img->p)[x + (y * (img->w))] = (char)stack[pos--];
- if (++x >= (img->w))
- {
- x = 0;
- if (interl)
- {
- /* support for interlaced images */
- switch (pass)
- {
- case 1: y += 8; break;
- case 2: y += 8; break;
- case 3: y += 4; break;
- case 4: y += 2; break;
- }
- if (y >= (img->h))
- {
- switch (++pass)
- {
- case 2: y = 4; break;
- case 3: y = 2; break;
- case 4: y = 1; break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* non-interlaced */
- y++;
- }
- }
- }
- pos = 0;
- lastcode = readcode;
+ /* get next code */
+ readcode = code = getcode(ab_bits, ab_fin);
+ /* end of image? */
+ if (code == ab_fin) break;
+ /* reset alphabet? */
+ if (code == ab_clr)
+ {
+ /* reset main variables */
+ ab_bits = bits + 1;
+ ab_free = (1 << bits) + 2;
+ ab_max = (1 << ab_bits) - 1;
+ lastcode = -1;
+ abcabca = -1;
+ /* skip to next code */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* unknown code: special case (like in ABCABCA) */
+ if (code >= ab_free)
+ {
+ code = lastcode; /* take last string */
+ stack[pos++] = abcabca; /* add first character */
+ }
+ /* build the string for this code in the stack */
+ while (code > ab_clr)
+ {
+ stack[pos++] = ab_tail[code];
+ code = ab_prefix[code];
+ // Don't overflow. This shouldn't happen with normal
+ // GIF files, the allocSize of 4096+1 is enough. This
+ // will only happen with badly formed GIFs.
+ if (pos >= allocSize)
+ {
+ delete[] ab_prefix;
+ delete[] ab_tail;
+ delete[] stack;
+ return wxGIF_INVFORMAT;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pos >= allocSize)
+ {
+ delete[] ab_prefix;
+ delete[] ab_tail;
+ delete[] stack;
+ return wxGIF_INVFORMAT;
+ }
+ stack[pos] = code; /* push last code into the stack */
+ abcabca = code; /* save for special case */
+ /* make new entry in alphabet (only if NOT just cleared) */
+ if (lastcode != -1)
+ {
+ ab_prefix[ab_free] = lastcode;
+ ab_tail[ab_free] = code;
+ ab_free++;
+ if ((ab_free > ab_max) && (ab_bits < 12))
+ {
+ ab_bits++;
+ ab_max = (1 << ab_bits) - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* dump stack data to the image buffer */
+ while (pos >= 0)
+ {
+ (img->p)[x + (y * (img->w))] = (char) stack[pos];
+ pos--;
+ if (++x >= (img->w))
+ {
+ x = 0;
+ if (interl)
+ {
+ /* support for interlaced images */
+ switch (pass)
+ {
+ case 1: y += 8; break;
+ case 2: y += 8; break;
+ case 3: y += 4; break;
+ case 4: y += 2; break;
+ }
+ /* loop until a valid y coordinate has been
+ found, Or if the maximum number of passes has
+ been reached, exit the loop, and stop image
+ decoding (At this point the image is succesfully
+ decoded).
+ If we don't loop, but merely set y to some other
+ value, that new value might still be invalid depending
+ on the height of the image. This would cause out of
+ bounds writing.
+ */
+ while (y >= (img->h))
+ {
+ switch (++pass)
+ {
+ case 2: y = 4; break;
+ case 3: y = 2; break;
+ case 4: y = 1; break;
+ default:
+ /*
+ It's possible we arrive here. For example this
+ happens when the image is interlaced, and the
+ height is 1. Looking at the above cases, the
+ lowest possible y is 1. While the only valid
+ one would be 0 for an image of height 1. So
+ 'eventually' the loop will arrive here.
+ This case makes sure this while loop is
+ exited, as well as the 2 other ones.
+ */
+ // Set y to a valid coordinate so the local
+ // while loop will be exited. (y = 0 always
+ // is >= img->h since if img->h == 0 the
+ // image is never decoded)
+ y = 0;
+ // This will exit the other outer while loop
+ pos = -1;
+ // This will halt image decoding.
+ code = ab_fin;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* non-interlaced */
+ y++;
+Normally image decoding is finished when an End of Information code is
+encountered (code == ab_fin) however some broken encoders write wrong
+"block byte counts" (The first byte value after the "code size" byte),
+being one value too high. It might very well be possible other variants
+of this problem occur as well. The only sensible solution seems to
+be to check for clipping.
+Example of wrong encoding:
+(1 * 1 B/W image, raster data stream follows in hex bytes)
+02 << B/W images have a code size of 2
+02 << Block byte count
+44 << LZW packed
+00 << Zero byte count (terminates data stream)
+Because the block byte count is 2, the zero byte count is used in the
+decoding process, and decoding is continued after this byte. (While it
+should signal an end of image)
+It should be:
+01 << When decoded this correctly includes the End of Information code
+Or (Worse solution):
+(The 44 doesn't include an End of Information code, but at least the
+decoder correctly skips to 00 now after decoding, and signals this
+as an End of Information itself)
+ if (y >= img->h)
+ {
+ code = ab_fin;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pos = 0;
+ lastcode = readcode;