if pos == year2dig and unadjusted[year2dig] != newstr[year2dig]:
newpos = pos+2
+## dbg('queuing insertion point: (%d)' % newpos)
wx.CallAfter(self._SetInsertionPoint, newpos)
if match_field is not None:
newfield = self._FindField(newpos)
if newfield != field and newfield._selectOnFieldEntry:
+## dbg('queuing insertion point: (%d)' % newfield._extent[0])
+ wx.CallAfter(self._SetInsertionPoint, newfield._extent[0])
## dbg('queuing selection: (%d, %d)' % (newfield._extent[0], newfield._extent[1]))
wx.CallAfter(self._SetSelection, newfield._extent[0], newfield._extent[1])
## dbg('match found:', choice)
match = index
- else: dbg('choice: "%s" - no match' % choice)
+ else:
+## dbg('choice: "%s" - no match' % choice)
+ pass
if match is not None:
## dbg('matched', match)
old_right_signpos = text.find(')')
if field._allowInsert and not field._insertRight and sel_to <= end and sel_start >= start:
- # inserting within a left-insert-capable field
+## dbg('inserting within a left-insert-capable field')
field_len = end - start
before = text[start:sel_start]
after = text[sel_to:end].strip()
char = char.decode(self._defaultEncoding)
newtext = left + char + right
+#### dbg('left: "%s"' % left)
+#### dbg('right: "%s"' % right)
+#### dbg('newtext: "%s"' % newtext)
if self._signOk and self._useParens:
# Balance parentheses:
""" Handler for EVT_KILL_FOCUS event.
## dbg('MaskedEditMixin::_OnKillFocus', 'isDate=',self._isDate, indent=1)
+ if self.IsBeingDeleted() or self.GetParent().IsBeingDeleted():
+ return
if self._mask and self._IsEditable():
self._CheckValid() ## Call valid handler