-# This file was created automatically by SWIG.
+# This file was created automatically by SWIG 1.3.27.
# Don't modify this file, modify the SWIG interface instead.
import _misc_
GetFont = staticmethod(GetFont)
def GetMetric(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMetric(int index) -> int"""
+ """GetMetric(int index, Window win=None) -> int"""
return _misc_.SystemSettings_GetMetric(*args, **kwargs)
GetMetric = staticmethod(GetMetric)
return _misc_.SystemSettings_GetFont(*args, **kwargs)
def SystemSettings_GetMetric(*args, **kwargs):
- """SystemSettings_GetMetric(int index) -> int"""
+ """SystemSettings_GetMetric(int index, Window win=None) -> int"""
return _misc_.SystemSettings_GetMetric(*args, **kwargs)
def SystemSettings_HasFeature(*args, **kwargs):
return _misc_.SystemOptions_HasOption(*args, **kwargs)
HasOption = staticmethod(HasOption)
+ def IsFalse(*args, **kwargs):
+ """IsFalse(String name) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.SystemOptions_IsFalse(*args, **kwargs)
+ IsFalse = staticmethod(IsFalse)
class SystemOptionsPtr(SystemOptions):
def __init__(self, this):
"""SystemOptions_HasOption(String name) -> bool"""
return _misc_.SystemOptions_HasOption(*args, **kwargs)
+def SystemOptions_IsFalse(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SystemOptions_IsFalse(String name) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.SystemOptions_IsFalse(*args, **kwargs)
return _misc_.IsStockLabel(*args, **kwargs)
def GetStockLabel(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetStockLabel(int id) -> String"""
+ """GetStockLabel(int id, bool withCodes=True, String accelerator=EmptyString) -> String"""
return _misc_.GetStockLabel(*args, **kwargs)
def Bell(*args, **kwargs):
"""GetElapsedTime(bool resetTimer=True) -> long"""
return _misc_.GetElapsedTime(*args, **kwargs)
-def GetMousePosition(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetMousePosition() -> (x,y)"""
- return _misc_.GetMousePosition(*args, **kwargs)
def IsBusy(*args, **kwargs):
"""IsBusy() -> bool"""
return _misc_.IsBusy(*args, **kwargs)
return _misc_.GetOsDescription(*args, **kwargs)
def GetFreeMemory(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetFreeMemory() -> long"""
+ """GetFreeMemory() -> wxMemorySize"""
return _misc_.GetFreeMemory(*args, **kwargs)
return _misc_.MessageBox(*args, **kwargs)
-def GetNumberFromUser(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- GetNumberFromUser(String message, String prompt, String caption, long value,
- long min=0, long max=100, Window parent=None,
- Point pos=DefaultPosition) -> long
- """
- return _misc_.GetNumberFromUser(*args, **kwargs)
def ColourDisplay(*args, **kwargs):
"""ColourDisplay() -> bool"""
return _misc_.ColourDisplay(*args, **kwargs)
"""SetCursor(Cursor cursor)"""
return _misc_.SetCursor(*args, **kwargs)
+def GetXDisplay(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetXDisplay() -> void
+ Returns a swigified pointer to the X11 display. Returns None on
+ other platforms.
+ """
+ return _misc_.GetXDisplay(*args, **kwargs)
def BeginBusyCursor(*args, **kwargs):
"""BeginBusyCursor(Cursor cursor=wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR)"""
return _misc_.BeginBusyCursor(*args, **kwargs)
+def GetMousePosition(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetMousePosition() -> Point
+ Get the current mouse position on the screen.
+ """
+ return _misc_.GetMousePosition(*args, **kwargs)
+def FindWindowAtPointer(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ FindWindowAtPointer() -> Window
+ Returns the window currently under the mouse pointer, if it belongs to
+ this application. Otherwise it returns None.
+ """
+ return _misc_.FindWindowAtPointer(*args, **kwargs)
def GetActiveWindow(*args, **kwargs):
- """GetActiveWindow() -> Window"""
+ """
+ GetActiveWindow() -> Window
+ Get the currently active window of this application, or None
+ """
return _misc_.GetActiveWindow(*args, **kwargs)
def GenericFindWindowAtPoint(*args, **kwargs):
"""GetTopLevelParent(Window win) -> Window"""
return _misc_.GetTopLevelParent(*args, **kwargs)
+def LaunchDefaultBrowser(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ LaunchDefaultBrowser(String url) -> bool
+ Launches the user's default browser and tells it to open the location
+ at ``url``. Returns ``True`` if the application was successfully
+ launched.
+ """
+ return _misc_.LaunchDefaultBrowser(*args, **kwargs)
def GetKeyState(*args, **kwargs):
GetKeyState(int key) -> bool
Get the state of a key (true if pressed or toggled on, false if not.)
This is generally most useful getting the state of the modifier or
- toggle keys. On some platforms those may be the only keys that work.
+ toggle keys. On some platforms those may be the only keys that this
+ function is able to detect.
return _misc_.GetKeyState(*args, **kwargs)
+class MouseState(object):
+ """
+ `wx.MouseState` is used to hold information about mouse button and
+ modifier key states and is what is returned from `wx.GetMouseState`.
+ """
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxMouseState instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ __init__(self) -> MouseState
+ `wx.MouseState` is used to hold information about mouse button and
+ modifier key states and is what is returned from `wx.GetMouseState`.
+ """
+ newobj = _misc_.new_MouseState(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.this = newobj.this
+ self.thisown = 1
+ del newobj.thisown
+ def __del__(self, destroy=_misc_.delete_MouseState):
+ """__del__(self)"""
+ try:
+ if self.thisown: destroy(self)
+ except: pass
+ def GetX(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetX(self) -> int"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_GetX(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetY(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetY(self) -> int"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_GetY(*args, **kwargs)
+ def LeftDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """LeftDown(self) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_LeftDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def MiddleDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """MiddleDown(self) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_MiddleDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def RightDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """RightDown(self) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_RightDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ControlDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """ControlDown(self) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_ControlDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ShiftDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """ShiftDown(self) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_ShiftDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AltDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """AltDown(self) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_AltDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def MetaDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """MetaDown(self) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_MetaDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CmdDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CmdDown(self) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_CmdDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetX(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetX(self, int x)"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_SetX(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetY(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetY(self, int y)"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_SetY(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetLeftDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetLeftDown(self, bool down)"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_SetLeftDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetMiddleDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetMiddleDown(self, bool down)"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_SetMiddleDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetRightDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetRightDown(self, bool down)"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_SetRightDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetControlDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetControlDown(self, bool down)"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_SetControlDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetShiftDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetShiftDown(self, bool down)"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_SetShiftDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetAltDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetAltDown(self, bool down)"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_SetAltDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetMetaDown(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetMetaDown(self, bool down)"""
+ return _misc_.MouseState_SetMetaDown(*args, **kwargs)
+ x = property(GetX, SetX)
+ y = property(GetY, SetY)
+ leftDown = property(LeftDown, SetLeftDown)
+ middleDown = property(MiddleDown, SetMiddleDown)
+ rightDown = property(RightDown, SetRightDown)
+ controlDown = property(ControlDown, SetControlDown)
+ shiftDown = property(ShiftDown, SetShiftDown)
+ altDown = property(AltDown, SetAltDown)
+ metaDown = property(MetaDown, SetMetaDown)
+ cmdDown = property(CmdDown)
+class MouseStatePtr(MouseState):
+ def __init__(self, this):
+ self.this = this
+ if not hasattr(self,"thisown"): self.thisown = 0
+ self.__class__ = MouseState
+FileSelectorPromptStr = cvar.FileSelectorPromptStr
+FileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr = cvar.FileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr
+DirSelectorPromptStr = cvar.DirSelectorPromptStr
+def GetMouseState(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetMouseState() -> MouseState
+ Returns the current state of the mouse. Returns an instance of a
+ `wx.MouseState` object that contains the current position of the mouse
+ pointer in screen coordinants, as well as boolean values indicating
+ the up/down status of the mouse buttons and the modifier keys.
+ """
+ return _misc_.GetMouseState(*args, **kwargs)
def WakeUpMainThread(*args, **kwargs):
if not hasattr(self,"thisown"): self.thisown = 0
self.__class__ = MutexGuiLocker
-FileSelectorPromptStr = cvar.FileSelectorPromptStr
-FileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr = cvar.FileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr
-DirSelectorPromptStr = cvar.DirSelectorPromptStr
def Thread_IsMain(*args, **kwargs):
self.this = newobj.this
self.thisown = 1
del newobj.thisown
+ def __del__(self, destroy=_misc_.delete_ToolTip):
+ """__del__(self)"""
+ try:
+ if self.thisown: destroy(self)
+ except: pass
def SetTip(*args, **kwargs):
"""SetTip(self, String tip)"""
return _misc_.ToolTip_SetTip(*args, **kwargs)
if self.thisown: destroy(self)
except: pass
+ def Destroy(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Destroy(self)
+ Deletes the C++ object this Python object is a proxy for.
+ """
+ val = _misc_.Caret_Destroy(*args, **kwargs)
+ args[0].thisown = 0
+ return val
def IsOk(*args, **kwargs):
"""IsOk(self) -> bool"""
return _misc_.Caret_IsOk(*args, **kwargs)
return _misc_.Caret_Hide(*args, **kwargs)
def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsOk()
+ def GetBlinkTime(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetBlinkTime() -> int"""
+ return _misc_.Caret_GetBlinkTime(*args, **kwargs)
+ GetBlinkTime = staticmethod(GetBlinkTime)
+ def SetBlinkTime(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetBlinkTime(int milliseconds)"""
+ return _misc_.Caret_SetBlinkTime(*args, **kwargs)
+ SetBlinkTime = staticmethod(SetBlinkTime)
class CaretPtr(Caret):
def __init__(self, this):
self.__class__ = Caret
def Caret_GetBlinkTime(*args, **kwargs):
"""Caret_GetBlinkTime() -> int"""
return _misc_.Caret_GetBlinkTime(*args, **kwargs)
def Caret_SetBlinkTime(*args, **kwargs):
"""Caret_SetBlinkTime(int milliseconds)"""
return _misc_.Caret_SetBlinkTime(*args, **kwargs)
class BusyCursor(object):
"""Proxy of C++ BusyCursor class"""
def __repr__(self):
val.thisown = 1
return val
+def DrawWindowOnDC(*args, **kwargs):
+ """DrawWindowOnDC(Window window, DC dc) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.DrawWindowOnDC(*args, **kwargs)
class TipProvider(object):
return _misc_.Timer_Stop(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Notify(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Notify(self)"""
+ return _misc_.Timer_Notify(*args, **kwargs)
def IsRunning(*args, **kwargs):
"""IsRunning(self) -> bool"""
return _misc_.Timer_IsRunning(*args, **kwargs)
"""GetId(self) -> int"""
return _misc_.Timer_GetId(*args, **kwargs)
- def Destroy():
+ def Destroy(self):
"""NO-OP: Timers must be destroyed by normal refrence counting"""
self.this = newobj.this
self.thisown = 1
del newobj.thisown
+ def __del__(self, destroy=_misc_.delete_Log):
+ """__del__(self)"""
+ try:
+ if self.thisown: destroy(self)
+ except: pass
def IsEnabled(*args, **kwargs):
"""IsEnabled() -> bool"""
return _misc_.Log_IsEnabled(*args, **kwargs)
TimeStamp = staticmethod(TimeStamp)
def Destroy(*args, **kwargs):
- return _misc_.Log_Destroy(*args, **kwargs)
+ val = _misc_.Log_Destroy(*args, **kwargs)
+ args[0].thisown = 0
+ return val
class LogPtr(Log):
self.__class__ = LogChain
+class LogBuffer(Log):
+ """Proxy of C++ LogBuffer class"""
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s.%s; proxy of C++ wxLogBuffer instance at %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.this,)
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self) -> LogBuffer"""
+ newobj = _misc_.new_LogBuffer(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.this = newobj.this
+ self.thisown = 1
+ del newobj.thisown
+ def GetBuffer(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetBuffer(self) -> String"""
+ return _misc_.LogBuffer_GetBuffer(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Flush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Flush(self)"""
+ return _misc_.LogBuffer_Flush(*args, **kwargs)
+class LogBufferPtr(LogBuffer):
+ def __init__(self, this):
+ self.this = this
+ if not hasattr(self,"thisown"): self.thisown = 0
+ self.__class__ = LogBuffer
def SysErrorCode(*args, **kwargs):
"""SysErrorCode() -> unsigned long"""
"""_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class)"""
return _misc_.Process__setCallbackInfo(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_OnTerminate(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnTerminate(self, int pid, int status)"""
- return _misc_.Process_base_OnTerminate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnTerminate(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnTerminate(self, int pid, int status)"""
+ return _misc_.Process_OnTerminate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def base_OnTerminate(*args, **kw):
+ return Process.OnTerminate(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnTerminate = wx._deprecated(base_OnTerminate,
+ "Please use Process.OnTerminate instead.")
def Redirect(*args, **kwargs):
del newobj.thisown
self._setCallbackInfo(self, ArtProvider)
+ def __del__(self, destroy=_misc_.delete_ArtProvider):
+ """__del__(self)"""
+ try:
+ if self.thisown: destroy(self)
+ except: pass
def _setCallbackInfo(*args, **kwargs):
"""_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class)"""
return _misc_.ArtProvider__setCallbackInfo(*args, **kwargs)
Remove provider. The provider must have been added previously! The
provider is _not_ deleted.
- return _misc_.ArtProvider_RemoveProvider(*args, **kwargs)
+ val = _misc_.ArtProvider_RemoveProvider(*args, **kwargs)
+ args[1].thisown = 1
+ return val
RemoveProvider = staticmethod(RemoveProvider)
def GetBitmap(*args, **kwargs):
return _misc_.ArtProvider_GetIcon(*args, **kwargs)
GetIcon = staticmethod(GetIcon)
+ def GetSizeHint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetSizeHint(String client, bool platform_dependent=False) -> Size
+ Get the size hint of an icon from a specific Art Client, queries the
+ topmost provider if platform_dependent = false
+ """
+ return _misc_.ArtProvider_GetSizeHint(*args, **kwargs)
+ GetSizeHint = staticmethod(GetSizeHint)
def Destroy(*args, **kwargs):
- return _misc_.ArtProvider_Destroy(*args, **kwargs)
+ val = _misc_.ArtProvider_Destroy(*args, **kwargs)
+ args[0].thisown = 0
+ return val
class ArtProviderPtr(ArtProvider):
def ArtProvider_PushProvider(*args, **kwargs):
Remove provider. The provider must have been added previously! The
provider is _not_ deleted.
- return _misc_.ArtProvider_RemoveProvider(*args, **kwargs)
+ val = _misc_.ArtProvider_RemoveProvider(*args, **kwargs)
+ args[1].thisown = 1
+ return val
def ArtProvider_GetBitmap(*args, **kwargs):
return _misc_.ArtProvider_GetIcon(*args, **kwargs)
+def ArtProvider_GetSizeHint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ArtProvider_GetSizeHint(String client, bool platform_dependent=False) -> Size
+ Get the size hint of an icon from a specific Art Client, queries the
+ topmost provider if platform_dependent = false
+ """
+ return _misc_.ArtProvider_GetSizeHint(*args, **kwargs)
"""MakeTimezone(self, wxDateTime::TimeZone tz, bool noDST=False) -> DateTime"""
return _misc_.DateTime_MakeTimezone(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FromTimezone(*args, **kwargs):
+ """FromTimezone(self, wxDateTime::TimeZone tz, bool noDST=False) -> DateTime"""
+ return _misc_.DateTime_FromTimezone(*args, **kwargs)
+ def MakeFromTimezone(*args, **kwargs):
+ """MakeFromTimezone(self, wxDateTime::TimeZone tz, bool noDST=False) -> DateTime"""
+ return _misc_.DateTime_MakeFromTimezone(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ToUTC(*args, **kwargs):
+ """ToUTC(self, bool noDST=False) -> DateTime"""
+ return _misc_.DateTime_ToUTC(*args, **kwargs)
+ def MakeUTC(*args, **kwargs):
+ """MakeUTC(self, bool noDST=False) -> DateTime"""
+ return _misc_.DateTime_MakeUTC(*args, **kwargs)
def ToGMT(*args, **kwargs):
"""ToGMT(self, bool noDST=False) -> DateTime"""
return _misc_.DateTime_ToGMT(*args, **kwargs)
"""MakeGMT(self, bool noDST=False) -> DateTime"""
return _misc_.DateTime_MakeGMT(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FromUTC(*args, **kwargs):
+ """FromUTC(self, bool noDST=False) -> DateTime"""
+ return _misc_.DateTime_FromUTC(*args, **kwargs)
+ def MakeFromUTC(*args, **kwargs):
+ """MakeFromUTC(self, bool noDST=False) -> DateTime"""
+ return _misc_.DateTime_MakeFromUTC(*args, **kwargs)
def IsDST(*args, **kwargs):
"""IsDST(self, int country=Country_Default) -> int"""
return _misc_.DateTime_IsDST(*args, **kwargs)
return _misc_.DateTime___sub__(*args)
- def __lt__(*args):
+ def __lt__(*args, **kwargs):
"""__lt__(self, DateTime other) -> bool"""
- return _misc_.DateTime___lt__(*args)
+ return _misc_.DateTime___lt__(*args, **kwargs)
- def __le__(*args):
+ def __le__(*args, **kwargs):
"""__le__(self, DateTime other) -> bool"""
- return _misc_.DateTime___le__(*args)
+ return _misc_.DateTime___le__(*args, **kwargs)
- def __gt__(*args):
+ def __gt__(*args, **kwargs):
"""__gt__(self, DateTime other) -> bool"""
- return _misc_.DateTime___gt__(*args)
+ return _misc_.DateTime___gt__(*args, **kwargs)
- def __ge__(*args):
+ def __ge__(*args, **kwargs):
"""__ge__(self, DateTime other) -> bool"""
- return _misc_.DateTime___ge__(*args)
+ return _misc_.DateTime___ge__(*args, **kwargs)
- def __eq__(*args):
+ def __eq__(*args, **kwargs):
"""__eq__(self, DateTime other) -> bool"""
- return _misc_.DateTime___eq__(*args)
+ return _misc_.DateTime___eq__(*args, **kwargs)
- def __ne__(*args):
+ def __ne__(*args, **kwargs):
"""__ne__(self, DateTime other) -> bool"""
- return _misc_.DateTime___ne__(*args)
+ return _misc_.DateTime___ne__(*args, **kwargs)
def ParseRfc822Date(*args, **kwargs):
"""ParseRfc822Date(self, String date) -> int"""
def __repr__(self):
if self.IsValid():
- return '<wx.DateTime: \"%s\" at %s>' % ( self.Format(), self.this)
+ f = self.Format().encode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
+ return '<wx.DateTime: \"%s\" at %s>' % ( f, self.this)
return '<wx.DateTime: \"INVALID\" at %s>' % self.this
def __str__(self):
if self.IsValid():
- return self.Format()
+ return self.Format().encode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
return "INVALID DateTime"
return _misc_.TimeSpan_Format(*args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
- return '<wx.TimeSpan: \"%s\" at %s>' % ( self.Format(), self.this)
+ f = self.Format().encode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
+ return '<wx.TimeSpan: \"%s\" at %s>' % ( f, self.this)
def __str__(self):
- return self.Format()
+ return self.Format().encode(wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding())
class TimeSpanPtr(TimeSpan):
GetDataHere(self, DataFormat format) -> String
Get the data bytes in the specified format, returns None on failure.
return _misc_.DataObject_GetDataHere(*args, **kwargs)
self.__class__ = CustomDataObject
-class URLDataObject(DataObjectComposite):
+class URLDataObject(DataObject):
This data object holds a URL in a format that is compatible with some
browsers such that it is able to be dragged to or from them.
"""DoDragDrop(self, int flags=Drag_CopyOnly) -> int"""
return _misc_.DropSource_DoDragDrop(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_GiveFeedback(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_GiveFeedback(self, int effect) -> bool"""
- return _misc_.DropSource_base_GiveFeedback(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GiveFeedback(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GiveFeedback(self, int effect) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.DropSource_GiveFeedback(*args, **kwargs)
+ def base_GiveFeedback(*args, **kw):
+ return DropSource.GiveFeedback(*args, **kw)
+ base_GiveFeedback = wx._deprecated(base_GiveFeedback,
+ "Please use DropSource.GiveFeedback instead.")
class DropSourcePtr(DropSource):
self.__class__ = DropSource
+def DROP_ICON(filename):
+ """
+ Returns either a `wx.Cursor` or `wx.Icon` created from the image file
+ ``filename``. This function is useful with the `wx.DropSource` class
+ which, depending on platform accepts either a icon or a cursor.
+ """
+ img = wx.Image(filename)
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXGTK__':
+ return wx.IconFromBitmap(wx.BitmapFromImage(img))
+ else:
+ return wx.CursorFromImage(img)
class DropTarget(object):
"""Proxy of C++ DropTarget class"""
def __repr__(self):
"""SetDataObject(self, DataObject dataObject)"""
return _misc_.DropTarget_SetDataObject(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_OnEnter(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnEnter(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
- return _misc_.DropTarget_base_OnEnter(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnEnter(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnEnter(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
+ return _misc_.DropTarget_OnEnter(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnDragOver(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
- return _misc_.DropTarget_base_OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnDragOver(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
+ return _misc_.DropTarget_OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_OnLeave(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnLeave(self)"""
- return _misc_.DropTarget_base_OnLeave(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnLeave(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnLeave(self)"""
+ return _misc_.DropTarget_OnLeave(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_OnDrop(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnDrop(self, int x, int y) -> bool"""
- return _misc_.DropTarget_base_OnDrop(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnDrop(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnDrop(self, int x, int y) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.DropTarget_OnDrop(*args, **kwargs)
+ def base_OnEnter(*args, **kw):
+ return DropTarget.OnEnter(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnEnter = wx._deprecated(base_OnEnter,
+ "Please use DropTarget.OnEnter instead.")
+ def base_OnDragOver(*args, **kw):
+ return DropTarget.OnDragOver(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnDragOver = wx._deprecated(base_OnDragOver,
+ "Please use DropTarget.OnDragOver instead.")
+ def base_OnLeave(*args, **kw):
+ return DropTarget.OnLeave(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnLeave = wx._deprecated(base_OnLeave,
+ "Please use DropTarget.OnLeave instead.")
+ def base_OnDrop(*args, **kw):
+ return DropTarget.OnDrop(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnDrop = wx._deprecated(base_OnDrop,
+ "Please use DropTarget.OnDrop instead.")
def GetData(*args, **kwargs):
"""GetData(self) -> bool"""
return _misc_.DropTarget_GetData(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetDefaultAction(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetDefaultAction(self, int action)"""
+ return _misc_.DropTarget_SetDefaultAction(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetDefaultAction(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetDefaultAction(self) -> int"""
+ return _misc_.DropTarget_GetDefaultAction(*args, **kwargs)
class DropTargetPtr(DropTarget):
def __init__(self, this):
"""_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class)"""
return _misc_.TextDropTarget__setCallbackInfo(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_OnEnter(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnEnter(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
- return _misc_.TextDropTarget_base_OnEnter(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnDropText(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnDropText(self, int x, int y, String text) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.TextDropTarget_OnDropText(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnEnter(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnEnter(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
+ return _misc_.TextDropTarget_OnEnter(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnDragOver(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
+ return _misc_.TextDropTarget_OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnLeave(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnLeave(self)"""
+ return _misc_.TextDropTarget_OnLeave(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnDrop(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnDrop(self, int x, int y) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.TextDropTarget_OnDrop(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnData(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnData(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
+ return _misc_.TextDropTarget_OnData(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnDragOver(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
- return _misc_.TextDropTarget_base_OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs)
+ def base_OnDropText(*args, **kw):
+ return TextDropTarget.OnDropText(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnDropText = wx._deprecated(base_OnDropText,
+ "Please use TextDropTarget.OnDropText instead.")
- def base_OnLeave(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnLeave(self)"""
- return _misc_.TextDropTarget_base_OnLeave(*args, **kwargs)
+ def base_OnEnter(*args, **kw):
+ return TextDropTarget.OnEnter(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnEnter = wx._deprecated(base_OnEnter,
+ "Please use TextDropTarget.OnEnter instead.")
- def base_OnDrop(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnDrop(self, int x, int y) -> bool"""
- return _misc_.TextDropTarget_base_OnDrop(*args, **kwargs)
+ def base_OnDragOver(*args, **kw):
+ return TextDropTarget.OnDragOver(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnDragOver = wx._deprecated(base_OnDragOver,
+ "Please use TextDropTarget.OnDragOver instead.")
- def base_OnData(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnData(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
- return _misc_.TextDropTarget_base_OnData(*args, **kwargs)
+ def base_OnLeave(*args, **kw):
+ return TextDropTarget.OnLeave(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnLeave = wx._deprecated(base_OnLeave,
+ "Please use TextDropTarget.OnLeave instead.")
+ def base_OnDrop(*args, **kw):
+ return TextDropTarget.OnDrop(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnDrop = wx._deprecated(base_OnDrop,
+ "Please use TextDropTarget.OnDrop instead.")
+ def base_OnData(*args, **kw):
+ return TextDropTarget.OnData(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnData = wx._deprecated(base_OnData,
+ "Please use TextDropTarget.OnData instead.")
class TextDropTargetPtr(TextDropTarget):
"""_setCallbackInfo(self, PyObject self, PyObject _class)"""
return _misc_.FileDropTarget__setCallbackInfo(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_OnEnter(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnEnter(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
- return _misc_.FileDropTarget_base_OnEnter(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnDropFiles(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnDropFiles(self, int x, int y, wxArrayString filenames) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.FileDropTarget_OnDropFiles(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnEnter(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnEnter(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
+ return _misc_.FileDropTarget_OnEnter(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnDragOver(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
+ return _misc_.FileDropTarget_OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnLeave(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnLeave(self)"""
+ return _misc_.FileDropTarget_OnLeave(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnDragOver(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
- return _misc_.FileDropTarget_base_OnDragOver(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnDrop(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnDrop(self, int x, int y) -> bool"""
+ return _misc_.FileDropTarget_OnDrop(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_OnLeave(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnLeave(self)"""
- return _misc_.FileDropTarget_base_OnLeave(*args, **kwargs)
+ def OnData(*args, **kwargs):
+ """OnData(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
+ return _misc_.FileDropTarget_OnData(*args, **kwargs)
- def base_OnDrop(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnDrop(self, int x, int y) -> bool"""
- return _misc_.FileDropTarget_base_OnDrop(*args, **kwargs)
+ def base_OnDropFiles(*args, **kw):
+ return FileDropTarget.OnDropFiles(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnDropFiles = wx._deprecated(base_OnDropFiles,
+ "Please use FileDropTarget.OnDropFiles instead.")
- def base_OnData(*args, **kwargs):
- """base_OnData(self, int x, int y, int def) -> int"""
- return _misc_.FileDropTarget_base_OnData(*args, **kwargs)
+ def base_OnEnter(*args, **kw):
+ return FileDropTarget.OnEnter(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnEnter = wx._deprecated(base_OnEnter,
+ "Please use FileDropTarget.OnEnter instead.")
+ def base_OnDragOver(*args, **kw):
+ return FileDropTarget.OnDragOver(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnDragOver = wx._deprecated(base_OnDragOver,
+ "Please use FileDropTarget.OnDragOver instead.")
+ def base_OnLeave(*args, **kw):
+ return FileDropTarget.OnLeave(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnLeave = wx._deprecated(base_OnLeave,
+ "Please use FileDropTarget.OnLeave instead.")
+ def base_OnDrop(*args, **kw):
+ return FileDropTarget.OnDrop(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnDrop = wx._deprecated(base_OnDrop,
+ "Please use FileDropTarget.OnDrop instead.")
+ def base_OnData(*args, **kw):
+ return FileDropTarget.OnData(*args, **kw)
+ base_OnData = wx._deprecated(base_OnData,
+ "Please use FileDropTarget.OnData instead.")
class FileDropTargetPtr(FileDropTarget):
self._instance = None
def _checkInstance(self):
if self._instance is None:
- self._instance = self._initfunc(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
+ if wx.GetApp():
+ self._instance = self._initfunc(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._instance, name)
return _misc_.StandardPaths_Get(*args, **kwargs)