+cd %dest
+rem Unzip the Windows files into 'wx'
+mkdir %dest\wx
+Rem After this change of directory, we're in the
+Rem temporary 'wx' directory and not acting on
+Rem the source wxWindows directory.
+cd %dest\wx
+unzip32 -o ..\wx%version%_msw.zip
+unzip32 -o ..\wx%version%_gen.zip
+unzip32 -o ..\wx%version%_vc.zip
+unzip32 -o ..\wx%version%_bc.zip
+unzip32 -o ..\wx%version%_hlp.zip
+Rem Need Word file, for Remstar DB classes
+unzip32 -o ..\wx%version%_wrd.zip
+unzip32 -o ..\glcanvas.zip
+unzip32 -o ..\treedraw.zip
+unzip32 -o ..\ogl3.zip
+unzip32 -o ..\jpeg.zip
+unzip32 -o ..\tiff.zip
+unzip32 -o ..\tex2rtf2.zip
+rem Now delete a few files that are unnecessary
+erase /Y *.in *.spec *.guess *.sub mkinstalldirs modules install-sh *.sh
+erase /SY Makefile.in
+rem erase /Y docs\pdf\ogl.pdf
+rem deltree /Y docs\html\ogl
+rem Now copy some binary files to 'bin'
+if not isdir bin mkdir bin
+copy %src\bin\dialoged.exe bin
+copy %src\docs\winhelp\dialoged.hlp %src\docs\winhelp\dialoged.cnt bin
+rem Time to regenerate the WISE install script, wxwin2.wse.
+rem NB: if you've changed wxwin2.wse using WISE, call splitwise.exe
+rem from within distrib\msw, to split off wisetop.txt and wisebott.txt.
+echo Calling 'makewise' to generate wxwin2.wse...
+call %WXWIN\distrib\msw\makewise.bat
+erase /Y *setup.*
+rem Now invoke WISE install on the new wxwin2.wse
+set wisecmd="c:\Program Files\wise\wise32.exe" /C %WXWIN\distrib\msw\wxwin2.wse
+echo Invoking %wisecmd...
+start /w %wisecmd
+Rem ren %WXWIN\deliver\setup.EXE %WXWIN\deliver\setup_%version%.exe