also specifies a subdirectory on the master for logs, which as usual
must be unique across all slaves.
- An extra build step <setup> is required after <checkout> to set up
- prerequisites such as ccache and cppunit. Cppunit generally needs to be
- compiled by the same compiler that will be used for wxWidgets, add
- configure options using the 'cppunit-options' attribute when needed, e.g.:
+ An extra build step <setup> can be used after <checkout> to set up ccache
+ and cppunit. Cppunit generally needs to be compiled by the same compiler
+ that will be used for wxWidgets, add configure options using the
+ 'cppunit-options' attribute when needed, e.g.:
<setup cppunit-options="CC=cc CXX=CC"/>
Cross compilers available on the Linux x86 machines (more coming):
+ i386-mingw32 (with cppunit installed under $HOME/opt/mingw345)
+ i686-pc-cygwin (with cppunit, x11, motif and gtk)
Please limit the number of quick builds to one unix, one Windows and one
Mac per branch. And please don't load up all the cpus of a remote machine
at once with make -j.
+ Unix Quick Builds
<name>Linux x86_64 wxGTK Trunk</name>
+ Mac Quick Builds
- <name>OSX PowerPC wxMac Trunk</name>
+ <name>OSX 10.4 PowerPC wxMac Trunk</name>
- <name>OSX Intel wxMac Stable</name>
+ <name>OSX 10.4 Intel wxMac Stable</name>
+ Windows Quick Builds
+ <name>MinGW32 wxMSW Trunk</name>
+ <sandbox></sandbox>
+ <builddir>/tmp/wx/td_msw</builddir>
+ <scheduler>trunk_quick</scheduler>
+ <steps>
+ <checkout/>
+ <configure options="--host=i386-mingw32 --with-cppunit-prefix=$HOME/opt/mingw345"/>
+ <compile/>
+ <compile-samples/>
+ <compile-utils/>
+ <compile-tests/>
+ </steps>
+ <name>MinGW32 wxMSW Stable</name>
+ <sandbox></sandbox>
+ <builddir>/tmp/wx/td_msw_stable</builddir>
+ <scheduler>stable_quick</scheduler>
+ <steps>
+ <checkout branch="{$STABLE_BRANCH}"/>
+ <configure options="--host=i386-mingw32 --with-cppunit-prefix=$HOME/opt/mingw345"/>
+ <compile/>
+ <compile-samples/>
+ <compile-utils/>
+ <compile-contrib/>
+ <compile-tests/>
+ </steps>
+ Daily builds
+ <name>FreeBSD x86 wxX11 Trunk</name>
+ <sandbox></sandbox>
+ <builddir>/tmp/wx/td_freebsd</builddir>
+ <scheduler>daily_6am</scheduler>
+ <steps>
+ <checkout/>
+ <setup/>
+ <configure options="--with-x11 --disable-unicode"/>
+ <compile/>
+ <compile-samples/>
+ <compile-utils/>
+ <compile-tests/>
+ <run-tests/>
+ </steps>
<name>FreeBSD x86 wxX11 Stable</name>