EVT_MENU( ID_VTABLE, GridFrame::OnVTable)
EVT_MENU( ID_BUGS_TABLE, GridFrame::OnBugsTable)
EVT_MENU( ID_SMALL_GRID, GridFrame::OnSmallGrid)
+ EVT_MENU( ID_TABULAR_GRID, GridFrame::OnTabularGrid)
EVT_MENU( ID_DESELECT_CELL, GridFrame::DeselectCell)
EVT_MENU( ID_DESELECT_COL, GridFrame::DeselectCol)
EVT_MENU( ID_SELECT_UNSELECT, GridFrame::OnAddToSelectToggle)
EVT_MENU( ID_SHOW_SELECTION, GridFrame::OnShowSelection)
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SIZE_ROW, GridFrame::AutoSizeRow )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SIZE_COL, GridFrame::AutoSizeCol )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SIZE_ROW_LABEL, GridFrame::AutoSizeRowLabel )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SIZE_COL_LABEL, GridFrame::AutoSizeColLabel )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SIZE_LABELS_COL, GridFrame::AutoSizeLabelsCol )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SIZE_LABELS_ROW, GridFrame::AutoSizeLabelsRow )
+ EVT_MENU( ID_SIZE_GRID, GridFrame::AutoSizeTable )
EVT_MENU( ID_SET_HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH, GridFrame::OnSetHighlightWidth)
fileMenu->Append( ID_VTABLE, _T("&Virtual table test\tCtrl-V"));
fileMenu->Append( ID_BUGS_TABLE, _T("&Bugs table test\tCtrl-B"));
fileMenu->Append( ID_SMALL_GRID, _T("&Small Grid test\tCtrl-S"));
+ fileMenu->Append( ID_TABULAR_GRID, _T("&Tabular Grid test\tCtrl-T"));
fileMenu->Append( wxID_EXIT, _T("E&xit\tAlt-X") );
selectionMenu->Append( ID_SELROWS, _T("Select &Rows") );
selectionMenu->Append( ID_SELCOLS, _T("Select C&ols") );
+ wxMenu *autosizeMenu = new wxMenu;
+ autosizeMenu->Append( ID_SIZE_ROW, _T("Selected &row data") );
+ autosizeMenu->Append( ID_SIZE_COL, _T("Selected &column data") );
+ autosizeMenu->Append( ID_SIZE_ROW_LABEL, _T("Selected row la&bel") );
+ autosizeMenu->Append( ID_SIZE_COL_LABEL, _T("Selected column &label") );
+ autosizeMenu->Append( ID_SIZE_LABELS_COL, _T("Column la&bels") );
+ autosizeMenu->Append( ID_SIZE_LABELS_ROW, _T("Row label&s") );
+ autosizeMenu->Append( ID_SIZE_GRID, _T("Entire &grid") );
wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu;
helpMenu->Append( wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About wxGrid demo") );
menuBar->Append( colMenu, _T("&Colours") );
menuBar->Append( editMenu, _T("&Edit") );
menuBar->Append( selectMenu, _T("&Select") );
+ menuBar->Append( autosizeMenu, _T("&Autosize") );
menuBar->Append( helpMenu, _T("&Help") );
SetMenuBar( menuBar );
logger = new wxLogTextCtrl( logWin );
m_logOld = wxLog::SetActiveTarget( logger );
- wxLog::SetTimestamp( NULL );
+ wxLog::DisableTimestamp();
#endif // wxUSE_LOG
// this will create a grid and, by default, an associated grid
grid->SetCellAlignment(4, 4, wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
grid->SetCellRenderer(4, 4, new MyGridCellRenderer);
- grid->SetCellValue(3, 0, _T("0"));
grid->SetCellRenderer(3, 0, new wxGridCellBoolRenderer);
grid->SetCellEditor(3, 0, new wxGridCellBoolEditor);
grid->SetCellAlignment(7, 1, wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
grid->SetCellValue(7, 1, _T("Big box!"));
+ // this does exactly nothing except testing that SetAttr() handles NULL
+ // attributes and does reference counting correctly
+ grid->SetAttr(11, 11, NULL);
+ grid->SetAttr(11, 11, new wxGridCellAttr);
+ grid->SetAttr(11, 11, NULL);
wxBoxSizer *topSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
topSizer->Add( grid,
#endif // wxUSE_LOG
- SetAutoLayout(true);
- SetSizer( topSizer );
- topSizer->Fit( this );
+ SetSizerAndFit( topSizer );
if ( grid->IsSelection() )
- grid->BeginBatch();
+ wxGridUpdateLocker locker(grid);
for ( int n = 0; n < grid->GetNumberRows(); )
if ( grid->IsInSelection( n , 0 ) )
- grid->EndBatch();
+void GridFrame::AutoSizeRow(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxGridUpdateLocker locker(grid);
+ const wxArrayInt sels = grid->GetSelectedRows();
+ for ( size_t n = 0, count = sels.size(); n < count; n++ )
+ {
+ grid->AutoSizeRow( sels[n], false );
+ }
+void GridFrame::AutoSizeCol(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxGridUpdateLocker locker(grid);
+ const wxArrayInt sels = grid->GetSelectedCols();
+ for ( size_t n = 0, count = sels.size(); n < count; n++ )
+ {
+ grid->AutoSizeColumn( sels[n], false );
+ }
+void GridFrame::AutoSizeRowLabel(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxGridUpdateLocker locker(grid);
+ const wxArrayInt sels = grid->GetSelectedRows();
+ for ( size_t n = 0, count = sels.size(); n < count; n++ )
+ {
+ grid->AutoSizeRowLabelSize( sels[n] );
+ }
+void GridFrame::AutoSizeColLabel(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxGridUpdateLocker locker(grid);
+ const wxArrayInt sels = grid->GetSelectedCols();
+ for ( size_t n = 0, count = sels.size(); n < count; n++ )
+ {
+ grid->AutoSizeColLabelSize( sels[n] );
+ }
+void GridFrame::AutoSizeLabelsCol(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ grid->SetColLabelSize( wxGRID_AUTOSIZE );
+void GridFrame::AutoSizeLabelsRow(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ grid->SetRowLabelSize( wxGRID_AUTOSIZE );
+void GridFrame::AutoSizeTable(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ grid->AutoSize();
void GridFrame::DeleteSelectedCols( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(ev) )
if ( grid->IsSelection() )
- grid->BeginBatch();
+ wxGridUpdateLocker locker(grid);
for ( int n = 0; n < grid->GetNumberCols(); )
if ( grid->IsInSelection( 0 , n ) )
- grid->EndBatch();
single = _T("column");
- const wxArrayInt sels(rows ? grid->GetSelectedRows()
- : grid->GetSelectedCols());
+ const wxArrayInt sels((const wxArrayInt)(rows ? grid->GetSelectedRows()
+ : grid->GetSelectedCols()));
size_t count = sels.size();
wxLogMessage(_T("%lu %s selected:"),
(unsigned long)count, plural);
int row = ev.GetRow(),
col = ev.GetCol();
- wxString value = grid->GetCellValue(row, col);
wxLogMessage(_T("Value changed for cell at row %d, col %d: now \"%s\""),
- row, col, (const wxChar*) value);
+ row, col, grid->GetCellValue(row, col).c_str());
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MyGridCellAttrProvider
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ m_attrForOddRows = new wxGridCellAttr;
+ m_attrForOddRows->SetBackgroundColour(*wxLIGHT_GREY);
+ m_attrForOddRows->DecRef();
+wxGridCellAttr *MyGridCellAttrProvider::GetAttr(int row, int col,
+ wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind kind /* = wxGridCellAttr::Any */) const
+ wxGridCellAttr *attr = wxGridCellAttrProvider::GetAttr(row, col, kind);
+ if ( row % 2 )
+ {
+ if ( !attr )
+ {
+ attr = m_attrForOddRows;
+ attr->IncRef();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !attr->HasBackgroundColour() )
+ {
+ wxGridCellAttr *attrNew = attr->Clone();
+ attr->DecRef();
+ attr = attrNew;
+ attr->SetBackgroundColour(*wxLIGHT_GREY);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return attr;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GridFrame::OnTabularGrid(wxCommandEvent& )
+ wxFrame* frame = new wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, _T("A small tabular Grid"),
+ wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(640, 480));
+ wxGrid* grid = new wxGrid(frame, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(10,10), wxSize(40,40),
+ grid->SetRowLabelSize( 0 );
+ grid->DisableDragRowSize();
+ grid->SetUseNativeColLabels();
+ grid->CreateGrid(10,10);
+ grid->SetSelectionMode( wxGrid::wxGridSelectRows );
+ frame->Show(true);
void GridFrame::OnVTable(wxCommandEvent& )
static long s_sizeGrid = 10000;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// MyGridCellAttrProvider
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- m_attrForOddRows = new wxGridCellAttr;
- m_attrForOddRows->SetBackgroundColour(*wxLIGHT_GREY);
- m_attrForOddRows->DecRef();
-wxGridCellAttr *MyGridCellAttrProvider::GetAttr(int row, int col,
- wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind kind /* = wxGridCellAttr::Any */) const
- wxGridCellAttr *attr = wxGridCellAttrProvider::GetAttr(row, col, kind);
- if ( row % 2 )
- {
- if ( !attr )
- {
- attr = m_attrForOddRows;
- attr->IncRef();
- }
- else
- {
- if ( !attr->HasBackgroundColour() )
- {
- wxGridCellAttr *attrNew = attr->Clone();
- attr->DecRef();
- attr = attrNew;
- attr->SetBackgroundColour(*wxLIGHT_GREY);
- }
- }
- }
- return attr;
// ============================================================================
// BigGridFrame and BigGridTable: Sample of a non-standard table
// ============================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, _T("Bugs table"),
- wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, 300))
+ : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, _T("Bugs table"))
wxGrid *grid = new wxGrid(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition);
wxGridTableBase *table = new BugsGridTable();
grid->SetColAttr(Col_Priority, attrRangeEditor);
grid->SetColAttr(Col_Severity, attrCombo);
- grid->SetMargins(0, 0);