pywxrc -- Python XML resource compiler
+ (see http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/pywxrc for more info)
Usage: python pywxrc.py -h
- python pywxrc.py <resource.xrc> [-e] [-o filename]
+ python pywxrc.py [-p] [-g] [-e] [-o filename] xrc input files...
- -h, --help show help message
- -e, --embed embed resources in output file
- -o, --output output filename, or - for stdout
+ -h, --help show help message
+ -p, --python generate python module
+ -g, --gettext output list of translatable strings (may be combined with -p)
+ -e, --embed embed XRC resources in the output file
+ -o, --output output filename, or - for stdout
import sys, os, getopt, glob, re
class PythonTemplates:
# This file was automatically generated by pywxrc, do not edit by hand.
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import wx
import wx.xrc as xrc
-class %(windowName)sBase(wx.%(windowClass)s):
- def PreCreate(self):
+class xrc%(windowName)s(wx.%(windowClass)s):
+ def PreCreate(self, pre):
\"\"\" This function is called during the class's initialization.
Override it for custom setup before the window is created usually to
def __init__(self, parent):
# Two stage creation (see http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/TwoStageCreation)
pre = wx.Pre%(windowClass)s()
+ self.PreCreate(pre)
get_resources().LoadOn%(windowClass)s(pre, parent, "%(windowName)s")
- self.PreCreate()
# Define variables for the controls
self.%(widgetName)s = xrc.XRCCTRL(self, \"%(widgetName)s\")
+class xrc%(windowName)s(wx.%(windowClass)s):
+ def __init__(self):
+ pre = get_resources().LoadMenu("%(windowName)s")
+ # This is a copy of Robin's PostCreate voodoo magic in wx.Window that
+ # relinks the self object with the menu object.
+ self.this = pre.this
+ self.thisown = pre.thisown
+ pre.thisown = 0
+ if hasattr(self, '_setOORInfo'):
+ self._setOORInfo(self)
+ if hasattr(self, '_setCallbackInfo'):
+ self._setCallbackInfo(self, self.__class__)
+ # Define variables for the menu items
+ self.%(widgetName)s = self.FindItemById(xrc.XRCID(\"%(widgetName)s\"))
-# -------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------ Resource data ----------------------
-# -------------------------------------------------------------
def __init_resources():
+ global __res
+ __res = xrc.EmptyXmlResource()
- global __res
- __res = xrc.XmlResource('%(resourceFilename)s')
+ __res.Load('%(resourceFilename)s')"""
%(filename)s = '''\\
- # Load all the strings as memory files
- global __res
- __res = xrc.EmptyXmlResource()
+# ----------------------- Gettext strings ---------------------
+def __gettext_strings():
+ # This is a dummy function that lists all the strings that are used in
+ # the XRC file in the _("a string") format to be recognized by GNU
+ # gettext utilities (specificaly the xgettext utility) and the
+ # mki18n.py script. For more information see:
+ # http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/Internationalization
+ def _(str): pass
class XmlResourceCompiler:
"""This class generates Python code from XML resource files (XRC)."""
- def MakePythonModule(self, resourceFilename, outputFilename, embedResources=False):
- if outputFilename == "-":
- outputFile = sys.stdout
- else:
- try:
- outputFile = open(outputFilename, "wt")
- except IOError:
- raise IOError("Can't write output to '%s'" % outputFilename)
+ def MakePythonModule(self, inputFiles, outputFilename,
+ embedResources=False, generateGetText=False):
+ outputFile = self._OpenOutputFile(outputFilename)
+ classes = []
+ resources = []
+ gettextStrings = []
- resourceDocument = minidom.parse(resourceFilename)
+ # process all the inputFiles, collecting the output data
+ for inFile in inputFiles:
+ resourceDocument = minidom.parse(inFile)
+ classes.append(self.GenerateClasses(resourceDocument))
+ if embedResources:
+ res = self.GenerateInitResourcesEmbedded(inFile, resourceDocument)
+ else:
+ res = self.GenerateInitResourcesFile(inFile, resourceDocument)
+ resources.append(res)
+ if generateGetText:
+ gettextStrings += self.FindStringsInNode(resourceDocument.firstChild)
+ # now write it all out
print >>outputFile, self.templates.FILE_HEADER
- print >>outputFile, self.GenerateClasses(resourceDocument)
+ # Note: Technically it is not legal to have anything other
+ # than ascii for class and variable names, but since the user
+ # can create the XML with non-ascii names we'll go ahead and
+ # allow for it here, and then let Python complain about it
+ # later when they try to run the program.
+ classes = u"\n".join(classes)
+ print >>outputFile, classes.encode("UTF-8")
+ print >>outputFile, self.templates.INIT_RESOURE_HEADER
if embedResources:
- print >>outputFile, self.GenerateInitResourcesEmbedded(resourceFilename, resourceDocument)
- else:
- print >>outputFile, self.GenerateInitResourcesFile(resourceFilename, resourceDocument)
+ print >>outputFile, self.templates.PREPARE_MEMFS
+ resources = u"\n".join(resources)
+ print >>outputFile, resources.encode("UTF-8")
+ if generateGetText:
+ # These have already been converted to utf-8...
+ gettextStrings = [' _("%s")' % s for s in gettextStrings]
+ gettextStrings = "\n".join(gettextStrings)
+ print >>outputFile, self.templates.GETTEXT_DUMMY_FUNC % gettextStrings
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def MakeGetTextOutput(self, inputFiles, outputFilename):
+ """
+ Just output the gettext strings by themselves, with no other
+ code generation.
+ """
+ outputFile = self._OpenOutputFile(outputFilename)
+ for inFile in inputFiles:
+ resourceDocument = minidom.parse(inFile)
+ resource = resourceDocument.firstChild
+ strings = self.FindStringsInNode(resource)
+ strings = ['_("%s");' % s for s in strings]
+ print >>outputFile, "\n".join(strings)
windowClass = topWindow.getAttribute("class")
windowClass = re.sub("^wx", "", windowClass)
windowName = topWindow.getAttribute("name")
- outputList.append(self.templates.CLASS_HEADER % locals())
+ if windowClass in ["Menu", "MenuItem"]:
+ outputList.append(self.templates.MENU_CLASS_HEADER % locals())
+ else:
+ outputList.append(self.templates.CLASS_HEADER % locals())
# Generate a variable for each control, and standard event handlers
# for standard controls.
widgetClass = widget.getAttribute("class")
widgetClass = re.sub("^wx", "", widgetClass)
widgetName = widget.getAttribute("name")
- if (widgetName != "" and widgetClass != "" and
- widgetClass not in
- ['tool', 'unknown', 'notebookpage',
- 'separator', 'sizeritem', 'MenuItem']):
- outputList.append(self.templates.CREATE_WIDGET_VAR % locals())
+ if (widgetName != "" and widgetClass != ""):
+ if widgetClass == "MenuItem":
+ outputList.append(self.templates.CREATE_MENUITEM_VAR % locals())
+ elif widgetClass not in \
+ ['tool', 'unknown', 'notebookpage', 'separator', 'sizeritem']:
+ outputList.append(self.templates.CREATE_WIDGET_VAR % locals())
return "".join(outputList)
def GenerateInitResourcesEmbedded(self, resourceFilename, resourceDocument):
outputList = []
- outputList.append(self.templates.INIT_RESOURE_HEADER)
files = []
resourcePath = os.path.split(resourceFilename)[0]
self.ReplaceFilenamesInXRC(resourceDocument.firstChild, files, resourcePath)
filename = resourceFilename
- fileData = resourceDocument.toxml()
+ fileData = resourceDocument.toxml() # what about this? encoding=resourceDocument.encoding)
outputList.append(self.templates.FILE_AS_STRING % locals())
for f in files:
fileData = self.FileToString(os.path.join(resourcePath, f))
outputList.append(self.templates.FILE_AS_STRING % locals())
- outputList.append(self.templates.PREPARE_MEMFS % locals())
for f in [resourceFilename] + files:
filename = self.GetMemoryFilename(f)
outputList.append(self.templates.ADD_FILE_TO_MEMFS % locals())
def GenerateInitResourcesFile(self, resourceFilename, resourceDocument):
+ # take only the filename portion out of resourceFilename
+ resourceFilename = os.path.split(resourceFilename)[1]
outputList = []
- outputList.append(self.templates.INIT_RESOURE_HEADER)
outputList.append(self.templates.LOAD_RES_FILE % locals())
return "".join(outputList)
if n.nodeType == minidom.Document.ELEMENT_NODE:
self.ReplaceFilenamesInXRC(n, files, resourcePath);
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def FindStringsInNode(self, parent):
+ def is_number(st):
+ try:
+ i = int(st)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+ strings = []
+ if parent is None:
+ return strings;
+ for child in parent.childNodes:
+ if ((parent.nodeType == parent.ELEMENT_NODE) and
+ # parent is an element, i.e. has subnodes...
+ (child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE or
+ child.nodeType == child.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) and
+ # ...it is textnode...
+ (
+ parent.tagName == "label" or
+ (parent.tagName == "value" and
+ not is_number(child.nodeValue)) or
+ parent.tagName == "help" or
+ parent.tagName == "longhelp" or
+ parent.tagName == "tooltip" or
+ parent.tagName == "htmlcode" or
+ parent.tagName == "title" or
+ parent.tagName == "item"
+ )):
+ # ...and known to contain translatable string
+ if (parent.getAttribute("translate") != "0"):
+ strings.append(self.ConvertText(child.nodeValue))
+ # subnodes:
+ if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ strings += self.FindStringsInNode(child)
+ return strings
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def ConvertText(self, st):
+ st2 = ""
+ dt = list(st)
+ skipNext = False
+ for i in range(len(dt)):
+ if skipNext:
+ skipNext = False
+ continue
+ if dt[i] == '_':
+ if dt[i+1] == '_':
+ st2 += '_'
+ skipNext = True
+ else:
+ st2 += '&'
+ elif dt[i] == '\n':
+ st2 += '\\n'
+ elif dt[i] == '\t':
+ st2 += '\\t'
+ elif dt[i] == '\r':
+ st2 += '\\r'
+ elif dt[i] == '\\':
+ if dt[i+1] not in ['n', 't', 'r']:
+ st2 += '\\\\'
+ else:
+ st2 += '\\'
+ elif dt[i] == '"':
+ st2 += '\\"'
+ else:
+ st2 += dt[i]
+ return st2.encode("UTF-8")
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _OpenOutputFile(self, outputFilename):
+ if outputFilename == "-":
+ outputFile = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ try:
+ outputFile = open(outputFilename, "wt")
+ except IOError:
+ raise IOError("Can't write output to '%s'" % outputFilename)
+ return outputFile
def main(args):
resourceFilename = ""
- outputFilename = ""
+ outputFilename = None
embedResources = False
+ generateGetText = False
+ generatePython = False
- opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, "heo:", "help embed output=".split())
- except getopt.GetoptError:
+ opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(args,
+ "hpgeo:",
+ "help python gettext embed output=".split())
+ except getopt.GetoptError, e:
+ print "\nError : %s\n" % str(e)
print __doc__
# If there is no input file argument, show help and exit
- if args:
- resourceFilename = args[0]
- else:
+ if not args:
print __doc__
+ print "No xrc input file was specified."
# Parse options and arguments
print __doc__
+ if opt in ["-p", "--python"]:
+ generatePython = True
if opt in ["-o", "--output"]:
outputFilename = val
if opt in ["-e", "--embed"]:
embedResources = True
- if outputFilename is None or outputFilename == "":
- outputFilename = os.path.splitext(resourceFilename)[0] + "_xrc.py"
+ if opt in ["-g", "--gettext"]:
+ generateGetText = True
+ # check for and expand any wildcards in the list of input files
+ inputFiles = []
+ for arg in args:
+ inputFiles += glob.glob(arg)
comp = XmlResourceCompiler()
- comp.MakePythonModule(resourceFilename, outputFilename, embedResources)
+ if generatePython:
+ if not outputFilename:
+ outputFilename = os.path.splitext(args[0])[0] + "_xrc.py"
+ comp.MakePythonModule(inputFiles, outputFilename,
+ embedResources, generateGetText)
+ elif generateGetText:
+ if not outputFilename:
+ outputFilename = '-'
+ comp.MakeGetTextOutput(inputFiles, outputFilename)
+ else:
+ print __doc__
+ print "One or both of -p, -g must be specified."
+ sys.exit(1)
except IOError, e:
print >>sys.stderr, "%s." % str(e)