+V. Simplified API
+The simplified API, which became available in libpng-1.6.0, hides the details
+of both libpng and the PNG file format itself.
+It allows PNG files to be read into a very limited number of
+in-memory bitmap formats or to be written from the same formats. If these
+formats do not accomodate your needs then you can, and should, use the more
+sophisticated APIs above - these support a wide variety of in-memory formats
+and a wide variety of sophisticated transformations to those formats as well
+as a wide variety of APIs to manipulate ancilliary information.
+To read a PNG file using the simplified API:
+ 1) Declare a 'png_image' structure (see below) on the
+ stack and memset() it to all zero.
+ 2) Call the appropriate png_image_begin_read... function.
+ 3) Set the png_image 'format' member to the required
+ format and allocate a buffer for the image.
+ 4) Call png_image_finish_read to read the image into
+ your buffer.
+There are no restrictions on the format of the PNG input itself; all valid
+color types, bit depths, and interlace methods are acceptable, and the
+input image is transformed as necessary to the requested in-memory format
+during the png_image_finish_read() step.
+To write a PNG file using the simplified API:
+ 1) Declare a 'png_image' structure on the stack and memset()
+ it to all zero.
+ 2) Initialize the members of the structure that describe the
+ image, setting the 'format' member to the format of the
+ image in memory.
+ 3) Call the appropriate png_image_write... function with a
+ pointer to the image to write the PNG data.
+png_image is a structure that describes the in-memory format of an image
+when it is being read or define the in-memory format of an image that you
+need to write. The "png_image" structure contains the following members:
+ png_uint_32 version Set to PNG_IMAGE_VERSION
+ png_uint_32 width Image width in pixels (columns)
+ png_uint_32 height Image height in pixels (rows)
+ png_uint_32 format Image format as defined below
+ png_uint_32 flags A bit mask containing informational flags
+ png_controlp opaque Initialize to NULL, free with png_image_free
+ png_uint_32 colormap_entries; Number of entries in the color-map
+ png_uint_32 warning_or_error;
+ char message[64];
+In the event of an error or warning the following field warning_or_error
+field will be set to a non-zero value and the 'message' field will contain
+a '\0' terminated string with the libpng error or warning message. If both
+warnings and an error were encountered, only the error is recorded. If there
+are multiple warnings, only the first one is recorded.
+The upper 30 bits of this value are reserved; the low two bits contain
+a two bit code such that a value more than 1 indicates a failure in the API
+just called:
+ 0 - no warning or error
+ 1 - warning
+ 2 - error
+ 3 - error preceded by warning
+The pixels (samples) of the image have one to four channels whose components
+have original values in the range 0 to 1.0:
+ 1: A single gray or luminance channel (G).
+ 2: A gray/luminance channel and an alpha channel (GA).
+ 3: Three red, green, blue color channels (RGB).
+ 4: Three color channels and an alpha channel (RGBA).
+The channels are encoded in one of two ways:
+ a) As a small integer, value 0..255, contained in a single byte. For the
+alpha channel the original value is simply value/255. For the color or
+luminance channels the value is encoded according to the sRGB specification
+and matches the 8-bit format expected by typical display devices.
+The color/gray channels are not scaled (pre-multiplied) by the alpha
+channel and are suitable for passing to color management software.
+ b) As a value in the range 0..65535, contained in a 2-byte integer. All
+channels can be converted to the original value by dividing by 65535; all
+channels are linear. Color channels use the RGB encoding (RGB end-points) of
+the sRGB specification. This encoding is identified by the
+When an alpha channel is present it is expected to denote pixel coverage
+of the color or luminance channels and is returned as an associated alpha
+channel: the color/gray channels are scaled (pre-multiplied) by the alpha
+When a color-mapped image is used as a result of calling
+png_image_read_colormap or png_image_write_colormap the channels are encoded
+in the color-map and the descriptions above apply to the color-map entries.
+The image data is encoded as small integers, value 0..255, that index the
+entries in the color-map. One integer (one byte) is stored for each pixel.
+The #defines to be used in png_image::format. Each #define identifies a
+particular layout of channel data and, if present, alpha values. There are
+separate defines for each of the two channel encodings.
+A format is built up using single bit flag values. Not all combinations are
+valid: use the bit flag values below for testing a format returned by the
+read APIs, but set formats from the derived values.
+When reading or writing color-mapped images the format should be set to the
+format of the entries in the color-map then png_image_{read,write}_colormap
+called to read or write the color-map and set the format correctly for the
+image data. Do not set the PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_COLORMAP bit directly!
+NOTE: libpng can be built with particular features disabled, if you see
+compiler errors because the definition of one of the following flags has been
+compiled out it is because libpng does not have the required support. It is
+possible, however, for the libpng configuration to enable the format on just
+read or just write; in that case you may see an error at run time. You can
+guard against this by checking for the definition of:
+ PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_ALPHA 0x01 format with an alpha channel
+ PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_COLOR 0x02 color format: otherwise grayscale
+ PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_LINEAR 0x04 png_uint_16 channels else png_byte
+ PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_COLORMAP 0x08 libpng use only
+ PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_BGR 0x10 BGR colors, else order is RGB
+ PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_AFIRST 0x20 alpha channel comes first
+Supported formats are as follows. Future versions of libpng may support more
+formats; for compatibility with older versions simply check if the format
+macro is defined using #ifdef. These defines describe the in-memory layout
+of the components of the pixels of the image.
+First the single byte formats:
+Then the linear 2-byte formats. When naming these "Y" is used to
+indicate a luminance (gray) channel. The component order within the pixel
+is always the same - there is no provision for swapping the order of the
+components in the linear format.
+Color-mapped formats are obtained by calling png_image_{read,write}_colormap,
+as appropriate after setting png_image::format to the format of the color-map
+to be read or written. Applications may check the value of
+PNG_FORMAT_FLAG_COLORMAP to see if they have called the colormap API. The
+format of the color-map may be extracted using the following macro.
+PNG_IMAGE macros
+These are convenience macros to derive information from a png_image
+structure. The PNG_IMAGE_SAMPLE_ macros return values appropriate to the
+actual image sample values - either the entries in the color-map or the
+pixels in the image. The PNG_IMAGE_PIXEL_ macros return corresponding values
+for the pixels and will always return 1 after a call to
+png_image_{read,write}_colormap. The remaining macros return information
+about the rows in the image and the complete image.
+NOTE: All the macros that take a png_image::format parameter are compile time
+constants if the format parameter is, itself, a constant. Therefore these
+macros can be used in array declarations and case labels where required.
+Similarly the macros are also pre-processor constants (sizeof is not used) so
+they can be used in #if tests.
+First the information about the samples.
+ Returns the total number of channels in a given format: 1..4
+ Returns the size in bytes of a single component of a pixel or color-map
+ entry (as appropriate) in the image.
+ This is the size of the sample data for one sample. If the image is
+ color-mapped it is the size of one color-map entry (and image pixels are
+ one byte in size), otherwise it is the size of one image pixel.
+ The size of the color-map required by the format; this is the size of the
+ color-map buffer passed to the png_image_{read,write}_colormap APIs, it is
+ a fixed number determined by the format so can easily be allocated on the
+ stack if necessary.
+ /* The maximum size of the color-map required by the format expressed in a
+ * count of components. This can be used to compile-time allocate a
+ * color-map:
+ *
+ * png_uint_16 colormap[PNG_IMAGE_MAXIMUM_COLORMAP_COMPONENTS(linear_fmt)];
+ *
+ *
+ * Alternatively use the PNG_IMAGE_COLORMAP_SIZE macro below to use the
+ * information from one of the png_image_begin_read_ APIs and dynamically
+ * allocate the required memory.
+ */
+Corresponding information about the pixels
+ PNG_IMAGE_PIXEL_(test,fmt)
+ The number of separate channels (components) in a pixel; 1 for a
+ color-mapped image.
+ The size, in bytes, of each component in a pixel; 1 for a color-mapped
+ image.
+ The size, in bytes, of a complete pixel; 1 for a color-mapped image.
+Information about the whole row, or whole image
+ Returns the total number of components in a single row of the image; this
+ is the minimum 'row stride', the minimum count of components between each
+ row. For a color-mapped image this is the minimum number of bytes in a
+ row.
+ PNG_IMAGE_BUFFER_SIZE(image, row_stride)
+ Returns the size, in bytes, of an image buffer given a png_image and a row
+ stride - the number of components to leave space for in each row.
+ This indicates the the RGB values of the in-memory bitmap do not
+ correspond to the red, green and blue end-points defined by sRGB.
+ The PNG is color-mapped. If this flag is set png_image_read_colormap
+ can be used without further loss of image information. If it is not set
+ png_image_read_colormap will cause significant loss if the image has any
+ The png_image passed to the read APIs must have been initialized by setting
+ the png_controlp field 'opaque' to NULL (or, better, memset the whole thing.)
+ int png_image_begin_read_from_file( png_imagep image,
+ const char *file_name)
+ The named file is opened for read and the image header
+ is filled in from the PNG header in the file.
+ int png_image_begin_read_from_stdio (png_imagep image,
+ FILE* file)
+ The PNG header is read from the stdio FILE object.
+ int png_image_begin_read_from_memory(png_imagep image,
+ png_const_voidp memory, png_size_t size)
+ The PNG header is read from the given memory buffer.
+ int png_image_finish_read(png_imagep image,
+ png_colorp background, void *buffer,
+ png_int_32 row_stride, void *colormap));
+ Finish reading the image into the supplied buffer and
+ clean up the png_image structure.
+ row_stride is the step, in png_byte or png_uint_16 units
+ as appropriate, between adjacent rows. A positive stride
+ indicates that the top-most row is first in the buffer -
+ the normal top-down arrangement. A negative stride
+ indicates that the bottom-most row is first in the buffer.
+ background need only be supplied if an alpha channel must
+ be removed from a png_byte format and the removal is to be
+ done by compositing on a solid color; otherwise it may be
+ NULL and any composition will be done directly onto the
+ buffer. The value is an sRGB color to use for the
+ background, for grayscale output the green channel is used.
+ For linear output removing the alpha channel is always done
+ by compositing on black.
+ void png_image_free(png_imagep image)
+ Free any data allocated by libpng in image->opaque,
+ setting the pointer to NULL. May be called at any time
+ after the structure is initialized.
+When the simplified API needs to convert between sRGB and linear colorspaces,
+the actual sRGB transfer curve defined in the sRGB specification (see the
+article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRGB) is used, not the gamma=1/2.2
+approximation used elsewhere in libpng.
+For write you must initialize a png_image structure to describe the image to
+be written:
+ version: must be set to PNG_IMAGE_VERSION
+ opaque: must be initialized to NULL
+ width: image width in pixels
+ height: image height in rows
+ format: the format of the data you wish to write
+ flags: set to 0 unless one of the defined flags applies; set
+ PNG_IMAGE_FLAG_COLORSPACE_NOT_sRGB for color format images
+ where the RGB values do not correspond to the colors in sRGB.
+ colormap_entries: set to the number of entries in the color-map (0 to 256)
+ int png_image_write_to_file, (png_imagep image,
+ const char *file, int convert_to_8bit, const void *buffer,
+ png_int_32 row_stride, const void *colormap));
+ Write the image to the named file.
+ int png_image_write_to_stdio(png_imagep image, FILE *file,
+ int convert_to_8_bit, const void *buffer,
+ png_int_32 row_stride, const void *colormap)
+ Write the image to the given (FILE*).
+With all write APIs if image is in one of the linear formats with
+(png_uint_16) data then setting convert_to_8_bit will cause the output to be
+a (png_byte) PNG gamma encoded according to the sRGB specification, otherwise
+a 16-bit linear encoded PNG file is written.
+With all APIs row_stride is handled as in the read APIs - it is the spacing
+from one row to the next in component sized units (float) and if negative
+indicates a bottom-up row layout in the buffer.
+Note that the write API does not support interlacing, sub-8-bit pixels,
+and indexed (paletted) images.
+VI. Modifying/Customizing libpng