+ """
+ A search control is a composite of a `wx.TextCtrl` with optional
+ bitmap buttons and a drop-down menu. Controls like this can typically
+ be found on a toolbar of applications that support some form of search
+ functionality. On the Mac this control is implemented using the
+ native HISearchField control, on the other platforms a generic control
+ is used, although that may change in the future as more platforms
+ introduce native search widgets.
+ If you wish to use a drop-down menu with your wx.SearchCtrl then you
+ will need to manage its content and handle the menu events yourself,
+ but this is an easy thing to do. Simply build the menu, pass it to
+ `SetMenu`, and also bind a handler for a range of EVT_MENU events.
+ This gives you the flexibility to use the drop-down menu however you
+ wish, such as for a history of searches, or as a way to select
+ different kinds of searches. The ToolBar.py sample in the demo shows
+ one way to do this.
+ Since the control derives from `wx.TextCtrl` it is convenient to use
+ the styles and events designed for `wx.TextCtrl`. For example you can
+ use the ``wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER`` style and catch the
+ ``wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER`` event to know when the user has pressed the
+ Enter key in the control and wishes to start a search.
+ """