Classes: \helpref{wxSizer}{wxsizer}, \helpref{wxGridSizer}{wxgridsizer},
\helpref{wxFlexGridSizer}{wxflexgridsizer}, \helpref{wxBoxSizer}{wxboxsizer},
Sizers, as represented by the wxSizer class and its descendants in
the wxWindows class hierarchy, have become the method of choice to
their ability to create visually appealing dialogs independent of the
platform, taking into account the differences in size and style of
the individual controls. Unlike the original wxWindows Dialog Editor,
-editors such as wxDesigner, wxrcedit, XRCed and wxWorkshop create dialogs based exclusively on sizers,
+editors such as wxDesigner, DialogBlocks, wxrcedit, XRCed and wxWorkshop create dialogs based exclusively on sizers,
practically forcing the user to create platform independent layouts without compromises.
The next section describes and shows what can be done with sizers.
don't have any natural width or height and thus require an explicit size. Some controls
can calculate their height, but not their width (e.g. a single line text control):
{\bf A border:} The border is just empty space and is used to separate dialog items
in a dialog. This border can either be all around, or at any combination of sides
explicitly, typically 5 points. The following samples show dialogs with only one
dialog item (a button) and a border of 0, 5, and 10 pixels around the button:
{\bf An alignment:} Often, a dialog item is given more space than its minimal size
plus its border. Depending on what flags are used for the respective dialog
sample shows a listbox and three buttons in a horizontal box sizer; one button
is centred, one is aligned at the top, one is aligned at the bottom:
{\bf A stretch factor:} If a sizer contains more than one child and it is offered
more space than its children and their borders need, the question arises how to
whereas the other two buttons have a stretch factor of zero and keep their
initial width:
Within wxDesigner, this stretch factor gets set from the {\it Option} menu.
+\subsubsection{Hiding controls using sizers}\label{sizershiding}
+You can hide controls contained in sizers the same way you would hide any control,
+using the \helpref{wxWindow::Show}{wxwindowshow} method.
+However, wxSizer also offers a separate method which can tell the sizer not to
+consider that control in its size calculations. To hide a window using the sizer,
+call \helpref{wxSizer::Show}{wxsizershow}. You must then call Layout on the sizer
+to force an update.
+This is useful when hiding parts of the interface, since you can avoid removing
+the controls from the sizer and having to add them back later.
+Note: This is supported only by wxBoxSizer and wxFlexGridSizer.
\helpref{wxBoxSizer}{wxboxsizer} can lay out its children either vertically
The following sample shows the same dialog as in the last sample,
only the box sizer is a vertical box sizer now:
\helpref{wxStaticBoxSixer}{wxstaticboxsizer} is the same as a wxBoxSizer, but surrounded by a
static box. Here is a sample:
of columns or the number or rows is fixed and the grid sizer will grow
in the respectively other orientation if new children are added:
For programming information, see \helpref{wxGridSizer}{wxgridsizer}.
a size different from that which it requested. The following sample shows
the same dialog as the one above, but using a flex grid sizer:
It is the unique feature of a box sizer, that it can grow in both directions (height and
width) but can distribute its growth in the main direction (horizontal for a row) {\it unevenly}
among its children. In our example case, the vertical sizer is supposed to propagate all its
-height changes to only the text area, not to the button area. This is determined by the {\it option} parameter
+height changes to only the text area, not to the button area. This is determined by the {\it proportion} parameter
when adding a window (or another sizer) to a sizer. It is interpreted
as a weight factor, i.e. it can be zero, indicating that the window may not be resized
at all, or above zero. If several windows have a value above zero, the value is interpreted
0, // make vertically unstretchable
wxALIGN_CENTER ); // no border and centre horizontally
- SetAutoLayout( TRUE ); // tell dialog to use sizer
- SetSizer( topsizer ); // actually set the sizer
+ SetSizer( topsizer ); // use the sizer for layout
- topsizer->Fit( this ); // set size to minimum size as calculated by the sizer
- topsizer->SetSizeHints( this ); // set size hints to honour mininum size
+ topsizer->SetSizeHints( this ); // set size hints to honour minimum size
In order to query the size of notebook page, this page needs to have its
own sizer, otherwise the wxNotebookSizer will ignore it. Notebook pages
-get their size by assigning one to them using \helpref{wxWindow::SetSizer}{wxwindowsetsizer}
-and setting the auto-layout option to TRUE using
+get their sizer by assigning one to them using \helpref{wxWindow::SetSizer}{wxwindowsetsizer}
+and setting the auto-layout option to true using
\helpref{wxWindow::SetAutoLayout}{wxwindowsetautolayout}. Here is one
example showing how to add a notebook page that the notebook sizer is
aware of:
// Add controls to panel and panelsizer here...
- panel->SetAutoLayout( TRUE );
+ panel->SetAutoLayout( true );
panel->SetSizer( panelsizer );
box around the sizer. Note that this static box has to be created
+As a convenience, CreateButtonSizer ( long flags ) can be used to create a standard button sizer
+in which standard buttons are displayed. The following flags can be passed to this function:
+ wxYES_NO // Add Yes/No subpanel
+ wxYES // return wxID_YES
+ wxNO // return wxID_NO
+ wxNO_DEFAULT // make the wxNO button the default, otherwise wxYES or wxOK button will be default
+ wxOK // return wxID_OK
+ wxCANCEL // return wxID_CANCEL
+ wxHELP // return wxID_HELP
+ wxFORWARD // return wxID_FORWARD
+ wxBACKWARD // return wxID_BACKWARD
+ wxSETUP // return wxID_SETUP
+ wxMORE // return wxID_MORE