# Created: 5/15/03
# CVS-ID: $Id$
-# Copyright: (c) 2003-2005 ActiveGrid, Inc. (Port of wxWindows classes by Julian Smart et al)
+# Copyright: (c) 2003-2006 ActiveGrid, Inc. (Port of wxWindows classes by Julian Smart et al)
# License: wxWindows license
import os
import os.path
+import shutil
import wx
import sys
_ = wx.GetTranslation
false otherwise. You may need to override this if your document view
maintains its own record of being modified (for example if using
xTextWindow to view and edit the document).
+ This method has been extended to notify its views that the dirty flag has changed.
self._documentModified = modify
+ self.UpdateAllViews(hint=("modify", self, self._documentModified))
def SetDocumentModificationDate(self):
return self._documentModificationDate
+ def IsDocumentModificationDateCorrect(self):
+ """
+ Returns False if the file has been modified outside of the application.
+ This method has been added to wxPython and is not in wxWindows.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(self.GetFilename()): # document must be in memory only and can't be out of date
+ return True
+ return self._documentModificationDate == os.path.getmtime(self.GetFilename())
def GetViews(self):
Returns the list whose elements are the views on the document.
Destructor. Removes itself from the document manager.
+ self._documentModificationDate = None
if self.GetDocumentManager():
return True
""" check for file modification outside of application """
- if os.path.exists(self.GetFilename()) and os.path.getmtime(self.GetFilename()) != self.GetDocumentModificationDate():
+ if not self.IsDocumentModificationDateCorrect():
msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
if not msgTitle:
msgTitle = _("Application")
msgTitle = _("File Error")
backupFilename = None
+ fileObject = None
+ copied = False
# if current file exists, move it to a safe place temporarily
if os.path.exists(filename):
while os.path.exists(backupFilename):
i += 1
backupFilename = "%s.bak%s" % (filename, i)
- os.rename(filename, backupFilename)
+ shutil.copy(filename, backupFilename)
+ copied = True
fileObject = file(filename, 'w')
+ fileObject = None
if backupFilename:
- # save failed, restore old file
- if backupFilename:
- os.remove(filename)
- os.rename(backupFilename, filename)
- self.SetDocumentModificationDate()
+ # for debugging purposes
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ if fileObject:
+ fileObject.close() # file is still open, close it, need to do this before removal
+ # save failed, remove copied file
+ if backupFilename and copied:
+ os.remove(backupFilename)
wx.MessageBox("Could not save '%s'. %s" % (FileNameFromPath(filename), sys.exc_value),
return False
+ self.SetDocumentModificationDate()
self.SetFilename(filename, True)
- self.SetDocumentModificationDate()
#if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__': # Not yet implemented in wxPython
# wx.FileName(file).MacSetDefaultTypeAndCreator()
fileObject = file(filename, 'r')
+ fileObject.close()
+ fileObject = None
+ # for debugging purposes
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ if fileObject:
+ fileObject.close() # file is still open, close it
wx.MessageBox("Could not open '%s'. %s" % (FileNameFromPath(filename), sys.exc_value),
return False
+ self.SetDocumentModificationDate()
self.SetFilename(filename, True)
- self.SetDocumentModificationDate()
return True
return True
""" check for file modification outside of application """
- if os.path.exists(self.GetFilename()) and os.path.getmtime(self.GetFilename()) != self.GetDocumentModificationDate():
+ if not self.IsDocumentModificationDateCorrect():
msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
if not msgTitle:
msgTitle = _("Warning")
The default implementation calls DeleteContents (an empty
implementation) sets the modified flag to false. Override this to
- supply additional behaviour when the document is closed with Close.
+ supply additional behaviour when the document is opened with Open.
+ if flags & DOC_NO_VIEW:
+ return True
return self.GetDocumentTemplate().CreateView(self, flags)
unused but may in future contain application-specific information for
making updating more efficient.
- pass
+ if hint:
+ if hint[0] == "modify": # if dirty flag changed, update the view's displayed title
+ frame = self.GetFrame()
+ if frame and hasattr(frame, "OnTitleIsModified"):
+ frame.OnTitleIsModified()
+ return True
+ return False
def OnChangeFilename(self):
Override to return an instance of a class other than wxDocPrintout.
- return DocPrintout(self)
+ return DocPrintout(self, self.GetDocument().GetPrintableName())
def GetFrame(self):
string will be displayed in the file filter list of Windows file
- filter is an appropriate file filter such as *.txt.
+ filter is an appropriate file filter such as \*.txt.
dir is the default directory to use for file selectors.
+ def IsNewable(self):
+ """
+ Returns true if the document template can be shown in "New" dialogs,
+ false otherwise.
+ This method has been added to wxPython and is not in wxWindows.
+ """
+ return (self._flags & TEMPLATE_NO_CREATE) != TEMPLATE_NO_CREATE
def GetDocumentName(self):
Returns the document type name, as passed to the document template
ext = FindExtension(path)
if not ext: return False
- return ext in self.GetFileFilter()
- # return self.GetDefaultExtension() == FindExtension(path)
+ extList = self.GetFileFilter().replace('*','').split(';')
+ return ext in extList
class DocManager(wx.EvtHandler):
for document in self._docs[::-1]: # Close in lifo (reverse) order. We clone the list to make sure we go through all docs even as they are deleted
if not self.CloseDocument(document, force):
return False
- document.DeleteAllViews() # Implicitly delete the document when the last view is removed
+ if document:
+ document.DeleteAllViews() # Implicitly delete the document when the last view is removed
return True
printout = view.OnCreatePrintout()
if printout:
- pdd = wx.PrintDialogData()
+ if not hasattr(self, "printData"):
+ self.printData = wx.PrintData()
+ self.printData.SetPaperId(wx.PAPER_LETTER)
+ self.printData.SetPrintMode(wx.PRINT_MODE_PRINTER)
+ pdd = wx.PrintDialogData(self.printData)
printer = wx.Printer(pdd)
- printer.Print(view.GetFrame(), printout) # , True)
+ printer.Print(view.GetFrame(), printout)
def OnPrintSetup(self, event):
parentWin = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
- data = wx.PrintDialogData()
+ if not hasattr(self, "printData"):
+ self.printData = wx.PrintData()
+ self.printData.SetPaperId(wx.PAPER_LETTER)
+ data = wx.PrintDialogData(self.printData)
printDialog = wx.PrintDialog(parentWin, data)
- # TODO: Confirm that we don't have to remember PrintDialogData
+ # this makes a copy of the wx.PrintData instead of just saving
+ # a reference to the one inside the PrintDialogData that will
+ # be destroyed when the dialog is destroyed
+ self.printData = wx.PrintData(printDialog.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData())
+ printDialog.Destroy()
def OnPreview(self, event):
printout = view.OnCreatePrintout()
if printout:
+ if not hasattr(self, "printData"):
+ self.printData = wx.PrintData()
+ self.printData.SetPaperId(wx.PAPER_LETTER)
+ self.printData.SetPrintMode(wx.PRINT_MODE_PREVIEW)
+ data = wx.PrintDialogData(self.printData)
# Pass two printout objects: for preview, and possible printing.
- preview = wx.PrintPreview(printout, view.OnCreatePrintout())
+ preview = wx.PrintPreview(printout, view.OnCreatePrintout(), data)
+ if not preview.Ok():
+ wx.MessageBox(_("Unable to display print preview."))
+ return
# wxWindows source doesn't use base frame's pos, size, and icon, but did it this way so it would work like MS Office etc.
mimicFrame = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
frame = wx.PreviewFrame(preview, mimicFrame, _("Print Preview"), mimicFrame.GetPosition(), mimicFrame.GetSize())
- frame.SetTitle(mimicFrame.GetTitle() + _(" - Preview"))
+ frame.SetTitle(_("%s - %s - Preview") % (mimicFrame.GetTitle(), view.GetDocument().GetPrintableName()))
if doc and doc.GetCommandProcessor():
- event.SetText(_("Undo") + '\t' + _('Ctrl+Z'))
+ event.SetText(_("&Undo\tCtrl+Z"))
def OnUpdateRedo(self, event):
if doc and doc.GetCommandProcessor():
- event.SetText(_("Redo") + '\t' + _('Ctrl+Y'))
+ event.SetText(_("&Redo\tCtrl+Y"))
def OnUpdatePrint(self, event):
will delete the oldest currently loaded document before creating a new
- wxPython version supports the document manager's wx.lib.docview.DOC_OPEN_ONCE flag.
+ wxPython version supports the document manager's wx.lib.docview.DOC_OPEN_ONCE
+ and wx.lib.docview.DOC_NO_VIEW flag.
+ if wx.lib.docview.DOC_OPEN_ONCE is present, trying to open the same file multiple
+ times will just return the same document.
+ if wx.lib.docview.DOC_NO_VIEW is present, opening a file will generate the document,
+ but not generate a corresponding view.
templates = []
for temp in self._templates:
return None
if flags & DOC_NEW:
+ for temp in templates[:]:
+ if not temp.IsNewable():
+ templates.remove(temp)
if len(templates) == 1:
temp = templates[0]
- newDoc = temp.CreateDocument(path, flags)
- if newDoc:
- newDoc.SetDocumentName(temp.GetDocumentName())
- newDoc.SetDocumentTemplate(temp)
- newDoc.OnNewDocument()
- return newDoc
- temp = self.SelectDocumentType(templates)
+ else:
+ temp = self.SelectDocumentType(templates)
if temp:
newDoc = temp.CreateDocument(path, flags)
if newDoc:
temp, path = self.SelectDocumentPath(templates, path, flags)
# Existing document
- if self.GetFlags() & DOC_OPEN_ONCE:
+ if path and self.GetFlags() & DOC_OPEN_ONCE:
for document in self._docs:
- if document.GetFilename() == path:
+ if document.GetFilename() and os.path.normcase(document.GetFilename()) == os.path.normcase(path):
""" check for file modification outside of application """
- if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.getmtime(path) != document.GetDocumentModificationDate():
+ if not document.IsDocumentModificationDateCorrect():
msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
if not msgTitle:
msgTitle = _("Warning")
firstView = document.GetFirstView()
- if firstView and firstView.GetFrame():
+ if not firstView and not (flags & DOC_NO_VIEW):
+ document.GetDocumentTemplate().CreateView(document, flags)
+ document.UpdateAllViews()
+ firstView = document.GetFirstView()
+ if firstView and firstView.GetFrame() and not (flags & DOC_NO_VIEW):
firstView.GetFrame().SetFocus() # Not in wxWindows code but useful nonetheless
if hasattr(firstView.GetFrame(), "IsIconized") and firstView.GetFrame().IsIconized(): # Not in wxWindows code but useful nonetheless
if not newDoc.OnOpenDocument(path):
+ frame = newDoc.GetFirstView().GetFrame()
newDoc.DeleteAllViews() # Implicitly deleted by DeleteAllViews
- newDoc.GetFirstView().GetFrame().Destroy() # DeleteAllViews doesn't get rid of the frame, so we'll explicitly destroy it.
+ if frame:
+ frame.Destroy() # DeleteAllViews doesn't get rid of the frame, so we'll explicitly destroy it.
return None
return newDoc
return None
- def CreateView(self, document, flags=0):
+ def CreateView(self, doc, flags=0):
Creates a new view for the given document. If more than one view is
allowed for the document (by virtue of multiple templates mentioning
Given a path, try to find template that matches the extension. This is
only an approximate method of finding a template for creating a
+ Note this wxPython verson looks for and returns a default template if no specific template is found.
+ default = None
for temp in self._templates:
if temp.FileMatchesTemplate(path):
return temp
- return None
+ if "*.*" in temp.GetFileFilter():
+ default = temp
+ return default
def FindSuitableParent(self):
This function is used in wxDocManager.CreateDocument.
if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__" or wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__" or wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
- allfilter = ''
descr = ''
for temp in templates:
if temp.IsVisible():
if len(descr) > 0:
descr = descr + _('|')
- allfilter = allfilter + _(';')
descr = descr + temp.GetDescription() + _(" (") + temp.GetFileFilter() + _(") |") + temp.GetFileFilter() # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
- allfilter = allfilter + temp.GetFileFilter()
- descr = _("All") + _(" (") + allfilter + _(") |") + allfilter + _('|') + descr # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
+ descr = _("All|*.*|%s") % descr # spacing is important, make sure there is no space after the "|", it causes a bug on wx_gtk
descr = _("*.*")
- path = wx.FileSelector(_("Select a File"),
- self._lastDirectory,
- _(""),
- wildcard = descr,
- flags = wx.HIDE_READONLY,
- parent = self.FindSuitableParent())
- if path:
- if not FileExists(path):
- msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
- if not msgTitle:
- msgTitle = _("File Error")
- wx.MessageBox("Could not open '%s'." % FileNameFromPath(path),
- msgTitle,
- parent)
- return (None, None)
- self._lastDirectory = PathOnly(path)
+ dlg = wx.FileDialog(self.FindSuitableParent(),
+ _("Select a File"),
+ wildcard=descr,
+ # dlg.CenterOnParent() # wxBug: caused crash with wx.FileDialog
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ path = dlg.GetPath()
+ else:
+ path = None
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ if path:
theTemplate = self.FindTemplateForPath(path)
return (theTemplate, path)
- return (None, None)
+ return (None, None)
def OnOpenFileFailure(self):
self._activated = 0
def OnCloseWindow(self, event):
Closes and deletes the current view and document.
self._childView = None
- if self._childDocument:
- self._childDocument.Destroy() # This isn't in the wxWindows codebase but the document needs to be disposed of somehow
+ if self._childDocument: # This isn't in the wxWindows codebase but the document needs to be disposed of somehow
+ self._childDocument.DeleteContents()
+ if self._childDocument.GetDocumentManager():
+ self._childDocument.GetDocumentManager().RemoveDocument(self._childDocument)
self._childDocument = None
self._childView = view
+ def OnTitleIsModified(self):
+ """
+ Add/remove to the frame's title an indication that the document is dirty.
+ If the document is dirty, an '*' is appended to the title
+ This method has been added to wxPython and is not in wxWindows.
+ """
+ title = self.GetTitle()
+ if title:
+ if self.GetDocument().IsModified():
+ if title.endswith("*"):
+ return
+ else:
+ title = title + "*"
+ self.SetTitle(title)
+ else:
+ if title.endswith("*"):
+ title = title[:-1]
+ self.SetTitle(title)
+ else:
+ return
class DocPrintout(wx.Printout):
DocPrintout is a default Printout that prints the first page of a document
- wx.Printout.__init__(self)
+ wx.Printout.__init__(self, title)
self._printoutView = view
return pageNum == 1
- def OnBeginDocument(self, startPage, endPage):
- """
- Not quite sure why this was overridden, but it was in wxWindows! :)
- """
- if not wx.Printout.base_OnBeginDocument(self, startPage, endPage):
- return False
- return True
def GetPageInfo(self):
Indicates that the DocPrintout only has a single page.
redoAccel = ''
if undoCommand and undoItem and undoCommand.CanUndo():
- undoItem.SetText(_("Undo ") + undoCommand.GetName() + undoAccel)
+ undoItem.SetText(_("&Undo ") + undoCommand.GetName() + undoAccel)
#elif undoCommand and not undoCommand.CanUndo():
# undoItem.SetText(_("Can't Undo") + undoAccel)
- undoItem.SetText(_("Undo" + undoAccel))
+ undoItem.SetText(_("&Undo" + undoAccel))
if redoCommand and redoItem:
- redoItem.SetText(_("Redo ") + redoCommand.GetName() + redoAccel)
+ redoItem.SetText(_("&Redo ") + redoCommand.GetName() + redoAccel)
- redoItem.SetText(_("Redo") + redoAccel)
+ redoItem.SetText(_("&Redo") + redoAccel)
def CanUndo(self):
the history list.
done = command.Do()
- if done and storeIt:
- self._commands.append(command)
+ if done:
+ del self._redoCommands[:]
+ if storeIt:
+ self._commands.append(command)
if self._maxCommands > -1:
if len(self._commands) > self._maxCommands:
del self._commands[0]