# Check parameters
function usage {
echo "Usage: $0 py_version [command flags...]"
- echo " py_version String to append to $pythonbin (which python"
- echo " version to use.)"
+ echo " py_version which python version to use."
echo ""
echo "command flags:"
echo " skipcopy Don't copy the files for the tarball from the workspace"
echo " skiptar Don't build the tarball"
- echo " skiprpm Don't build the RPM (but why?)"
+ echo " skiprpm Don't build the RPM"
echo " skipclean Don't do the cleanup at the end"
- echo " gtk2 Build using wxGTK2 and Unicode"
- echo " x11 Build using wxX11"
echo " speconly Do nothing but write the RPM spec file"
echo " srpm Only make the SRPM"
-# echo " smp Add SMP=2 to the envivonment to speed wxGTK build"
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
function makespec {
- echo "*** Writing ${distdir}/wxPython${port}.spec"
+ echo "*** Writing ${distdir}/wxPython.spec"
cat ${spectemplate} \
| sed s:@PYTHON@:${python}:g \
| sed s:@PYVER@:${pyver}:g \
- | sed s:@PORT@:${port}:g \
- | sed s:@LCPORT@:${lcport}:g \
| sed s:@TARNAME@:${tarname}:g \
| sed s:@VERSION@:${version}:g \
| sed s:@VER2@:${ver2}:g \
- | sed s:@UNICODE@:${unicode}:g \
- > ${distdir}/wxPython${port}.spec
+ > ${distdir}/wxPython.spec
case ${flag} in
skipcopy) skipcopy=1 ;;
skipclean) skipclean=1 ;;
- skiptar) skiptar=1 ;;
+ skiptar) skiptar=1; skipcopy=1 ;;
skiprpm) skiprpm=1 ;;
- gtk2) unicode=1; port=GTK2; lcport=gtk2 ;;
- x11) port=X11; lcport=x11 ;;
- smp) export SMP=2 ;;
speconly) makespec; exit 0 ;;
- srpm) rpmflag=-bs; ;;
+ srpm) srpmonly=1; ;;
*) echo "Unknown flag \"${flag}\""
# copy root dir contents
cp -pf --link ${wxdir}/* ${tarver} > /dev/null 2>&1
- # copy all top dirs except CVS, build, demos, utils, samples, and wxPython
- for d in art build contrib debian distrib docs include lib locale misc patches src; do
+ # copy all top dirs except CVS, demos, samples, and wxPython
+ for d in art build contrib debian docs include lib locale patches samples src utils; do
if [ -e ${wxdir}/$d ]; then
cp -Rpf --link ${wxdir}/$d ${tarver} #> /dev/null 2>&1
+ mkdir ${tarver}/distrib
+ cp -Rpf --link ${wxdir}/distrib/scripts ${tarver}/distrib
- # now do the same thing for wxPython, skipping it's build dirs and such
+ # now do the same thing for wxPython, but use the DIRLIST to select dirs to copy
for dir in `grep -v '#' ${wxdir}/wxPython/distrib/DIRLIST`; do
mkdir ${tarver}/${dir}
##echo "cp -pf --link ${wxdir}/${dir}/* ${tarver}/${dir}"
cp -pf --link ${wxdir}/${dir}/* ${tarver}/${dir} > /dev/null 2>&1
+ # using DIRLIST as above will normally skip any files starting
+ # with a dot, but there are a few .files that we do want to
+ # copy...
+ for dir in wxPython/distrib/msw; do
+ cp -pf --link ${wxdir}/${dir}/.[a-zA-Z]* ${tarver}/${dir} > /dev/null 2>&1
+ done
echo "*** Removing uneeded stuff from copy of CVS tree"
pushd ${tarver} > /dev/null
cleanup .cvsignore
cleanup CVS
cleanup CVSROOT
rm BuildCVS.txt
+ rm -f ChangeLog
rm *.spec
+ rm -rf distrib/msw/tmake
rm -rf docs/html
- rm -rf docs/latex
- rm -rf contrib/docs
- rm -rf contrib/samples
+ #rm -rf docs/latex
+ #rm -rf contrib/docs
+ #rm -rf contrib/samples
rm locale/*.mo
cleanup ".#*"
+ cleanup "#*#"
cleanup "*~"
cleanup "*.orig"
cleanup "*.rej"
cleanup "*.pyc"
cleanup core
cleanup "core.[0-9]*"
+ rm -f wxPython/samples/embedded/embedded
+ rm -f wxPython/samples/embedded/embedded.o
+ # ports that are not supported yet
+ #cleanup cocoa # wxMac needs some cocoa headers
+ cleanup mgl
+ cleanup motif
+ cleanup os2
+ cleanup x11
+ cleanup univ
+ cleanup wine
rm -f wxPython/wx/* > /dev/null 2>&1
# TODO? Output all combinations of spec files to put in the tar file??
-cp ${distdir}/wxPython${port}.spec ${builddir}/${tarver}/wxPython${port}.spec
+cp ${distdir}/wxPython.spec ${builddir}/${tarver}/wxPython.spec
tar cvf ${distdir}/${tarver}.tar ${tarver} > /dev/null
echo "*** Compressing..."
- if [ -e ${distdir}/${tarver}.tar.gz ]; then
- rm ${distdir}/${tarver}.tar.gz
+ if [ -e ${distdir}/${tarver}.tar.bz2 ]; then
+ rm ${distdir}/${tarver}.tar.bz2
- gzip --best ${distdir}/${tarver}.tar
+ bzip2 --best ${distdir}/${tarver}.tar
popd > /dev/null
if [ -z "${skiprpm}" ]; then
echo "*** Building RPMs..."
- cp ${distdir}/${tarver}.tar.gz ${rpmtop}/SOURCES
- rpmbuild ${rpmflag} \
- --define "_topdir ${rpmtop}" \
- --define "_tmppath ${builddir}" \
- ${distdir}/wxPython${port}.spec
- if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
- echo "*** RPM failure, exiting."
- exit 1
- else
- echo "*** Moving RPMs to ${distdir}"
- mv -f `find ${rpmtop} -name "wxPython*.rpm"` ${distdir}
+ cp ${distdir}/${tarver}.tar.bz2 ${rpmtop}/SOURCES
+ if [ "${srpmonly}" = "1" ]; then
+ rpmbuild -bs \
+ --define "_topdir ${rpmtop}" \
+ --define "_tmppath ${builddir}" \
+ --define "release 1" \
+ ${distdir}/wxPython.spec
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+ echo "*** RPM failure, exiting."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ rpmbuild -ba \
+ --define "_topdir ${rpmtop}" \
+ --define "_tmppath ${builddir}" \
+ --define "port gtk" --define "unicode 0" \
+ --define "pyver ${pyver}" \
+ ${distdir}/wxPython.spec
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+ echo "*** RPM failure, exiting."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rpmbuild -ba \
+ --define "_topdir ${rpmtop}" \
+ --define "_tmppath ${builddir}" \
+ --define "port gtk2" --define "unicode 1" \
+ --define "pyver ${pyver}" \
+ ${distdir}/wxPython.spec
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+ echo "*** RPM failure, exiting."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "*** Moving RPMs to ${distdir}"
+ mv -f `find ${rpmtop} -name "wxPython*.rpm"` ${distdir}
# Cleanup
-if [ -z ${skipclean} ]; then
+if [ "${skipclean}" = "0" ]; then
echo "*** Cleaning up"
rm -rf ${rpmtop}
rm -rf ${builddir}