wxSize ComputeFittingWindowSize(wxWindow* window);
- //@{
- Detach a child from the sizer without destroying it. @a window is the window to
- be
- detached, @a sizer is the equivalent sizer and @a index is the position of
- the child in the sizer, typically 0 for the first item. This method does not
- cause any layout or resizing to take place, call Layout()
+ Detach the child @a window from the sizer without destroying it.
+ This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call Layout()
to update the layout "on screen" after detaching a child from the sizer.
Returns @true if the child item was found and detached, @false otherwise.
@see Remove()
bool Detach(wxWindow* window);
+ /**
+ Detach the child @a sizer from the sizer without destroying it.
+ This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call Layout()
+ to update the layout "on screen" after detaching a child from the sizer.
+ Returns @true if the child item was found and detached, @false otherwise.
+ @see Remove()
+ */
bool Detach(wxSizer* sizer);
+ /**
+ Detach a item at position @a index from the sizer without destroying it.
+ This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call Layout()
+ to update the layout "on screen" after detaching a child from the sizer.
+ Returns @true if the child item was found and detached, @false otherwise.
+ @see Remove()
+ */
bool Detach(size_t index);
- //@}
Tell the sizer to resize the @a window so that its client area matches the
void FitInside(wxWindow* window);
- //@{
Returns the list of the items in this sizer. The elements of type-safe
wxList @a wxSizerItemList are objects of type
@ref overview_wxsizeritem "wxSizerItem *".
wxSizerItemList& GetChildren();
+ /**
+ Returns the list of the items in this sizer. The elements of type-safe
+ wxList @a wxSizerItemList are objects of type
+ @ref overview_wxsizeritem "wxSizerItem *".
+ */
const wxSizerItemList& GetChildren() const;
- //@}
Returns the window this sizer is used in or @NULL if none.
wxSize GetSize();
- //@{
- Hides the @e window, @e sizer, or item at @e index.
+ Hides the child @a window.
To make a sizer item disappear, use Hide() followed by Layout().
Use parameter @a recursive to hide elements found in subsizers.
Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
@see IsShown(), Show()
bool Hide(wxWindow* window, bool recursive = false);
+ /**
+ Hides the child @a sizer.
+ To make a sizer item disappear, use Hide() followed by Layout().
+ Use parameter @a recursive to hide elements found in subsizers.
+ Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
+ @see IsShown(), Show()
+ */
bool Hide(wxSizer* sizer, bool recursive = false);
+ /**
+ Hides the item at position @a index.
+ To make a sizer item disappear, use Hide() followed by Layout().
+ Use parameter @a recursive to hide elements found in subsizers.
+ Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
+ @see IsShown(), Show()
+ */
bool Hide(size_t index);
- //@}
- //@{
Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at
See Add() for the meaning of the other parameters.
- @param index The position this child should assume in the sizer.
wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index, wxWindow* window,
const wxSizerFlags& flags);
+ /**
+ Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at
+ See Add() for the meaning of the other parameters.
+ */
wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index, wxWindow* window,
int proportion = 0,
int flag = 0,
int border = 0,
wxObject* userData = NULL);
+ /**
+ Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at
+ See Add() for the meaning of the other parameters.
+ */
wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index, wxSizer* sizer,
const wxSizerFlags& flags);
+ /**
+ Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at
+ See Add() for the meaning of the other parameters.
+ */
wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index, wxSizer* sizer,
int proportion = 0,
int flag = 0,
int border = 0,
wxObject* userData = NULL);
+ /**
+ Insert a child into the sizer before any existing item at
+ See Add() for the meaning of the other parameters.
+ */
wxSizerItem* Insert(size_t index, int width, int height,
int proportion = 0,
int flag = 0,
int border = 0,
wxObject* userData = NULL);
- //@}
Inserts non-stretchable space to the sizer. More readable way of calling
bool Remove(size_t index);
- //@{
- Detaches the given @e oldwin, @a oldsz child from the sizer and
- replaces it with the given window, sizer, or wxSizerItem.
- The detached child is removed @b only if it is a sizer or a spacer
- (because windows are owned by their parent window, not the sizer).
+ Detaches the given @a oldwin from the sizer and
+ replaces it with the given @newwin. The detached
+ child window is @b not deleted (because windows are
+ owned by their parent window, not the sizer).
Use parameter @a recursive to search the given element recursively in subsizers.
- This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place, call
- Layout() to update the layout "on screen" after replacing a
+ This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place,
+ call Layout() to update the layout "on screen" after replacing a
child from the sizer.
Returns @true if the child item was found and removed, @false otherwise.
bool Replace(wxWindow* oldwin, wxWindow* newwin,
bool recursive = false);
+ /**
+ Detaches the given @a oldsz from the sizer and
+ replaces it with the given @newwin. The detached
+ child sizer is deleted.
+ Use parameter @a recursive to search the given element recursively in subsizers.
+ This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place,
+ call Layout() to update the layout "on screen" after replacing a
+ child from the sizer.
+ Returns @true if the child item was found and removed, @false otherwise.
+ */
bool Replace(wxSizer* oldsz, wxSizer* newsz,
bool recursive = false);
- bool Remove(size_t oldindex, wxSizerItem* newitem);
- //@}
+ /**
+ Detaches the given item at position @a index from the sizer and
+ replaces it with the given wxSizerItem @ newitem.
+ The detached child is deleted @b only if it is a sizer or a spacer
+ (but not if it is a wxWindow because windows are owned by their
+ parent window, not the sizer).
+ This method does not cause any layout or resizing to take place,
+ call Layout() to update the layout "on screen" after replacing a
+ child from the sizer.
+ Returns @true if the child item was found and removed, @false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool Replace(size_t index, wxSizerItem* newitem);
Call this to force the sizer to take the given dimension and thus force
rules defined by the parameter in the Add() and Prepend() methods.
void SetDimension(int x, int y, int width, int height);
+ /**
+ @overload
+ */
void SetDimension(const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
- //@{
Set an item's minimum size by window, sizer, or position.
@see wxSizerItem::SetMinSize()
void SetItemMinSize(wxWindow* window, int width, int height);
+ /**
+ Set an item's minimum size by window, sizer, or position.
+ The item will be found recursively in the sizer's descendants. This
+ function enables an application to set the size of an item after
+ initial creation.
+ @see wxSizerItem::SetMinSize()
+ */
void SetItemMinSize(wxSizer* sizer, int width, int height);
+ /**
+ Set an item's minimum size by window, sizer, or position.
+ The item will be found recursively in the sizer's descendants. This
+ function enables an application to set the size of an item after
+ initial creation.
+ @see wxSizerItem::SetMinSize()
+ */
void SetItemMinSize(size_t index, int width, int height);
- //@}
Call this to give the sizer a minimal size. Normally, the sizer will
void SetVirtualSizeHints(wxWindow* window);
- //@{
- Shows or hides the @e window, @e sizer, or item at @e index.
+ Shows or hides the @a window.
To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use Show() followed by Layout().
Use parameter @a recursive to show or hide elements found in subsizers.
Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
@see Hide(), IsShown()
bool Show(wxWindow* window, bool show = true,
bool recursive = false);
+ /**
+ Shows or hides @a sizer.
+ To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use Show() followed by Layout().
+ Use parameter @a recursive to show or hide elements found in subsizers.
+ Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
+ @see Hide(), IsShown()
+ */
bool Show(wxSizer* sizer, bool show = true,
bool recursive = false);
+ /**
+ Shows the item at @a index.
+ To make a sizer item disappear or reappear, use Show() followed by Layout().
+ Returns @true if the child item was found, @false otherwise.
+ @see Hide(), IsShown()
+ */
bool Show(size_t index, bool show = true);
- //@}