save and reload doodles, clear the workspace, and has a simple control
panel for setting color and line thickness in addition to the popup
menu that DoodleWindow provides. There is also a nice About dialog
-implmented using an wxHtmlWindow.
+implmented using an wx.html.HtmlWindow.
-from wxPython.wx import *
+import wx # This module uses the new wx namespace
+import wx.html
+from wx.lib import buttons # for generic button classes
from doodle import DoodleWindow
import os, cPickle
-idNEW = 11001
-idOPEN = 11002
-idSAVE = 11003
-idSAVEAS = 11004
-idCLEAR = 11005
-idEXIT = 11006
-idABOUT = 11007
+wx.RegisterId(5000) # Give a high starting value for the IDs, just for kicks
+idNEW = wx.NewId()
+idOPEN = wx.NewId()
+idSAVE = wx.NewId()
+idSAVEAS = wx.NewId()
+idCLEAR = wx.NewId()
+idEXIT = wx.NewId()
+idABOUT = wx.NewId()
-class DoodleFrame(wxFrame):
+class DoodleFrame(wx.Frame):
A DoodleFrame contains a DoodleWindow and a ControlPanel and manages
- their layout with a wxBoxSizer. A menu and associated event handlers
+ their layout with a wx.BoxSizer. A menu and associated event handlers
provides for saving a doodle to a file, etc.
title = "Do a doodle"
def __init__(self, parent):
- wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, -1, self.title, size=(800,600),
+ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, self.title, size=(800,600),
self.filename = None
# Create a sizer to layout the two windows side-by-side.
# Both will grow vertically, the doodle window will grow
# horizontally as well.
- box = wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL)
- box.Add(cPanel, 0, wxEXPAND)
- box.Add(self.doodle, 1, wxEXPAND)
+ box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ box.Add(cPanel, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+ box.Add(self.doodle, 1, wx.EXPAND)
# Tell the frame that it should layout itself in response to
- # size events.
- self.SetAutoLayout(true)
+ # size events using this sizer.
except cPickle.UnpicklingError:
- wxMessageBox("%s is not a doodle file." % self.filename,
- "oops!", style=wxOK|wxICON_EXCLAMATION)
+ wx.MessageBox("%s is not a doodle file." % self.filename,
+ "oops!", style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION)
def MakeMenu(self):
# create the file menu
- menu1 = wxMenu()
- menu1.Append(idOPEN, "&Open", "Open a doodle file")
- menu1.Append(idSAVE, "&Save", "Save the doodle")
+ menu1 = wx.Menu()
+ # Using the "\tKeyName" syntax automatically creates a
+ # wx.AcceleratorTable for this frame and binds the keys to
+ # the menu items.
+ menu1.Append(idOPEN, "&Open\tCtrl-O", "Open a doodle file")
+ menu1.Append(idSAVE, "&Save\tCtrl-S", "Save the doodle")
menu1.Append(idSAVEAS, "Save &As", "Save the doodle in a new file")
menu1.Append(idCLEAR, "&Clear", "Clear the current doodle")
menu1.Append(idEXIT, "E&xit", "Terminate the application")
# and the help menu
- menu2 = wxMenu()
- menu2.Append(idABOUT, "&About", "Display the gratuitous 'about this app' thingamajig")
+ menu2 = wx.Menu()
+ menu2.Append(idABOUT, "&About\tCtrl-H", "Display the gratuitous 'about this app' thingamajig")
# and add them to a menubar
- menuBar = wxMenuBar()
+ menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
menuBar.Append(menu1, "&File")
menuBar.Append(menu2, "&Help")
- EVT_MENU(self, idOPEN, self.OnMenuOpen)
- EVT_MENU(self, idSAVE, self.OnMenuSave)
- EVT_MENU(self, idSAVEAS, self.OnMenuSaveAs)
- EVT_MENU(self, idCLEAR, self.OnMenuClear)
- EVT_MENU(self, idEXIT, self.OnMenuExit)
- EVT_MENU(self, idABOUT, self.OnMenuAbout)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuOpen, id=idOPEN)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuSave, id=idSAVE)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuSaveAs, id=idSAVEAS)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuClear, id=idCLEAR)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuExit, id=idEXIT)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuAbout, id=idABOUT)
wildcard = "Doodle files (*.ddl)|*.ddl|All files (*.*)|*.*"
def OnMenuOpen(self, event):
- dlg = wxFileDialog(self, "Open doodle file...", os.getcwd(),
- style=wxOPEN, wildcard = self.wildcard)
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
+ dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Open doodle file...", os.getcwd(),
+ style=wx.OPEN, wildcard = self.wildcard)
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
self.filename = dlg.GetPath()
self.SetTitle(self.title + ' -- ' + self.filename)
def OnMenuSaveAs(self, event):
- dlg = wxFileDialog(self, "Save doodle as...", os.getcwd(),
+ dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save doodle as...", os.getcwd(),
+ style=wx.SAVE | wx.OVERWRITE_PROMPT,
wildcard = self.wildcard)
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
filename = dlg.GetPath()
if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1]:
filename = filename + '.ddl'
-class ControlPanel(wxPanel):
+class ControlPanel(wx.Panel):
This class implements a very simple control panel for the DoodleWindow.
It creates buttons for each of the colours and thickneses supported by
also a little window that shows an example doodleLine in the selected
values. Nested sizers are used for layout.
+ BMP_SIZE = 16
def __init__(self, parent, ID, doodle):
- wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, ID, style=wxRAISED_BORDER)
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, ID, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER, size=(20,20))
numCols = 4
spacing = 4
+ btnSize = wx.Size(self.BMP_SIZE + 2*self.BMP_BORDER,
+ self.BMP_SIZE + 2*self.BMP_BORDER)
# Make a grid of buttons for each colour. Attach each button
# event to self.OnSetColour. The button ID is the same as the
# key in the colour dictionary.
+ self.clrBtns = {}
colours = doodle.menuColours
keys = colours.keys()
- cGrid = wxGridSizer(cols=numCols, hgap=2, vgap=2)
+ cGrid = wx.GridSizer(cols=numCols, hgap=2, vgap=2)
for k in keys:
- bmp = self.MakeBitmap(wxNamedColour(colours[k]))
- b = wxBitmapButton(self, k, bmp)
- EVT_BUTTON(self, k, self.OnSetColour)
+ bmp = self.MakeBitmap(colours[k])
+ b = buttons.GenBitmapToggleButton(self, k, bmp, size=btnSize )
+ b.SetBezelWidth(1)
+ b.SetUseFocusIndicator(False)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSetColour, b)
cGrid.Add(b, 0)
+ self.clrBtns[colours[k]] = b
+ self.clrBtns[colours[keys[0]]].SetToggle(True)
- # Save the button size so we can use it for the number buttons
- btnSize = b.GetSize()
# Make a grid of buttons for the thicknesses. Attach each button
# event to self.OnSetThickness. The button ID is the same as the
# thickness value.
- tGrid = wxGridSizer(cols=numCols, hgap=2, vgap=2)
+ self.thknsBtns = {}
+ tGrid = wx.GridSizer(cols=numCols, hgap=2, vgap=2)
for x in range(1, doodle.maxThickness+1):
- b = wxButton(self, x, str(x), size=btnSize)
- EVT_BUTTON(self, x, self.OnSetThickness)
+ b = buttons.GenToggleButton(self, x, str(x), size=btnSize)
+ b.SetBezelWidth(1)
+ b.SetUseFocusIndicator(False)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSetThickness, b)
tGrid.Add(b, 0)
+ self.thknsBtns[x] = b
+ self.thknsBtns[1].SetToggle(True)
# Make a colour indicator window, it is registerd as a listener
# with the doodle window so it will be notified when the settings
# Make a box sizer and put the two grids and the indicator
# window in it.
- box = wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL)
- box.Add(cGrid, 0, wxALL, spacing)
- box.Add(tGrid, 0, wxALL, spacing)
- box.Add(ci, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, spacing)
+ box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ box.Add(cGrid, 0, wx.ALL, spacing)
+ box.Add(tGrid, 0, wx.ALL, spacing)
+ box.Add(ci, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, spacing)
- self.SetAutoLayout(true)
+ self.SetAutoLayout(True)
# Resize this window so it is just large enough for the
# minimum requirements of the sizer.
def MakeBitmap(self, colour):
We can create a bitmap of whatever we want by simply selecting
- it into a wxMemoryDC and drawing on it. In this case we just set
+ it into a wx.MemoryDC and drawing on it. In this case we just set
a background brush and clear the dc.
- bmp = wxEmptyBitmap(16,16)
- dc = wxMemoryDC()
+ bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(self.BMP_SIZE, self.BMP_SIZE)
+ dc = wx.MemoryDC()
- dc.SetBackground(wxBrush(colour))
+ dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush(colour))
- dc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap)
+ dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
return bmp
Use the event ID to get the colour, set that colour in the doodle.
colour = self.doodle.menuColours[event.GetId()]
+ if colour != self.doodle.colour:
+ # untoggle the old colour button
+ self.clrBtns[self.doodle.colour].SetToggle(False)
+ # set the new colour
Use the event ID to set the thickness in the doodle.
- self.doodle.SetThickness(event.GetId())
+ thickness = event.GetId()
+ if thickness != self.doodle.thickness:
+ # untoggle the old thickness button
+ self.thknsBtns[self.doodle.thickness].SetToggle(False)
+ # set the new colour
+ self.doodle.SetThickness(thickness)
-class ColourIndicator(wxWindow):
+class ColourIndicator(wx.Window):
An instance of this class is used on the ControlPanel to show
a sample of what the current doodle line will look like.
def __init__(self, parent):
- wxWindow.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wxSUNKEN_BORDER)
- self.SetBackgroundColour(wxWHITE)
- self.SetSize(wxSize(-1, 40))
+ wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
+ self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE)
+ self.SetSize( (45, 45) )
self.colour = self.thickness = None
- EVT_PAINT(self, self.OnPaint)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
def Update(self, colour, thickness):
This method is called when all or part of the window needs to be
- dc = wxPaintDC(self)
+ dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
if self.colour:
sz = self.GetClientSize()
- pen = wxPen(wxNamedColour(self.colour), self.thickness)
+ pen = wx.Pen(self.colour, self.thickness)
dc.DrawLine(10, sz.height/2, sz.width-10, sz.height/2)
-class DoodleAbout(wxDialog):
+class DoodleAbout(wx.Dialog):
""" An about box that uses an HTML window """
text = '''
<p><b>SuperDoodle</b> and <b>wxPython</b> are brought to you by
<b>Robin Dunn</b> and <b>Total Control Software</b>, Copyright
-© 1997-2001.</p>
+© 1997-2003.</p>
def __init__(self, parent):
- wxDialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, 'About SuperDoodle',
- size=wxSize(420, 380))
- from wxPython.html import wxHtmlWindow
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, 'About SuperDoodle',
+ size=(420, 380) )
- html = wxHtmlWindow(self, -1)
+ html = wx.html.HtmlWindow(self, -1)
- button = wxButton(self, wxID_OK, "Okay")
+ button = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "Okay")
# constraints for the html window
- lc = wxLayoutConstraints()
-, wxTop, 5)
- lc.left.SameAs(self, wxLeft, 5)
- lc.bottom.SameAs(button, wxTop, 5)
- lc.right.SameAs(self, wxRight, 5)
+ lc = wx.LayoutConstraints()
+, wx.Top, 5)
+ lc.left.SameAs(self, wx.Left, 5)
+ lc.bottom.SameAs(button, wx.Top, 5)
+ lc.right.SameAs(self, wx.Right, 5)
# constraints for the button
- lc = wxLayoutConstraints()
- lc.bottom.SameAs(self, wxBottom, 5)
- lc.centreX.SameAs(self, wxCentreX)
+ lc = wx.LayoutConstraints()
+ lc.bottom.SameAs(self, wx.Bottom, 5)
+ lc.centreX.SameAs(self, wx.CentreX)
- self.SetAutoLayout(true)
+ self.SetAutoLayout(True)
- self.CentreOnParent(wxBOTH)
+ self.CentreOnParent(wx.BOTH)
-class DoodleApp(wxApp):
+class DoodleApp(wx.App):
def OnInit(self):
frame = DoodleFrame(None)
- frame.Show(true)
+ frame.Show(True)
- return true
+ return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
- app = DoodleApp(0)
+ app = DoodleApp(redirect=True)