+This class encapsulates a platform-independent image. An image can be created
+from data, or using <code>wxBitmap.ConvertToImage</code>. An image can be loaded from
+a file in a variety of formats, and is extensible to new formats via image
+format handlers. Functions are available to set and get image bits, so it can
+be used for basic image manipulation.
+<p>The following image handlers are available. wxBMPHandler is always installed
+by default. To use other image formats, install the appropriate handler or use
+<tr><td width=25%>wxBMPHandler</td> <td>For loading and saving, always installed.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>wxPNGHandler</td> <td>For loading and saving.</td> </tr>
+<tr><td>wxJPEGHandler</td> <td>For loading and saving.</td> </tr>
+<tr><td>wxGIFHandler</td> <td>Only for loading, due to legal issues.</td> </tr>
+<tr><td>wxPCXHandler</td> <td>For loading and saving.</td> </tr>
+<tr><td>wxPNMHandler</td> <td>For loading and saving.</td> </tr>
+<tr><td>wxTIFFHandler</td> <td>For loading and saving.</td> </tr>
+<tr><td>wxIFFHandler</td> <td>For loading only.</td> </tr>
+<tr><td>wxXPMHandler</td> <td>For loading and saving.</td> </tr>
+<tr><td>wxICOHandler</td> <td>For loading and saving.</td> </tr>
+<tr><td>wxCURHandler</td> <td>For loading and saving.</td> </tr>
+<tr><td>wxANIHandler</td> <td>For loading only.</td> </tr>
+<p>When saving in PCX format, wxPCXHandler will count the number of different
+colours in the image; if there are 256 or less colours, it will save as 8 bit,
+else it will save as 24 bit.
+<p>Loading PNMs only works for ASCII or raw RGB images. When saving in PNM format,
+wxPNMHandler will always save as raw RGB.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys,os
+ import run
+ run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])])