// Licence: wxWindows licence
+ - Replace use of wxINVERT with wxOverlay
+ - Make Begin/EndBatch() the same as the generic Freeze/Thaw()
+ - Review the column reordering code, it's a mess.
+ - Implement row reordering after dealing with the columns.
+ */
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
if (attr != new_attr)
- // "Delete" (i.e. DecRef) the old attribute.
+ // "Delete" (i.e. DecRef) the old attribute.
attr = new_attr;
// Take ownership of the new attribute, i.e. no IncRef.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV wxGridTypeRegistry
- wxGridTypeRegistry() {}
+ wxGridTypeRegistry() {}
void RegisterDataType(const wxString& typeName,
wxGridDataTypeInfoArray m_typeinfo;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// conditional compilation
+// operations classes abstracting the difference between operating on rows and
+// columns
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This class allows to write a function only once because by using its methods
+// it will apply to both columns and rows.
+// This is an abstract interface definition, the two concrete implementations
+// below should be used when working with rows and columns respectively.
+class wxGridOperations
+ // Returns the operations in the other direction, i.e. wxGridRowOperations
+ // if this object is a wxGridColumnOperations and vice versa.
+ virtual wxGridOperations& Dual() const = 0;
+ // Return the number of rows or columns.
+ virtual int GetNumberOfLines(const wxGrid *grid) const = 0;
+ // Return the selection mode which allows selecting rows or columns.
+ virtual wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes GetSelectionMode() const = 0;
+ // Make a wxGridCellCoords from the given components: thisDir is row or
+ // column and otherDir is column or row
+ virtual wxGridCellCoords MakeCoords(int thisDir, int otherDir) const = 0;
+ // Calculate the scrolled position of the given abscissa or ordinate.
+ virtual int CalcScrolledPosition(wxGrid *grid, int pos) const = 0;
+ // Selects the horizontal or vertical component from the given object.
+ virtual int Select(const wxGridCellCoords& coords) const = 0;
+ virtual int Select(const wxPoint& pt) const = 0;
+ virtual int Select(const wxSize& sz) const = 0;
+ virtual int Select(const wxRect& r) const = 0;
+ virtual int& Select(wxRect& r) const = 0;
+ // Returns width or height of the rectangle
+ virtual int& SelectSize(wxRect& r) const = 0;
+ // Make a wxSize such that Select() applied to it returns first component
+ virtual wxSize MakeSize(int first, int second) const = 0;
+ // Sets the row or column component of the given cell coordinates
+ virtual void Set(wxGridCellCoords& coords, int line) const = 0;
+ // Draws a line parallel to the row or column, i.e. horizontal or vertical:
+ // pos is the vertical or horizontal position of the line and start and end
+ // are the coordinates of the line extremities in the other direction
+ virtual void
+ DrawParallelLine(wxDC& dc, int start, int end, int pos) const = 0;
+ // Return the row or column at the given pixel coordinate.
+ virtual int
+ PosToLine(const wxGrid *grid, int pos, bool clip = false) const = 0;
+ // Get the top/left position, in pixels, of the given row or column
+ virtual int GetLineStartPos(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const = 0;
+ // Get the bottom/right position, in pixels, of the given row or column
+ virtual int GetLineEndPos(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const = 0;
+ // Get the height/width of the given row/column
+ virtual int GetLineSize(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const = 0;
+ // Get wxGrid::m_rowBottoms/m_colRights array
+ virtual const wxArrayInt& GetLineEnds(const wxGrid *grid) const = 0;
+ // Get default height row height or column width
+ virtual int GetDefaultLineSize(const wxGrid *grid) const = 0;
+ // Return the minimal acceptable row height or column width
+ virtual int GetMinimalAcceptableLineSize(const wxGrid *grid) const = 0;
+ // Return the minimal row height or column width
+ virtual int GetMinimalLineSize(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const = 0;
+ // Set the row height or column width
+ virtual void SetLineSize(wxGrid *grid, int line, int size) const = 0;
+ // True if rows/columns can be resized by user
+ virtual bool CanResizeLines(const wxGrid *grid) const = 0;
+ // Return the index of the line at the given position
+ //
+ // NB: currently this is always identity for the rows as reordering is only
+ // implemented for the lines
+ virtual int GetLineAt(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const = 0;
+ // Get the row or column label window
+ virtual wxWindow *GetHeaderWindow(wxGrid *grid) const = 0;
+ // Get the width or height of the row or column label window
+ virtual int GetHeaderWindowSize(wxGrid *grid) const = 0;
+ // This class is never used polymorphically but give it a virtual dtor
+ // anyhow to suppress g++ complaints about it
+ virtual ~wxGridOperations() { }
+class wxGridRowOperations : public wxGridOperations
+ virtual wxGridOperations& Dual() const;
+ virtual int GetNumberOfLines(const wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->GetNumberRows(); }
+ virtual wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes GetSelectionMode() const
+ { return wxGrid::wxGridSelectRows; }
+ virtual wxGridCellCoords MakeCoords(int thisDir, int otherDir) const
+ { return wxGridCellCoords(thisDir, otherDir); }
+ virtual int CalcScrolledPosition(wxGrid *grid, int pos) const
+ { return grid->CalcScrolledPosition(wxPoint(pos, 0)).x; }
+ virtual int Select(const wxGridCellCoords& c) const { return c.GetRow(); }
+ virtual int Select(const wxPoint& pt) const { return pt.x; }
+ virtual int Select(const wxSize& sz) const { return sz.x; }
+ virtual int Select(const wxRect& r) const { return r.x; }
+ virtual int& Select(wxRect& r) const { return r.x; }
+ virtual int& SelectSize(wxRect& r) const { return r.width; }
+ virtual wxSize MakeSize(int first, int second) const
+ { return wxSize(first, second); }
+ virtual void Set(wxGridCellCoords& coords, int line) const
+ { coords.SetRow(line); }
+ virtual void DrawParallelLine(wxDC& dc, int start, int end, int pos) const
+ { dc.DrawLine(start, pos, end, pos); }
+ virtual int PosToLine(const wxGrid *grid, int pos, bool clip = false) const
+ { return grid->YToRow(pos, clip); }
+ virtual int GetLineStartPos(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const
+ { return grid->GetRowTop(line); }
+ virtual int GetLineEndPos(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const
+ { return grid->GetRowBottom(line); }
+ virtual int GetLineSize(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const
+ { return grid->GetRowHeight(line); }
+ virtual const wxArrayInt& GetLineEnds(const wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->m_rowBottoms; }
+ virtual int GetDefaultLineSize(const wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->GetDefaultRowSize(); }
+ virtual int GetMinimalAcceptableLineSize(const wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->GetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight(); }
+ virtual int GetMinimalLineSize(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const
+ { return grid->GetRowMinimalHeight(line); }
+ virtual void SetLineSize(wxGrid *grid, int line, int size) const
+ { grid->SetRowSize(line, size); }
+ virtual bool CanResizeLines(const wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->CanDragRowSize(); }
+ virtual int GetLineAt(const wxGrid * WXUNUSED(grid), int line) const
+ { return line; } // TODO: implement row reordering
+ virtual wxWindow *GetHeaderWindow(wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->GetGridRowLabelWindow(); }
+ virtual int GetHeaderWindowSize(wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->GetRowLabelSize(); }
+class wxGridColumnOperations : public wxGridOperations
+ virtual wxGridOperations& Dual() const;
+ virtual int GetNumberOfLines(const wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->GetNumberCols(); }
+ virtual wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes GetSelectionMode() const
+ { return wxGrid::wxGridSelectColumns; }
+ virtual wxGridCellCoords MakeCoords(int thisDir, int otherDir) const
+ { return wxGridCellCoords(otherDir, thisDir); }
+ virtual int CalcScrolledPosition(wxGrid *grid, int pos) const
+ { return grid->CalcScrolledPosition(wxPoint(0, pos)).y; }
+ virtual int Select(const wxGridCellCoords& c) const { return c.GetCol(); }
+ virtual int Select(const wxPoint& pt) const { return pt.y; }
+ virtual int Select(const wxSize& sz) const { return sz.y; }
+ virtual int Select(const wxRect& r) const { return r.y; }
+ virtual int& Select(wxRect& r) const { return r.y; }
+ virtual int& SelectSize(wxRect& r) const { return r.height; }
+ virtual wxSize MakeSize(int first, int second) const
+ { return wxSize(second, first); }
+ virtual void Set(wxGridCellCoords& coords, int line) const
+ { coords.SetCol(line); }
+ virtual void DrawParallelLine(wxDC& dc, int start, int end, int pos) const
+ { dc.DrawLine(pos, start, pos, end); }
+ virtual int PosToLine(const wxGrid *grid, int pos, bool clip = false) const
+ { return grid->XToCol(pos, clip); }
+ virtual int GetLineStartPos(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const
+ { return grid->GetColLeft(line); }
+ virtual int GetLineEndPos(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const
+ { return grid->GetColRight(line); }
+ virtual int GetLineSize(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const
+ { return grid->GetColWidth(line); }
+ virtual const wxArrayInt& GetLineEnds(const wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->m_colRights; }
+ virtual int GetDefaultLineSize(const wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->GetDefaultColSize(); }
+ virtual int GetMinimalAcceptableLineSize(const wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth(); }
+ virtual int GetMinimalLineSize(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const
+ { return grid->GetColMinimalWidth(line); }
+ virtual void SetLineSize(wxGrid *grid, int line, int size) const
+ { grid->SetColSize(line, size); }
+ virtual bool CanResizeLines(const wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->CanDragColSize(); }
+ virtual int GetLineAt(const wxGrid *grid, int line) const
+ { return grid->GetColAt(line); }
+ virtual wxWindow *GetHeaderWindow(wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->GetGridColLabelWindow(); }
+ virtual int GetHeaderWindowSize(wxGrid *grid) const
+ { return grid->GetColLabelSize(); }
+wxGridOperations& wxGridRowOperations::Dual() const
+ static wxGridColumnOperations s_colOper;
+ return s_colOper;
+wxGridOperations& wxGridColumnOperations::Dual() const
+ static wxGridRowOperations s_rowOper;
+ return s_rowOper;
+// This class abstracts the difference between operations going forward
+// (down/right) and backward (up/left) and allows to use the same code for
+// functions which differ only in the direction of grid traversal
+// Like wxGridOperations it's an ABC with two concrete subclasses below. Unlike
+// it, this is a normal object and not just a function dispatch table and has a
+// non-default ctor.
+// Note: the explanation of this discrepancy is the existence of (very useful)
+// Dual() method in wxGridOperations which forces us to make wxGridOperations a
+// function dispatcher only.
+class wxGridDirectionOperations
+ // The oper parameter to ctor selects whether we work with rows or columns
+ wxGridDirectionOperations(wxGrid *grid, const wxGridOperations& oper)
+ : m_grid(grid),
+ m_oper(oper)
+ {
+ }
+ // Check if the component of this point in our direction is at the
+ // boundary, i.e. is the first/last row/column
+ virtual bool IsAtBoundary(const wxGridCellCoords& coords) const = 0;
+ // Increment the component of this point in our direction
+ virtual void Advance(wxGridCellCoords& coords) const = 0;
+ // Find the line at the given distance, in pixels, away from this one
+ // (this uses clipping, i.e. anything after the last line is counted as the
+ // last one and anything before the first one as 0)
+ virtual int MoveByPixelDistance(int line, int distance) const = 0;
+ // This class is never used polymorphically but give it a virtual dtor
+ // anyhow to suppress g++ complaints about it
+ virtual ~wxGridDirectionOperations() { }
+ wxGrid * const m_grid;
+ const wxGridOperations& m_oper;
+class wxGridBackwardOperations : public wxGridDirectionOperations
+ wxGridBackwardOperations(wxGrid *grid, const wxGridOperations& oper)
+ : wxGridDirectionOperations(grid, oper)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual bool IsAtBoundary(const wxGridCellCoords& coords) const
+ {
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_oper.Select(coords) >= 0, "invalid row/column" );
+ return m_oper.Select(coords) == 0;
+ }
+ virtual void Advance(wxGridCellCoords& coords) const
+ {
+ wxASSERT( !IsAtBoundary(coords) );
+ m_oper.Set(coords, m_oper.Select(coords) - 1);
+ }
+ virtual int MoveByPixelDistance(int line, int distance) const
+ {
+ int pos = m_oper.GetLineStartPos(m_grid, line);
+ return m_oper.PosToLine(m_grid, pos - distance + 1, true);
+ }
+class wxGridForwardOperations : public wxGridDirectionOperations
+ wxGridForwardOperations(wxGrid *grid, const wxGridOperations& oper)
+ : wxGridDirectionOperations(grid, oper),
+ m_numLines(oper.GetNumberOfLines(grid))
+ {
+ }
+ virtual bool IsAtBoundary(const wxGridCellCoords& coords) const
+ {
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_oper.Select(coords) < m_numLines, "invalid row/column" );
+ return m_oper.Select(coords) == m_numLines - 1;
+ }
+ virtual void Advance(wxGridCellCoords& coords) const
+ {
+ wxASSERT( !IsAtBoundary(coords) );
+ m_oper.Set(coords, m_oper.Select(coords) + 1);
+ }
+ virtual int MoveByPixelDistance(int line, int distance) const
+ {
+ int pos = m_oper.GetLineStartPos(m_grid, line);
+ return m_oper.PosToLine(m_grid, pos + distance, true);
+ }
+ const int m_numLines;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// globals
wxRect wxGridNoCellRect( -1, -1, -1, -1 );
// scroll line size
-// TODO: this doesn't work at all, grid cells have different sizes and approx
-// calculations don't work as because of the size mismatch scrollbars
-// sometimes fail to be shown when they should be or vice versa
-// The scroll bars may be a little flakey once in a while, but that is
-// surely much less horrible than having scroll lines of only 1!!!
-// -- Robin
-// Well, it's still seriously broken so it might be better but needs
-// fixing anyhow
-// -- Vadim
-static const size_t GRID_SCROLL_LINE_X = 15; // 1;
+static const size_t GRID_SCROLL_LINE_X = 15;
static const size_t GRID_SCROLL_LINE_Y = GRID_SCROLL_LINE_X;
// the size of hash tables used a bit everywhere (the max number of elements
// in these hash tables is the number of rows/columns)
static const int GRID_HASH_SIZE = 100;
-#if 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// private functions
+// private helpers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static inline int GetScrollX(int x)
-static inline int GetScrollY(int y)
+// ensure that first is less or equal to second, swapping the values if
+// necessary
+void EnsureFirstLessThanSecond(int& first, int& second)
+ if ( first > second )
+ wxSwap(first, second);
+} // anonymous namespace
// ============================================================================
// implementation
- dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(attr->GetBackgroundColour(), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID));
+ dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(attr->GetBackgroundColour()));
// redraw the control we just painted over
dc.SetBackgroundMode( wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID );
- // grey out fields if the grid is disabled
+ wxColour clr;
if ( grid.IsEnabled() )
if ( isSelected )
- wxColour clr;
if ( grid.HasFocus() )
clr = grid.GetSelectionBackground();
clr = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW);
- dc.SetBrush( wxBrush(clr, wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID) );
- dc.SetBrush( wxBrush(attr.GetBackgroundColour(), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID) );
+ clr = attr.GetBackgroundColour();
- else
+ else // grey out fields if the grid is disabled
- dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID));
+ clr = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE);
+ dc.SetBrush(clr);
dc.SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
wxGridCellAttr *wxGridCellAttrData::GetAttr(int row, int col) const
- wxGridCellAttr *attr = (wxGridCellAttr *)NULL;
+ wxGridCellAttr *attr = NULL;
int n = FindIndex(row, col);
if ( n != wxNOT_FOUND )
wxGridCellAttr *wxGridRowOrColAttrData::GetAttr(int rowOrCol) const
- wxGridCellAttr *attr = (wxGridCellAttr *)NULL;
+ wxGridCellAttr *attr = NULL;
int n = m_rowsOrCols.Index(rowOrCol);
if ( n != wxNOT_FOUND )
size_t n = (size_t)i;
if ( m_attrs[n] == attr )
// nothing to do
- return;
+ return;
if ( attr )
// change the attribute, handling reference count manually,
- m_data = (wxGridCellAttrProviderData *)NULL;
+ m_data = NULL;
wxGridCellAttr *wxGridCellAttrProvider::GetAttr(int row, int col,
wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind kind ) const
- wxGridCellAttr *attr = (wxGridCellAttr *)NULL;
+ wxGridCellAttr *attr = NULL;
if ( m_data )
switch (kind)
- m_view = (wxGrid *) NULL;
- m_attrProvider = (wxGridCellAttrProvider *) NULL;
+ m_view = NULL;
+ m_attrProvider = NULL;
if ( m_attrProvider )
return m_attrProvider->GetAttr(row, col, kind);
- return (wxGridCellAttr *)NULL;
+ return NULL;
void wxGridTableBase::SetAttr(wxGridCellAttr* attr, int row, int col)
- m_table = (wxGridTableBase *) NULL;
+ m_table = NULL;
m_id = -1;
m_comInt1 = -1;
m_comInt2 = -1;
size_t curNumRows = m_data.GetCount();
-#if 0
- if ( !curNumRows )
- {
- // TODO: something better than this ?
- //
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Unable to append cols to a grid table with no rows.\nCall AppendRows() first") );
- return false;
- }
for ( row = 0; row < curNumRows; row++ )
m_data[row].Add( wxEmptyString, numCols );
wxGridCornerLabelWindow::wxGridCornerLabelWindow( wxGrid *parent,
wxWindowID id,
- const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size )
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size )
: wxGridSubwindow(parent, id, pos, size)
m_owner = parent;
wxPaintDC dc(this);
- int client_height = 0;
- int client_width = 0;
- GetClientSize( &client_width, &client_height );
- // VZ: any reason for this ifdef? (FIXME)
-#if 0
-def __WXGTK__
- wxRect rect;
- rect.SetX( 1 );
- rect.SetY( 1 );
- rect.SetWidth( client_width - 2 );
- rect.SetHeight( client_height - 2 );
- wxRendererNative::Get().DrawHeaderButton( this, dc, rect, 0 );
-#else // !__WXGTK__
- dc.SetPen( wxPen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW), 1, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID) );
- dc.DrawLine( client_width - 1, client_height - 1, client_width - 1, 0 );
- dc.DrawLine( client_width - 1, client_height - 1, 0, client_height - 1 );
- dc.DrawLine( 0, 0, client_width, 0 );
- dc.DrawLine( 0, 0, 0, client_height );
- dc.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN );
- dc.DrawLine( 1, 1, client_width - 1, 1 );
- dc.DrawLine( 1, 1, 1, client_height - 1 );
+ m_owner->DrawCornerLabel(dc);
void wxGridCornerLabelWindow::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
wxGridCellCoordsArray dirtyCells = m_owner->CalcCellsExposed( reg );
m_owner->DrawGridCellArea( dc, dirtyCells );
m_owner->DrawAllGridLines( dc, reg );
m_owner->DrawGridSpace( dc );
m_owner->DrawHighlight( dc, dirtyCells );
-// Internal Helper function for computing row or column from some
-// (unscrolled) coordinate value, using either
-// m_defaultRowHeight/m_defaultColWidth or binary search on array
-// of m_rowBottoms/m_ColRights to speed up the search!
-// Internal helper macros for simpler use of that function
-static int CoordToRowOrCol(int coord, int defaultDist, int minDist,
- const wxArrayInt& BorderArray, int nMax,
- bool clipToMinMax);
#define internalXToCol(x) XToCol(x, true)
-#define internalYToRow(y) CoordToRowOrCol(y, m_defaultRowHeight, \
- m_minAcceptableRowHeight, \
- m_rowBottoms, m_numRows, true)
+#define internalYToRow(y) YToRow(y, true)
+ SetScrollRate(m_scrollLineX, m_scrollLineY);
return true;
bool wxGrid::CreateGrid( int numRows, int numCols,
- wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes selmode )
+ wxGridSelectionModes selmode )
wxCHECK_MSG( !m_created,
wxT("wxGrid::CreateGrid or wxGrid::SetTable called more than once") );
- m_numRows = numRows;
- m_numCols = numCols;
- m_table = new wxGridStringTable( m_numRows, m_numCols );
- m_table->SetView( this );
- m_ownTable = true;
- m_selection = new wxGridSelection( this, selmode );
- CalcDimensions();
- m_created = true;
- return m_created;
+ return SetTable(new wxGridStringTable(numRows, numCols), true, selmode);
-void wxGrid::SetSelectionMode(wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes selmode)
+void wxGrid::SetSelectionMode(wxGridSelectionModes selmode)
wxCHECK_RET( m_created,
wxT("Called wxGrid::SetSelectionMode() before calling CreateGrid()") );
wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes wxGrid::GetSelectionMode() const
- wxCHECK_MSG( m_created, wxGrid::wxGridSelectCells,
+ wxCHECK_MSG( m_created, wxGridSelectCells,
wxT("Called wxGrid::GetSelectionMode() before calling CreateGrid()") );
return m_selection->GetSelectionMode();
-bool wxGrid::SetTable( wxGridTableBase *table, bool takeOwnership,
- wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes selmode )
+wxGrid::SetTable(wxGridTableBase *table,
+ bool takeOwnership,
+ wxGrid::wxGridSelectionModes selmode )
bool checkSelection = false;
if ( m_created )
m_attrCache.col = -1;
m_attrCache.attr = NULL;
- // TODO: something better than this ?
- //
- m_labelFont = this->GetFont();
+ m_labelFont = GetFont();
m_labelFont.SetWeight( wxBOLD );
m_rowLabelHorizAlign = wxALIGN_CENTRE;
m_canDragColMove = false;
- m_winCapture = (wxWindow *)NULL;
+ m_winCapture = NULL;
m_canDragRowSize = true;
m_canDragColSize = true;
m_canDragGridSize = true;
if ( y >= h )
y = wxMax( h - 1, 0 );
- // do set scrollbar parameters
- SetScrollRate(m_scrollLineX, m_scrollLineY);
+ // update the virtual size and refresh the scrollbars to reflect it
m_gridWin->SetVirtualSize(w, h);
Scroll(x, y);
+ AdjustScrollbars();
// if our OnSize() hadn't been called (it would if we have scrollbars), we
// still must reposition the children
if ( m_moveToCol < 0 )
markerX = GetColRight( GetColAt( m_numCols - 1 ) );
+ else if ( x >= (GetColLeft( m_moveToCol ) + (GetColWidth(m_moveToCol) / 2)) )
+ {
+ m_moveToCol = GetColAt( GetColPos( m_moveToCol ) + 1 );
+ if ( m_moveToCol < 0 )
+ markerX = GetColRight( GetColAt( m_numCols - 1 ) );
+ else
+ markerX = GetColLeft( m_moveToCol );
+ }
markerX = GetColLeft( m_moveToCol );
if ( markerX != m_dragLastPos )
wxClientDC dc( m_colLabelWin );
+ DoPrepareDC(dc);
int cw, ch;
m_colLabelWin->GetClientSize( &cw, &ch );
DrawColLabel( dc, XToCol( m_dragLastPos ) );
+ const wxColour *color;
//Moving to the same place? Don't draw a marker
if ( (m_moveToCol == m_dragRowOrCol)
|| (GetColPos( m_moveToCol ) == GetColPos( m_dragRowOrCol ) + 1)
|| (m_moveToCol < 0 && m_dragRowOrCol == GetColAt( m_numCols - 1 )))
- {
- m_dragLastPos = -1;
- return;
- }
+ color = wxLIGHT_GREY;
+ else
+ color = wxBLUE;
//Draw the marker
- wxPen pen( *wxBLUE, 2 );
+ wxPen pen( *color, 2 );
dc.DrawLine( markerX, 0, markerX, ch );
if (m_winCapture->HasCapture())
- m_winCapture = (wxWindow *)NULL;
+ m_winCapture = NULL;
m_cursorMode = mode;
// TODO: need to introduce a delay or something here. The
- // scrolling is way to fast, at least on MSW - also on GTK.
+ // scrolling is way too fast, at least under MSW and GTK.
// Have we captured the mouse yet?
- m_waitForSlowClick = m_currentCellCoords == coords && coords != wxGridNoCellCoords;
+ m_waitForSlowClick = m_currentCellCoords == coords &&
+ coords != wxGridNoCellCoords;
SetCurrentCell( coords );
- if ( m_selection )
- {
- if ( m_selection->GetSelectionMode() !=
- wxGrid::wxGridSelectCells )
- {
- HighlightBlock( coords, coords );
- }
- }
-void wxGrid::DoEndDragResizeRow()
+void wxGrid::DoEndDragResizeLine(const wxGridOperations& oper)
- if ( m_dragLastPos >= 0 )
- {
- // erase the last line and resize the row
- //
- int cw, ch, left, dummy;
- m_gridWin->GetClientSize( &cw, &ch );
- CalcUnscrolledPosition( 0, 0, &left, &dummy );
+ if ( m_dragLastPos == -1 )
+ return;
- wxClientDC dc( m_gridWin );
- PrepareDC( dc );
- dc.SetLogicalFunction( wxINVERT );
- dc.DrawLine( left, m_dragLastPos, left + cw, m_dragLastPos );
- HideCellEditControl();
- SaveEditControlValue();
+ const wxGridOperations& doper = oper.Dual();
- int rowTop = GetRowTop(m_dragRowOrCol);
- SetRowSize( m_dragRowOrCol,
- wxMax( m_dragLastPos - rowTop, m_minAcceptableRowHeight ) );
+ const wxSize size = m_gridWin->GetClientSize();
- if ( !GetBatchCount() )
- {
- // Only needed to get the correct rect.y:
- wxRect rect ( CellToRect( m_dragRowOrCol, 0 ) );
- rect.x = 0;
- CalcScrolledPosition(0, rect.y, &dummy, &rect.y);
- rect.width = m_rowLabelWidth;
- rect.height = ch - rect.y;
- m_rowLabelWin->Refresh( true, &rect );
- rect.width = cw;
+ const wxPoint ptOrigin = CalcUnscrolledPosition(wxPoint(0, 0));
- // if there is a multicell block, paint all of it
- if (m_table)
- {
- int i, cell_rows, cell_cols, subtract_rows = 0;
- int leftCol = XToCol(left);
- int rightCol = internalXToCol(left + cw);
- if (leftCol >= 0)
- {
- for (i=leftCol; i<rightCol; i++)
- {
- GetCellSize(m_dragRowOrCol, i, &cell_rows, &cell_cols);
- if (cell_rows < subtract_rows)
- subtract_rows = cell_rows;
- }
- rect.y = GetRowTop(m_dragRowOrCol + subtract_rows);
- CalcScrolledPosition(0, rect.y, &dummy, &rect.y);
- rect.height = ch - rect.y;
- }
- }
- m_gridWin->Refresh( false, &rect );
- }
+ // erase the last line we drew
+ wxClientDC dc(m_gridWin);
+ PrepareDC(dc);
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxINVERT);
- ShowCellEditControl();
- }
+ const int posLineStart = oper.Select(ptOrigin);
+ const int posLineEnd = oper.Select(ptOrigin) + oper.Select(size);
+ oper.DrawParallelLine(dc, posLineStart, posLineEnd, m_dragLastPos);
-void wxGrid::DoEndDragResizeCol()
- if ( m_dragLastPos >= 0 )
+ // temporarily hide the edit control before resizing
+ HideCellEditControl();
+ SaveEditControlValue();
+ // do resize the line
+ const int lineStart = oper.GetLineStartPos(this, m_dragRowOrCol);
+ oper.SetLineSize(this, m_dragRowOrCol,
+ wxMax(m_dragLastPos - lineStart,
+ oper.GetMinimalLineSize(this, m_dragRowOrCol)));
+ // refresh now if we're not frozen
+ if ( !GetBatchCount() )
- // erase the last line and resize the col
- //
- int cw, ch, dummy, top;
- m_gridWin->GetClientSize( &cw, &ch );
- CalcUnscrolledPosition( 0, 0, &dummy, &top );
+ // we need to refresh everything beyond the resized line in the header
+ // window
- wxClientDC dc( m_gridWin );
- PrepareDC( dc );
- dc.SetLogicalFunction( wxINVERT );
- dc.DrawLine( m_dragLastPos, top, m_dragLastPos, top + ch );
- HideCellEditControl();
- SaveEditControlValue();
+ // get the position from which to refresh in the other direction
+ wxRect rect(CellToRect(oper.MakeCoords(m_dragRowOrCol, 0)));
+ rect.SetPosition(CalcScrolledPosition(rect.GetPosition()));
- int colLeft = GetColLeft(m_dragRowOrCol);
- SetColSize( m_dragRowOrCol,
- wxMax( m_dragLastPos - colLeft,
- GetColMinimalWidth(m_dragRowOrCol) ) );
+ // we only need the ordinate (for rows) or abscissa (for columns) here,
+ // and need to cover the entire window in the other direction
+ oper.Select(rect) = 0;
- if ( !GetBatchCount() )
+ wxRect rectHeader(rect.GetPosition(),
+ oper.MakeSize
+ (
+ oper.GetHeaderWindowSize(this),
+ doper.Select(size) - doper.Select(rect)
+ ));
+ oper.GetHeaderWindow(this)->Refresh(true, &rectHeader);
+ // also refresh the grid window: extend the rectangle
+ if ( m_table )
- // Only needed to get the correct rect.x:
- wxRect rect ( CellToRect( 0, m_dragRowOrCol ) );
- rect.y = 0;
- CalcScrolledPosition(rect.x, 0, &rect.x, &dummy);
- rect.width = cw - rect.x;
- rect.height = m_colLabelHeight;
- m_colLabelWin->Refresh( true, &rect );
- rect.height = ch;
+ oper.SelectSize(rect) = oper.Select(size);
- // if there is a multicell block, paint all of it
- if (m_table)
+ int subtractLines = 0;
+ const int lineStart = oper.PosToLine(this, posLineStart);
+ if ( lineStart >= 0 )
- int i, cell_rows, cell_cols, subtract_cols = 0;
- int topRow = YToRow(top);
- int bottomRow = internalYToRow(top + cw);
- if (topRow >= 0)
+ // ensure that if we have a multi-cell block we redraw all of
+ // it by increasing the refresh area to cover it entirely if a
+ // part of it is affected
+ const int lineEnd = oper.PosToLine(this, posLineEnd, true);
+ for ( int line = lineStart; line < lineEnd; line++ )
- for (i=topRow; i<bottomRow; i++)
- {
- GetCellSize(i, m_dragRowOrCol, &cell_rows, &cell_cols);
- if (cell_cols < subtract_cols)
- subtract_cols = cell_cols;
- }
- rect.x = GetColLeft(m_dragRowOrCol + subtract_cols);
- CalcScrolledPosition(rect.x, 0, &rect.x, &dummy);
- rect.width = cw - rect.x;
+ int cellLines = oper.Select(
+ GetCellSize(oper.MakeCoords(m_dragRowOrCol, line)));
+ if ( cellLines < subtractLines )
+ subtractLines = cellLines;
- m_gridWin->Refresh( false, &rect );
- }
+ int startPos =
+ oper.GetLineStartPos(this, m_dragRowOrCol + subtractLines);
+ startPos = doper.CalcScrolledPosition(this, startPos);
+ doper.Select(rect) = startPos;
+ doper.SelectSize(rect) = doper.Select(size) - startPos;
- ShowCellEditControl();
+ m_gridWin->Refresh(false, &rect);
+ }
+ // show the edit control back again
+ ShowCellEditControl();
+void wxGrid::DoEndDragResizeRow()
+ DoEndDragResizeLine(wxGridRowOperations());
+void wxGrid::DoEndDragResizeCol()
+ DoEndDragResizeLine(wxGridColumnOperations());
void wxGrid::DoEndDragMoveCol()
// The behaviour of this function depends on the grid table class
// Clear() function. For the default wxGridStringTable class the
-// behavious is to replace all cell contents with wxEmptyString but
+// behaviour is to replace all cell contents with wxEmptyString but
// not to change the number of rows or cols.
void wxGrid::ClearGrid()
-bool wxGrid::InsertRows( int pos, int numRows, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
+wxGrid::DoModifyLines(bool (wxGridTableBase::*funcModify)(size_t, size_t),
+ int pos, int num, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
- // TODO: something with updateLabels flag
+ wxCHECK_MSG( m_created, false, "must finish creating the grid first" );
- if ( !m_created )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::InsertRows() before calling CreateGrid()") );
+ if ( !m_table )
return false;
- }
- if ( m_table )
- {
- if (IsCellEditControlEnabled())
- DisableCellEditControl();
- bool done = m_table->InsertRows( pos, numRows );
- return done;
+ if ( IsCellEditControlEnabled() )
+ DisableCellEditControl();
- // the table will have sent the results of the insert row
- // operation to this view object as a grid table message
- }
+ return (m_table->*funcModify)(pos, num);
- return false;
+ // the table will have sent the results of the insert row
+ // operation to this view object as a grid table message
-bool wxGrid::AppendRows( int numRows, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
+wxGrid::DoAppendLines(bool (wxGridTableBase::*funcAppend)(size_t),
+ int num, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels))
- // TODO: something with updateLabels flag
+ wxCHECK_MSG( m_created, false, "must finish creating the grid first" );
- if ( !m_created )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::AppendRows() before calling CreateGrid()") );
+ if ( !m_table )
return false;
- }
- if ( m_table )
- {
- bool done = m_table && m_table->AppendRows( numRows );
- return done;
- // the table will have sent the results of the append row
- // operation to this view object as a grid table message
- }
- return false;
+ return (m_table->*funcAppend)(num);
-bool wxGrid::DeleteRows( int pos, int numRows, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
+// ----- event handlers
+// Generate a grid event based on a mouse event and
+// return the result of ProcessEvent()
+int wxGrid::SendEvent( const wxEventType type,
+ int row, int col,
+ wxMouseEvent& mouseEv )
- // TODO: something with updateLabels flag
- if ( !m_created )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::DeleteRows() before calling CreateGrid()") );
- return false;
- }
- if ( m_table )
- {
- if (IsCellEditControlEnabled())
- DisableCellEditControl();
- bool done = m_table->DeleteRows( pos, numRows );
- return done;
- // the table will have sent the results of the delete row
- // operation to this view object as a grid table message
- }
- return false;
-bool wxGrid::InsertCols( int pos, int numCols, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
- // TODO: something with updateLabels flag
- if ( !m_created )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::InsertCols() before calling CreateGrid()") );
- return false;
- }
- if ( m_table )
- {
- if (IsCellEditControlEnabled())
- DisableCellEditControl();
- bool done = m_table->InsertCols( pos, numCols );
- return done;
- // the table will have sent the results of the insert col
- // operation to this view object as a grid table message
- }
- return false;
-bool wxGrid::AppendCols( int numCols, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
- // TODO: something with updateLabels flag
- if ( !m_created )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::AppendCols() before calling CreateGrid()") );
- return false;
- }
- if ( m_table )
- {
- bool done = m_table->AppendCols( numCols );
- return done;
- // the table will have sent the results of the append col
- // operation to this view object as a grid table message
- }
- return false;
-bool wxGrid::DeleteCols( int pos, int numCols, bool WXUNUSED(updateLabels) )
- // TODO: something with updateLabels flag
- if ( !m_created )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Called wxGrid::DeleteCols() before calling CreateGrid()") );
- return false;
- }
- if ( m_table )
- {
- if (IsCellEditControlEnabled())
- DisableCellEditControl();
- bool done = m_table->DeleteCols( pos, numCols );
- return done;
- // the table will have sent the results of the delete col
- // operation to this view object as a grid table message
- }
- return false;
-// ----- event handlers
-// Generate a grid event based on a mouse event and
-// return the result of ProcessEvent()
-int wxGrid::SendEvent( const wxEventType type,
- int row, int col,
- wxMouseEvent& mouseEv )
- bool claimed, vetoed;
+ bool claimed, vetoed;
if ( type == wxEVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE || type == wxEVT_GRID_COL_SIZE )
- if ( event.ControlDown() )
+ // Ctrl-Space selects the current column, Shift-Space -- the
+ // current row and Ctrl-Shift-Space -- everything
+ switch ( m_selection ? event.GetModifiers() : wxMOD_NONE )
- if ( m_selection )
- {
- m_selection->ToggleCellSelection(
- m_currentCellCoords.GetRow(),
- m_currentCellCoords.GetCol(),
- event.ControlDown(),
- event.ShiftDown(),
- event.AltDown(),
- event.MetaDown() );
- }
- break;
- }
+ case wxMOD_CONTROL:
+ m_selection->SelectCol(m_currentCellCoords.GetCol());
+ break;
- if ( !IsEditable() )
- MoveCursorRight( false );
- else
- event.Skip();
+ case wxMOD_SHIFT:
+ m_selection->SelectRow(m_currentCellCoords.GetRow());
+ break;
+ m_selection->SelectBlock(0, 0,
+ m_numRows - 1, m_numCols - 1);
+ break;
+ case wxMOD_NONE:
+ if ( !IsEditable() )
+ {
+ MoveCursorRight(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ //else: fall through
+ default:
+ event.Skip();
+ }
-void wxGrid::HighlightBlock( int topRow, int leftCol, int bottomRow, int rightCol )
+void wxGrid::HighlightBlock(int topRow, int leftCol, int bottomRow, int rightCol)
- int temp;
wxGridCellCoords updateTopLeft, updateBottomRight;
if ( m_selection )
- if ( topRow > bottomRow )
- {
- temp = topRow;
- topRow = bottomRow;
- bottomRow = temp;
- }
- if ( leftCol > rightCol )
- {
- temp = leftCol;
- leftCol = rightCol;
- rightCol = temp;
- }
+ EnsureFirstLessThanSecond(topRow, bottomRow);
+ EnsureFirstLessThanSecond(leftCol, rightCol);
updateTopLeft = wxGridCellCoords( topRow, leftCol );
updateBottomRight = wxGridCellCoords( bottomRow, rightCol );
wxCoord oldBottom = m_selectingBottomRight.GetRow();
// Determine the outer/inner coordinates.
- if (oldLeft > leftCol)
- {
- temp = oldLeft;
- oldLeft = leftCol;
- leftCol = temp;
- }
- if (oldTop > topRow )
- {
- temp = oldTop;
- oldTop = topRow;
- topRow = temp;
- }
- if (oldRight < rightCol )
- {
- temp = oldRight;
- oldRight = rightCol;
- rightCol = temp;
- }
- if (oldBottom < bottomRow)
- {
- temp = oldBottom;
- oldBottom = bottomRow;
- bottomRow = temp;
- }
+ EnsureFirstLessThanSecond(oldLeft, leftCol);
+ EnsureFirstLessThanSecond(oldTop, topRow);
+ EnsureFirstLessThanSecond(rightCol, oldRight);
+ EnsureFirstLessThanSecond(bottomRow, oldBottom);
// Now, either the stuff marked old is the outer
// rectangle or we don't have a situation where one
int left, top;
CalcUnscrolledPosition( 0, 0, &left, &top );
- dc.SetBrush( wxBrush(GetDefaultCellBackgroundColour(), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID) );
+ dc.SetBrush(GetDefaultCellBackgroundColour());
dc.SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
if ( right > rightCol )
// we draw the cell border ourselves
- if ( m_gridLinesEnabled )
- DrawCellBorder( dc, coords );
wxGridCellAttr* attr = GetCellAttr(row, col);
bool isCurrent = coords == m_currentCellCoords;
// Now draw the rectangle
// use the cellHighlightColour if the cell is inside a selection, this
// will ensure the cell is always visible.
- dc.SetPen(wxPen(IsInSelection(row,col) ? m_selectionForeground : m_cellHighlightColour, penWidth, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID));
+ dc.SetPen(wxPen(IsInSelection(row,col) ? m_selectionForeground
+ : m_cellHighlightColour,
+ penWidth));
-#if 0
- // VZ: my experiments with 3D borders...
- // how to properly set colours for arbitrary bg?
- wxCoord x1 = rect.x,
- y1 = rect.y,
- x2 = rect.x + rect.width - 1,
- y2 = rect.y + rect.height - 1;
- dc.SetPen(*wxWHITE_PEN);
- dc.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y1);
- dc.DrawLine(x1, y1, x1, y2);
- dc.DrawLine(x1 + 1, y2 - 1, x2 - 1, y2 - 1);
- dc.DrawLine(x2 - 1, y1 + 1, x2 - 1, y2);
- dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
- dc.DrawLine(x1, y2, x2, y2);
- dc.DrawLine(x2, y1, x2, y2 + 1);
wxPen wxGrid::GetDefaultGridLinePen()
- return wxPen(GetGridLineColour(), 1, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID);
+ return wxPen(GetGridLineColour());
wxPen wxGrid::GetRowGridLinePen(int WXUNUSED(row))
size_t count = cells.GetCount();
for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ )
- if ( cells[n] == m_currentCellCoords )
+ wxGridCellCoords cell = cells[n];
+ // If we are using attributes, then we may have just exposed another
+ // cell in a partially-visible merged cluster of cells. If the "anchor"
+ // (upper left) cell of this merged cluster is the cell indicated by
+ // m_currentCellCoords, then we need to refresh the cell highlight even
+ // though the "anchor" itself is not part of our update segment.
+ if ( CanHaveAttributes() )
+ {
+ int rows = 0,
+ cols = 0;
+ GetCellSize(cell.GetRow(), cell.GetCol(), &rows, &cols);
+ if ( rows < 0 )
+ cell.SetRow(cell.GetRow() + rows);
+ if ( cols < 0 )
+ cell.SetCol(cell.GetCol() + cols);
+ }
+ if ( cell == m_currentCellCoords )
wxGridCellAttr* attr = GetCellAttr(m_currentCellCoords);
DrawCellHighlight(dc, attr);
-// TODO: remove this ???
// This is used to redraw all grid lines e.g. when the grid line colour
// has been changed
void wxGrid::DrawAllGridLines( wxDC& dc, const wxRegion & WXUNUSED(reg) )
- return;
if ( !m_gridLinesEnabled || !m_numRows || !m_numCols )
int top, bottom, left, right;
-#if 0 //#ifndef __WXGTK__
- if (reg.IsEmpty())
- {
- int cw, ch;
- m_gridWin->GetClientSize(&cw, &ch);
- // virtual coords of visible area
- //
- CalcUnscrolledPosition( 0, 0, &left, &top );
- CalcUnscrolledPosition( cw, ch, &right, &bottom );
- }
- else
- {
- wxCoord x, y, w, h;
- reg.GetBox(x, y, w, h);
- CalcUnscrolledPosition( x, y, &left, &top );
- CalcUnscrolledPosition( x + w, y + h, &right, &bottom );
- }
- int cw, ch;
- m_gridWin->GetClientSize(&cw, &ch);
- CalcUnscrolledPosition( 0, 0, &left, &top );
- CalcUnscrolledPosition( cw, ch, &right, &bottom );
+ int cw, ch;
+ m_gridWin->GetClientSize(&cw, &ch);
+ CalcUnscrolledPosition( 0, 0, &left, &top );
+ CalcUnscrolledPosition( cw, ch, &right, &bottom );
// avoid drawing grid lines past the last row and col
wxRegion clippedcells(0, 0, cw, ch);
- int i, j, cell_rows, cell_cols;
+ int cell_rows, cell_cols;
wxRect rect;
- for (j=topRow; j<=bottomRow; j++)
+ for ( int j = topRow; j <= bottomRow; j++ )
- int colPos;
- for (colPos=leftCol; colPos<=rightCol; colPos++)
+ for ( int colPos = leftCol; colPos <= rightCol; colPos++ )
- i = GetColAt( colPos );
+ int i = GetColAt( colPos );
GetCellSize( j, i, &cell_rows, &cell_cols );
if ((cell_rows > 1) || (cell_cols > 1))
// horizontal grid lines
- //
- // already declared above - int i;
- for ( i = internalYToRow(top); i < m_numRows; i++ )
+ for ( int i = internalYToRow(top); i < m_numRows; i++ )
int bot = GetRowBottom(i) - 1;
if ( bot > bottom )
- {
- }
if ( bot >= top )
// vertical grid lines
- //
- int colPos;
- for ( colPos = leftCol; colPos < m_numCols; colPos++ )
+ for ( int colPos = leftCol; colPos < m_numCols; colPos++ )
- i = GetColAt( colPos );
+ int i = GetColAt( colPos );
int colRight = GetColRight(i);
#ifdef __WXGTK__
if ( colRight > right )
- {
- }
if ( colRight >= left )
if ( !m_numRows )
- size_t i;
- size_t numLabels = rows.GetCount();
- for ( i = 0; i < numLabels; i++ )
+ const size_t numLabels = rows.GetCount();
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < numLabels; i++ )
DrawRowLabel( dc, rows[i] );
int rowTop = GetRowTop(row),
rowBottom = GetRowBottom(row) - 1;
- dc.SetPen( wxPen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW), 1, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID) );
+ dc.SetPen( wxPen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW)));
dc.DrawLine( m_rowLabelWidth - 1, rowTop, m_rowLabelWidth - 1, rowBottom );
dc.DrawLine( 0, rowTop, 0, rowBottom );
dc.DrawLine( 0, rowBottom, m_rowLabelWidth, rowBottom );
+ m_cornerLabelWin->Refresh();
void wxGrid::DrawColLabels( wxDC& dc,const wxArrayInt& cols )
if ( !m_numCols )
- size_t i;
- size_t numLabels = cols.GetCount();
- for ( i = 0; i < numLabels; i++ )
+ const size_t numLabels = cols.GetCount();
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < numLabels; i++ )
DrawColLabel( dc, cols[i] );
-void wxGrid::DrawColLabel( wxDC& dc, int col )
+void wxGrid::DrawCornerLabel(wxDC& dc)
+ if ( m_nativeColumnLabels )
+ {
+ wxRect rect(wxSize(m_rowLabelWidth, m_colLabelHeight));
+ rect.Deflate(1);
+ wxRendererNative::Get().DrawHeaderButton(m_cornerLabelWin, dc, rect, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW)));
+ dc.DrawLine( m_rowLabelWidth - 1, m_colLabelHeight - 1,
+ m_rowLabelWidth - 1, 0 );
+ dc.DrawLine( m_rowLabelWidth - 1, m_colLabelHeight - 1,
+ 0, m_colLabelHeight - 1 );
+ dc.DrawLine( 0, 0, m_rowLabelWidth, 0 );
+ dc.DrawLine( 0, 0, 0, m_colLabelHeight );
+ dc.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN );
+ dc.DrawLine( 1, 1, m_rowLabelWidth - 1, 1 );
+ dc.DrawLine( 1, 1, 1, m_colLabelHeight - 1 );
+ }
+void wxGrid::DrawColLabel(wxDC& dc, int col)
if ( GetColWidth(col) <= 0 || m_colLabelHeight <= 0 )
int colLeft = GetColLeft(col);
- wxRect rect;
+ wxRect rect(colLeft, 0, GetColWidth(col), m_colLabelHeight);
- if (m_nativeColumnLabels)
+ if ( m_nativeColumnLabels )
- rect.SetX( colLeft);
- rect.SetY( 0 );
- rect.SetWidth( GetColWidth(col));
- rect.SetHeight( m_colLabelHeight );
- wxWindowDC *win_dc = (wxWindowDC*) &dc;
- wxRendererNative::Get().DrawHeaderButton( win_dc->GetWindow(), dc, rect, 0 );
+ wxRendererNative::Get().DrawHeaderButton(m_colLabelWin, dc, rect, 0);
int colRight = GetColRight(col) - 1;
- dc.SetPen( wxPen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW), 1, wxPENSTYLE_SOLID) );
- dc.DrawLine( colRight, 0, colRight, m_colLabelHeight - 1 );
- dc.DrawLine( colLeft, 0, colRight, 0 );
+ dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DSHADOW)));
+ dc.DrawLine( colRight, 0,
+ colRight, m_colLabelHeight - 1 );
+ dc.DrawLine( colLeft, 0,
+ colRight, 0 );
dc.DrawLine( colLeft, m_colLabelHeight - 1,
- colRight + 1, m_colLabelHeight - 1 );
+ colRight + 1, m_colLabelHeight - 1 );
dc.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN );
dc.DrawLine( colLeft, 1, colLeft, m_colLabelHeight - 1 );
dc.SetTextForeground( GetLabelTextColour() );
dc.SetFont( GetLabelFont() );
- int hAlign, vAlign, orient;
+ int hAlign, vAlign;
GetColLabelAlignment( &hAlign, &vAlign );
- orient = GetColLabelTextOrientation();
+ const int orient = GetColLabelTextOrientation();
- rect.SetX( colLeft + 2 );
- rect.SetY( 2 );
- rect.SetWidth( GetColWidth(col) - 4 );
- rect.SetHeight( m_colLabelHeight - 4 );
- DrawTextRectangle( dc, GetColLabelValue( col ), rect, hAlign, vAlign, orient );
+ rect.Deflate(2);
+ DrawTextRectangle(dc, GetColLabelValue(col), rect, hAlign, vAlign, orient);
+// TODO: these 2 functions should be replaced with wxDC::DrawLabel() to which
+// we just have to add textOrientation support
void wxGrid::DrawTextRectangle( wxDC& dc,
const wxString& value,
const wxRect& rect,
StringToLines( value, lines );
- // Forward to new API.
- DrawTextRectangle( dc,
- lines,
- rect,
- horizAlign,
- vertAlign,
- textOrientation );
+ DrawTextRectangle(dc, lines, rect, horizAlign, vertAlign, textOrientation);
-// VZ: this should be replaced with wxDC::DrawLabel() to which we just have to
-// add textOrientation support
void wxGrid::DrawTextRectangle(wxDC& dc,
const wxArrayString& lines,
const wxRect& rect,
void wxGrid::EnableEditing( bool edit )
- // TODO: improve this ?
- //
if ( edit != m_editable )
if (!edit)
wxClientDC dc( m_gridWin );
PrepareDC( dc );
wxGridCellAttr* attr = GetCellAttr(row, col);
- dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(attr->GetBackgroundColour(), wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID));
+ dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(attr->GetBackgroundColour()));
wxGridCellAttr *attr = GetCellAttr(row, col);
wxGridCellEditor *editor = attr->GetEditor(this, row, col);
+ const bool editorHadFocus = editor->GetControl()->HasFocus();
editor->Show( false );
- m_gridWin->SetFocus();
+ // return the focus to the grid itself if the editor had it
+ //
+ // note that we must not do this unconditionally to avoid stealing
+ // focus from the window which just received it if we are hiding the
+ // editor precisely because we lost focus
+ if ( editorHadFocus )
+ m_gridWin->SetFocus();
// refresh whole row to the right
wxRect rect( CellToRect(row, col) );
-// Internal Helper function for computing row or column from some
-// (unscrolled) coordinate value, using either
-// m_defaultRowHeight/m_defaultColWidth or binary search on array
-// of m_rowBottoms/m_ColRights to speed up the search!
-static int CoordToRowOrCol(int coord, int defaultDist, int minDist,
- const wxArrayInt& BorderArray, int nMax,
- bool clipToMinMax)
+// compute row or column from some (unscrolled) coordinate value, using either
+// m_defaultRowHeight/m_defaultColWidth or binary search on array of
+// m_rowBottoms/m_colRights to do it quickly (linear search shouldn't be used
+// for large grids)
+wxGrid::PosToLine(int coord,
+ bool clipToMinMax,
+ const wxGridOperations& oper) const
- if (coord < 0)
- return clipToMinMax && (nMax > 0) ? 0 : -1;
+ const int numLines = oper.GetNumberOfLines(this);
- if (!defaultDist)
- defaultDist = 1;
+ if ( coord < 0 )
+ return clipToMinMax && numLines > 0 ? oper.GetLineAt(this, 0) : -1;
- size_t i_max = coord / defaultDist,
- i_min = 0;
+ const int defaultLineSize = oper.GetDefaultLineSize(this);
+ wxCHECK_MSG( defaultLineSize, -1, "can't have 0 default line size" );
- if (BorderArray.IsEmpty())
- {
- if ((int) i_max < nMax)
- return i_max;
- return clipToMinMax ? nMax - 1 : -1;
- }
+ int maxPos = coord / defaultLineSize,
+ minPos = 0;
- if ( i_max >= BorderArray.GetCount())
- {
- i_max = BorderArray.GetCount() - 1;
- }
- else
+ // check for the simplest case: if we have no explicit line sizes
+ // configured, then we already know the line this position falls in
+ const wxArrayInt& lineEnds = oper.GetLineEnds(this);
+ if ( lineEnds.empty() )
- if ( coord >= BorderArray[i_max])
- {
- i_min = i_max;
- if (minDist)
- i_max = coord / minDist;
- else
- i_max = BorderArray.GetCount() - 1;
- }
+ if ( maxPos < numLines )
+ return maxPos;
- if ( i_max >= BorderArray.GetCount())
- i_max = BorderArray.GetCount() - 1;
+ return clipToMinMax ? numLines - 1 : -1;
- if ( coord >= BorderArray[i_max])
- return clipToMinMax ? (int)i_max : -1;
- if ( coord < BorderArray[0] )
- return 0;
- while ( i_max - i_min > 0 )
+ // adjust maxPos before starting the binary search
+ if ( maxPos >= numLines )
- wxCHECK_MSG(BorderArray[i_min] <= coord && coord < BorderArray[i_max],
- 0, _T("wxGrid: internal error in CoordToRowOrCol"));
- if (coord >= BorderArray[ i_max - 1])
- return i_max;
- else
- i_max--;
- int median = i_min + (i_max - i_min + 1) / 2;
- if (coord < BorderArray[median])
- i_max = median;
- else
- i_min = median;
+ maxPos = numLines - 1;
- return i_max;
-int wxGrid::YToRow( int y ) const
- return CoordToRowOrCol(y, m_defaultRowHeight,
- m_minAcceptableRowHeight, m_rowBottoms, m_numRows, false);
-int wxGrid::XToCol( int x, bool clipToMinMax ) const
- if (x < 0)
- return clipToMinMax && (m_numCols > 0) ? GetColAt( 0 ) : -1;
- wxASSERT_MSG(m_defaultColWidth > 0, wxT("Default column width can not be zero"));
- int maxPos = x / m_defaultColWidth;
- int minPos = 0;
- if (m_colRights.IsEmpty())
- {
- if(maxPos < m_numCols)
- return GetColAt( maxPos );
- return clipToMinMax ? GetColAt( m_numCols - 1 ) : -1;
- }
- if ( maxPos >= m_numCols)
- maxPos = m_numCols - 1;
- if ( x >= m_colRights[GetColAt( maxPos )])
+ if ( coord >= lineEnds[oper.GetLineAt(this, maxPos)])
minPos = maxPos;
- if (m_minAcceptableColWidth)
- maxPos = x / m_minAcceptableColWidth;
+ const int minDist = oper.GetMinimalAcceptableLineSize(this);
+ if ( minDist )
+ maxPos = coord / minDist;
- maxPos = m_numCols - 1;
+ maxPos = numLines - 1;
- if ( maxPos >= m_numCols)
- maxPos = m_numCols - 1;
+ if ( maxPos >= numLines )
+ maxPos = numLines - 1;
- //X is beyond the last column
- if ( x >= m_colRights[GetColAt( maxPos )])
- return clipToMinMax ? GetColAt( maxPos ) : -1;
+ // check if the position is beyond the last column
+ const int lineAtMaxPos = oper.GetLineAt(this, maxPos);
+ if ( coord >= lineEnds[lineAtMaxPos] )
+ return clipToMinMax ? lineAtMaxPos : -1;
- //X is before the first column
- if ( x < m_colRights[GetColAt( 0 )] )
- return GetColAt( 0 );
+ // or before the first one
+ const int lineAt0 = oper.GetLineAt(this, 0);
+ if ( coord < lineEnds[lineAt0] )
+ return lineAt0;
- //Perform a binary search
- while ( maxPos - minPos > 0 )
+ // finally do perform the binary search
+ while ( minPos < maxPos )
- wxCHECK_MSG(m_colRights[GetColAt( minPos )] <= x && x < m_colRights[GetColAt( maxPos )],
- 0, _T("wxGrid: internal error in XToCol"));
+ wxCHECK_MSG( lineEnds[oper.GetLineAt(this, minPos)] <= coord &&
+ coord < lineEnds[oper.GetLineAt(this, maxPos)],
+ -1,
+ "wxGrid: internal error in PosToLine()" );
- if (x >= m_colRights[GetColAt( maxPos - 1 )])
- return GetColAt( maxPos );
+ if ( coord >= lineEnds[oper.GetLineAt(this, maxPos - 1)] )
+ return oper.GetLineAt(this, maxPos);
- int median = minPos + (maxPos - minPos + 1) / 2;
- if (x < m_colRights[GetColAt( median )])
+ const int median = minPos + (maxPos - minPos + 1) / 2;
+ if ( coord < lineEnds[oper.GetLineAt(this, median)] )
maxPos = median;
minPos = median;
- return GetColAt( maxPos );
+ return oper.GetLineAt(this, maxPos);
-// return the row number that that the y coord is near
-// the edge of, or -1 if not near an edge.
+int wxGrid::YToRow(int y, bool clipToMinMax) const
+ return PosToLine(y, clipToMinMax, wxGridRowOperations());
+int wxGrid::XToCol(int x, bool clipToMinMax) const
+ return PosToLine(x, clipToMinMax, wxGridColumnOperations());
+// return the row number that that the y coord is near the edge of, or -1 if
+// not near an edge.
// coords can only possibly be near an edge if
// (a) the row/column is large enough to still allow for an "inner" area
-// that is _not_ nead the edge (i.e., if the height/width is smaller
+// that is _not_ near the edge (i.e., if the height/width is smaller
// than WXGRID_LABEL_EDGE_ZONE, coords are _never_ considered to be
// near the edge).
// and
// (b) resizing rows/columns (the thing for which edge detection is
// relevant at all) is enabled.
-int wxGrid::YToEdgeOfRow( int y ) const
+int wxGrid::PosToEdgeOfLine(int pos, const wxGridOperations& oper) const
- int i;
- i = internalYToRow(y);
+ if ( !oper.CanResizeLines(this) )
+ return -1;
+ const int line = oper.PosToLine(this, pos, true);
- if ( GetRowHeight(i) > WXGRID_LABEL_EDGE_ZONE && CanDragRowSize() )
+ if ( oper.GetLineSize(this, line) > WXGRID_LABEL_EDGE_ZONE )
- // We know that we are in row i, test whether we are
- // close enough to lower or upper border, respectively.
- if ( abs(GetRowBottom(i) - y) < WXGRID_LABEL_EDGE_ZONE )
- return i;
- else if ( i > 0 && y - GetRowTop(i) < WXGRID_LABEL_EDGE_ZONE )
- return i - 1;
+ // We know that we are in this line, test whether we are close enough
+ // to start or end border, respectively.
+ if ( abs(oper.GetLineEndPos(this, line) - pos) < WXGRID_LABEL_EDGE_ZONE )
+ return line;
+ else if ( line > 0 &&
+ pos - oper.GetLineStartPos(this,
+ return line - 1;
return -1;
-// return the col number that that the x coord is near the edge of, or
-// -1 if not near an edge
-// See comment at YToEdgeOfRow for conditions on edge detection.
-int wxGrid::XToEdgeOfCol( int x ) const
+int wxGrid::YToEdgeOfRow(int y) const
- int i;
- i = internalXToCol(x);
- if ( GetColWidth(i) > WXGRID_LABEL_EDGE_ZONE && CanDragColSize() )
- {
- // We know that we are in column i; test whether we are
- // close enough to right or left border, respectively.
- if ( abs(GetColRight(i) - x) < WXGRID_LABEL_EDGE_ZONE )
- return i;
- else if ( i > 0 && x - GetColLeft(i) < WXGRID_LABEL_EDGE_ZONE )
- return i - 1;
- }
+ return PosToEdgeOfLine(y, wxGridRowOperations());
- return -1;
+int wxGrid::XToEdgeOfCol(int x) const
+ return PosToEdgeOfLine(x, wxGridColumnOperations());
wxRect wxGrid::CellToRect( int row, int col ) const
// ------ Grid cursor movement functions
-bool wxGrid::MoveCursorUp( bool expandSelection )
+wxGrid::DoMoveCursor(bool expandSelection,
+ const wxGridDirectionOperations& diroper)
- if ( m_currentCellCoords != wxGridNoCellCoords &&
- m_currentCellCoords.GetRow() >= 0 )
+ if ( m_currentCellCoords == wxGridNoCellCoords )
+ return false;
+ if ( expandSelection )
- if ( expandSelection )
- {
- if ( m_selectingKeyboard == wxGridNoCellCoords )
- m_selectingKeyboard = m_currentCellCoords;
- if ( m_selectingKeyboard.GetRow() > 0 )
- {
- m_selectingKeyboard.SetRow( m_selectingKeyboard.GetRow() - 1 );
- MakeCellVisible( m_selectingKeyboard.GetRow(),
- m_selectingKeyboard.GetCol() );
- HighlightBlock( m_currentCellCoords, m_selectingKeyboard );
- }
- }
- else if ( m_currentCellCoords.GetRow() > 0 )
- {
- int row = m_currentCellCoords.GetRow() - 1;
- int col = m_currentCellCoords.GetCol();
- ClearSelection();
- MakeCellVisible( row, col );
- SetCurrentCell( row, col );
- }
- else
- return false;
+ if ( m_selectingKeyboard == wxGridNoCellCoords )
+ m_selectingKeyboard = m_currentCellCoords;
- return true;
- }
+ if ( diroper.IsAtBoundary(m_selectingKeyboard) )
+ return false;
- return false;
+ diroper.Advance(m_selectingKeyboard);
-bool wxGrid::MoveCursorDown( bool expandSelection )
- if ( m_currentCellCoords != wxGridNoCellCoords &&
- m_currentCellCoords.GetRow() < m_numRows )
+ MakeCellVisible(m_selectingKeyboard);
+ HighlightBlock(m_currentCellCoords, m_selectingKeyboard);
+ }
+ else
- if ( expandSelection )
- {
- if ( m_selectingKeyboard == wxGridNoCellCoords )
- m_selectingKeyboard = m_currentCellCoords;
- if ( m_selectingKeyboard.GetRow() < m_numRows - 1 )
- {
- m_selectingKeyboard.SetRow( m_selectingKeyboard.GetRow() + 1 );
- MakeCellVisible( m_selectingKeyboard.GetRow(),
- m_selectingKeyboard.GetCol() );
- HighlightBlock( m_currentCellCoords, m_selectingKeyboard );
- }
- }
- else if ( m_currentCellCoords.GetRow() < m_numRows - 1 )
- {
- int row = m_currentCellCoords.GetRow() + 1;
- int col = m_currentCellCoords.GetCol();
- ClearSelection();
- MakeCellVisible( row, col );
- SetCurrentCell( row, col );
- }
- else
+ if ( diroper.IsAtBoundary(m_currentCellCoords) )
return false;
- return true;
+ ClearSelection();
+ wxGridCellCoords coords = m_currentCellCoords;
+ diroper.Advance(coords);
+ MakeCellVisible(coords);
+ SetCurrentCell(coords);
- return false;
+ return true;
-bool wxGrid::MoveCursorLeft( bool expandSelection )
+bool wxGrid::MoveCursorUp(bool expandSelection)
- if ( m_currentCellCoords != wxGridNoCellCoords &&
- m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() >= 0 )
- {
- if ( expandSelection )
- {
- if ( m_selectingKeyboard == wxGridNoCellCoords )
- m_selectingKeyboard = m_currentCellCoords;
- if ( m_selectingKeyboard.GetCol() > 0 )
- {
- m_selectingKeyboard.SetCol( m_selectingKeyboard.GetCol() - 1 );
- MakeCellVisible( m_selectingKeyboard.GetRow(),
- m_selectingKeyboard.GetCol() );
- HighlightBlock( m_currentCellCoords, m_selectingKeyboard );
- }
- }
- else if ( GetColPos( m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() ) > 0 )
- {
- int row = m_currentCellCoords.GetRow();
- int col = GetColAt( GetColPos( m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() ) - 1 );
- ClearSelection();
- MakeCellVisible( row, col );
- SetCurrentCell( row, col );
- }
- else
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+ return DoMoveCursor(expandSelection,
+ wxGridBackwardOperations(this, wxGridRowOperations()));
-bool wxGrid::MoveCursorRight( bool expandSelection )
+bool wxGrid::MoveCursorDown(bool expandSelection)
- if ( m_currentCellCoords != wxGridNoCellCoords &&
- m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() < m_numCols )
- {
- if ( expandSelection )
- {
- if ( m_selectingKeyboard == wxGridNoCellCoords )
- m_selectingKeyboard = m_currentCellCoords;
- if ( m_selectingKeyboard.GetCol() < m_numCols - 1 )
- {
- m_selectingKeyboard.SetCol( m_selectingKeyboard.GetCol() + 1 );
- MakeCellVisible( m_selectingKeyboard.GetRow(),
- m_selectingKeyboard.GetCol() );
- HighlightBlock( m_currentCellCoords, m_selectingKeyboard );
- }
- }
- else if ( GetColPos( m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() ) < m_numCols - 1 )
- {
- int row = m_currentCellCoords.GetRow();
- int col = GetColAt( GetColPos( m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() ) + 1 );
- ClearSelection();
- MakeCellVisible( row, col );
- SetCurrentCell( row, col );
- }
- else
- return false;
+ return DoMoveCursor(expandSelection,
+ wxGridForwardOperations(this, wxGridRowOperations()));
- return true;
- }
+bool wxGrid::MoveCursorLeft(bool expandSelection)
+ return DoMoveCursor(expandSelection,
+ wxGridBackwardOperations(this, wxGridColumnOperations()));
- return false;
+bool wxGrid::MoveCursorRight(bool expandSelection)
+ return DoMoveCursor(expandSelection,
+ wxGridForwardOperations(this, wxGridColumnOperations()));
-bool wxGrid::MovePageUp()
+bool wxGrid::DoMoveCursorByPage(const wxGridDirectionOperations& diroper)
if ( m_currentCellCoords == wxGridNoCellCoords )
return false;
- int row = m_currentCellCoords.GetRow();
- if ( row > 0 )
- {
- int cw, ch;
- m_gridWin->GetClientSize( &cw, &ch );
- int y = GetRowTop(row);
- int newRow = internalYToRow( y - ch + 1 );
+ if ( diroper.IsAtBoundary(m_currentCellCoords) )
+ return false;
- if ( newRow == row )
- {
- // row > 0, so newRow can never be less than 0 here.
- newRow = row - 1;
- }
+ const int oldRow = m_currentCellCoords.GetRow();
+ int newRow = diroper.MoveByPixelDistance(oldRow, m_gridWin->GetClientSize().y);
+ if ( newRow == oldRow )
+ {
+ wxGridCellCoords coords(m_currentCellCoords);
+ diroper.Advance(coords);
+ newRow = coords.GetRow();
+ }
- MakeCellVisible( newRow, m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() );
- SetCurrentCell( newRow, m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() );
+ MakeCellVisible(newRow, m_currentCellCoords.GetCol());
+ SetCurrentCell(newRow, m_currentCellCoords.GetCol());
- return true;
- }
+ return true;
- return false;
+bool wxGrid::MovePageUp()
+ return DoMoveCursorByPage(
+ wxGridBackwardOperations(this, wxGridRowOperations()));
bool wxGrid::MovePageDown()
- if ( m_currentCellCoords == wxGridNoCellCoords )
- return false;
+ return DoMoveCursorByPage(
+ wxGridForwardOperations(this, wxGridColumnOperations()));
- int row = m_currentCellCoords.GetRow();
- if ( (row + 1) < m_numRows )
+// helper of DoMoveCursorByBlock(): advance the cell coordinates using diroper
+// until we find a non-empty cell or reach the grid end
+wxGrid::AdvanceToNextNonEmpty(wxGridCellCoords& coords,
+ const wxGridDirectionOperations& diroper)
+ while ( !diroper.IsAtBoundary(coords) )
- int cw, ch;
- m_gridWin->GetClientSize( &cw, &ch );
- int y = GetRowTop(row);
- int newRow = internalYToRow( y + ch );
- if ( newRow == row )
- {
- // row < m_numRows, so newRow can't overflow here.
- newRow = row + 1;
- }
- MakeCellVisible( newRow, m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() );
- SetCurrentCell( newRow, m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() );
- return true;
+ diroper.Advance(coords);
+ if ( !m_table->IsEmpty(coords) )
+ break;
- return false;
-bool wxGrid::MoveCursorUpBlock( bool expandSelection )
+wxGrid::DoMoveCursorByBlock(bool expandSelection,
+ const wxGridDirectionOperations& diroper)
- if ( m_table &&
- m_currentCellCoords != wxGridNoCellCoords &&
- m_currentCellCoords.GetRow() > 0 )
- {
- int row = m_currentCellCoords.GetRow();
- int col = m_currentCellCoords.GetCol();
- if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col) )
- {
- // starting in an empty cell: find the next block of
- // non-empty cells
- //
- while ( row > 0 )
- {
- row--;
- if ( !(m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col)) )
- break;
- }
- }
- else if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row - 1, col) )
- {
- // starting at the top of a block: find the next block
- //
- row--;
- while ( row > 0 )
- {
- row--;
- if ( !(m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col)) )
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // starting within a block: find the top of the block
- //
- while ( row > 0 )
- {
- row--;
- if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col) )
- {
- row++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ if ( !m_table || m_currentCellCoords == wxGridNoCellCoords )
+ return false;
- MakeCellVisible( row, col );
- if ( expandSelection )
- {
- m_selectingKeyboard = wxGridCellCoords( row, col );
- HighlightBlock( m_currentCellCoords, m_selectingKeyboard );
- }
- else
- {
- ClearSelection();
- SetCurrentCell( row, col );
- }
+ if ( diroper.IsAtBoundary(m_currentCellCoords) )
+ return false;
- return true;
+ wxGridCellCoords coords(m_currentCellCoords);
+ if ( m_table->IsEmpty(coords) )
+ {
+ // we are in an empty cell: find the next block of non-empty cells
+ AdvanceToNextNonEmpty(coords, diroper);
- return false;
-bool wxGrid::MoveCursorDownBlock( bool expandSelection )
- if ( m_table &&
- m_currentCellCoords != wxGridNoCellCoords &&
- m_currentCellCoords.GetRow() < m_numRows - 1 )
+ else // current cell is not empty
- int row = m_currentCellCoords.GetRow();
- int col = m_currentCellCoords.GetCol();
- if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col) )
+ diroper.Advance(coords);
+ if ( m_table->IsEmpty(coords) )
- // starting in an empty cell: find the next block of
- // non-empty cells
- //
- while ( row < m_numRows - 1 )
- {
- row++;
- if ( !(m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col)) )
- break;
- }
+ // we started at the end of a block, find the next one
+ AdvanceToNextNonEmpty(coords, diroper);
- else if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row + 1, col) )
+ else // we're in a middle of a block
- // starting at the bottom of a block: find the next block
- //
- row++;
- while ( row < m_numRows - 1 )
+ // go to the end of it, i.e. find the last cell before the next
+ // empty one
+ while ( !diroper.IsAtBoundary(coords) )
- row++;
- if ( !(m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col)) )
+ wxGridCellCoords coordsNext(coords);
+ diroper.Advance(coordsNext);
+ if ( m_table->IsEmpty(coordsNext) )
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // starting within a block: find the bottom of the block
- //
- while ( row < m_numRows - 1 )
- {
- row++;
- if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col) )
- {
- row--;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- MakeCellVisible( row, col );
- if ( expandSelection )
- {
- m_selectingKeyboard = wxGridCellCoords( row, col );
- HighlightBlock( m_currentCellCoords, m_selectingKeyboard );
- }
- else
- {
- ClearSelection();
- SetCurrentCell( row, col );
+ coords = coordsNext;
+ }
+ }
- return true;
+ MakeCellVisible(coords);
+ if ( expandSelection )
+ {
+ m_selectingKeyboard = coords;
+ HighlightBlock(m_currentCellCoords, m_selectingKeyboard);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ClearSelection();
+ SetCurrentCell(coords);
- return false;
+ return true;
-bool wxGrid::MoveCursorLeftBlock( bool expandSelection )
+bool wxGrid::MoveCursorUpBlock(bool expandSelection)
- if ( m_table &&
- m_currentCellCoords != wxGridNoCellCoords &&
- m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() > 0 )
- {
- int row = m_currentCellCoords.GetRow();
- int col = m_currentCellCoords.GetCol();
- if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col) )
- {
- // starting in an empty cell: find the next block of
- // non-empty cells
- //
- while ( col > 0 )
- {
- col--;
- if ( !(m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col)) )
- break;
- }
- }
- else if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col - 1) )
- {
- // starting at the left of a block: find the next block
- //
- col--;
- while ( col > 0 )
- {
- col--;
- if ( !(m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col)) )
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // starting within a block: find the left of the block
- //
- while ( col > 0 )
- {
- col--;
- if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col) )
- {
- col++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- MakeCellVisible( row, col );
- if ( expandSelection )
- {
- m_selectingKeyboard = wxGridCellCoords( row, col );
- HighlightBlock( m_currentCellCoords, m_selectingKeyboard );
- }
- else
- {
- ClearSelection();
- SetCurrentCell( row, col );
- }
+ return DoMoveCursorByBlock(
+ expandSelection,
+ wxGridBackwardOperations(this, wxGridRowOperations())
+ );
- return true;
- }
+bool wxGrid::MoveCursorDownBlock( bool expandSelection )
+ return DoMoveCursorByBlock(
+ expandSelection,
+ wxGridForwardOperations(this, wxGridRowOperations())
+ );
- return false;
+bool wxGrid::MoveCursorLeftBlock( bool expandSelection )
+ return DoMoveCursorByBlock(
+ expandSelection,
+ wxGridBackwardOperations(this, wxGridColumnOperations())
+ );
bool wxGrid::MoveCursorRightBlock( bool expandSelection )
- if ( m_table &&
- m_currentCellCoords != wxGridNoCellCoords &&
- m_currentCellCoords.GetCol() < m_numCols - 1 )
- {
- int row = m_currentCellCoords.GetRow();
- int col = m_currentCellCoords.GetCol();
- if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col) )
- {
- // starting in an empty cell: find the next block of
- // non-empty cells
- //
- while ( col < m_numCols - 1 )
- {
- col++;
- if ( !(m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col)) )
- break;
- }
- }
- else if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col + 1) )
- {
- // starting at the right of a block: find the next block
- //
- col++;
- while ( col < m_numCols - 1 )
- {
- col++;
- if ( !(m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col)) )
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // starting within a block: find the right of the block
- //
- while ( col < m_numCols - 1 )
- {
- col++;
- if ( m_table->IsEmptyCell(row, col) )
- {
- col--;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- MakeCellVisible( row, col );
- if ( expandSelection )
- {
- m_selectingKeyboard = wxGridCellCoords( row, col );
- HighlightBlock( m_currentCellCoords, m_selectingKeyboard );
- }
- else
- {
- ClearSelection();
- SetCurrentCell( row, col );
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+ return DoMoveCursorByBlock(
+ expandSelection,
+ wxGridForwardOperations(this, wxGridColumnOperations())
+ );
if ( m_attrCache.row != -1 )
- wxGridCellAttr *oldAttr = m_attrCache.attr;
+ wxGridCellAttr *oldAttr = m_attrCache.attr;
m_attrCache.attr = NULL;
m_attrCache.row = -1;
// wxSafeDecRec(...) might cause event processing that accesses
// the cached attribute, if one exists (e.g. by deleting the
// editor stored within the attribute). Therefore it is important
- // to invalidate the cache before calling wxSafeDecRef!
+ // to invalidate the cache before calling wxSafeDecRef!
if ( !LookupAttr(row, col, &attr) )
attr = m_table ? m_table->GetAttr(row, col, wxGridCellAttr::Any)
- : (wxGridCellAttr *)NULL;
+ : NULL;
CacheAttr(row, col, attr);
wxGridCellAttr *wxGrid::GetOrCreateCellAttr(int row, int col) const
- wxGridCellAttr *attr = (wxGridCellAttr *)NULL;
+ wxGridCellAttr *attr = NULL;
bool canHave = ((wxGrid*)this)->CanHaveAttributes();
wxCHECK_MSG( canHave, attr, _T("Cell attributes not allowed"));
attr = new wxGridCellAttr;
wxGridCellRenderer *renderer = GetDefaultRendererForType(typeName);
- wxGridCellEditor *editor = GetDefaultEditorForType(typeName);
- attr->SetEditor(editor);
+ wxGridCellEditor *editor = GetDefaultEditorForType(typeName);
+ attr->SetEditor(editor);
SetColAttr(col, attr);
wxClientDC dc(m_rowLabelWin);
StringToLines(GetRowLabelValue( row ), lines);
- GetTextBoxSize( dc, lines, &w, &h );
- //check that it is not less than the minimal height
- height = wxMax(h, GetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight());
+ GetTextBoxSize( dc, lines, &w, &h );
+ //check that it is not less than the minimal height
+ height = wxMax(h, GetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight());
// See comment in SetColSize
GetTextBoxSize( dc, lines, &h, &w );
width = w + 6;
- //check that it is not less than the minimal width
- width = wxMax(width, GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth());
+ //check that it is not less than the minimal width
+ width = wxMax(width, GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth());
// should we check that it's bigger than GetColMinimalWidth(col) here?
wxGridUpdateLocker locker(this);
- // we need to round up the size of the scrollable area to a multiple of
- // scroll step to ensure that we don't get the scrollbars when we're sized
- // exactly to fit our contents
wxSize size(SetOrCalcColumnSizes(false) - m_rowLabelWidth + m_extraWidth,
SetOrCalcRowSizes(false) - m_colLabelHeight + m_extraHeight);
- wxSize sizeFit(GetScrollX(size.x) * GetScrollLineX(),
- GetScrollY(size.y) * GetScrollLineY());
- // distribute the extra space between the columns/rows to avoid having
- // extra white space
- wxCoord diff = sizeFit.x - size.x;
- if ( diff && m_numCols )
- {
- // try to resize the columns uniformly
- wxCoord diffPerCol = diff / m_numCols;
- if ( diffPerCol )
- {
- for ( int col = 0; col < m_numCols; col++ )
- {
- SetColSize(col, GetColWidth(col) + diffPerCol);
- }
- }
- // add remaining amount to the last columns
- diff -= diffPerCol * m_numCols;
- if ( diff )
- {
- for ( int col = m_numCols - 1; col >= m_numCols - diff; col-- )
- {
- SetColSize(col, GetColWidth(col) + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- // same for rows
- diff = sizeFit.y - size.y;
- if ( diff && m_numRows )
- {
- // try to resize the columns uniformly
- wxCoord diffPerRow = diff / m_numRows;
- if ( diffPerRow )
- {
- for ( int row = 0; row < m_numRows; row++ )
- {
- SetRowSize(row, GetRowHeight(row) + diffPerRow);
- }
- }
- // add remaining amount to the last rows
- diff -= diffPerRow * m_numRows;
- if ( diff )
- {
- for ( int row = m_numRows - 1; row >= m_numRows - diff; row-- )
- {
- SetRowSize(row, GetRowHeight(row) + 1);
- }
- }
- }
// we know that we're not going to have scrollbars so disable them now to
// avoid trouble in SetClientSize() which can otherwise set the correct
// client size but also leave space for (not needed any more) scrollbars
SetScrollbars(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, true);
- SetClientSize(sizeFit.x + m_rowLabelWidth, sizeFit.y + m_colLabelHeight);
+ // restore the scroll rate parameters overwritten by SetScrollbars()
+ SetScrollRate(m_scrollLineX, m_scrollLineY);
+ SetClientSize(size.x + m_rowLabelWidth, size.y + m_colLabelHeight);
void wxGrid::AutoSizeRowLabelSize( int row )
// change the column/row sizes, only calculate them
wxSize size(self->SetOrCalcColumnSizes(true) - m_rowLabelWidth + m_extraWidth,
self->SetOrCalcRowSizes(true) - m_colLabelHeight + m_extraHeight);
- wxSize sizeFit(GetScrollX(size.x) * GetScrollLineX(),
- GetScrollY(size.y) * GetScrollLineY());
// NOTE: This size should be cached, but first we need to add calls to
// InvalidateBestSize everywhere that could change the results of this
// calculation.
// CacheBestSize(size);
- return wxSize(sizeFit.x + m_rowLabelWidth, sizeFit.y + m_colLabelHeight)
+ return wxSize(size.x + m_rowLabelWidth, size.y + m_colLabelHeight)
+ GetWindowBorderSize();
// cell, row and col deselection
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void wxGrid::DeselectRow( int row )
+void wxGrid::DeselectLine(int line, const wxGridOperations& oper)
if ( !m_selection )
- if ( m_selection->GetSelectionMode() == wxGrid::wxGridSelectRows )
+ const wxGridSelectionModes mode = m_selection->GetSelectionMode();
+ if ( mode == oper.GetSelectionMode() )
- if ( m_selection->IsInSelection(row, 0 ) )
- m_selection->ToggleCellSelection(row, 0);
+ const wxGridCellCoords c(oper.MakeCoords(line, 0));
+ if ( m_selection->IsInSelection(c) )
+ m_selection->ToggleCellSelection(c);
- else
+ else if ( mode != oper.Dual().GetSelectionMode() )
- int nCols = GetNumberCols();
- for ( int i = 0; i < nCols; i++ )
+ const int nOther = oper.Dual().GetNumberOfLines(this);
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nOther; i++ )
- if ( m_selection->IsInSelection(row, i ) )
- m_selection->ToggleCellSelection(row, i);
+ const wxGridCellCoords c(oper.MakeCoords(line, i));
+ if ( m_selection->IsInSelection(c) )
+ m_selection->ToggleCellSelection(c);
+ //else: can only select orthogonal lines so no lines in this direction
+ // could have been selected anyhow
-void wxGrid::DeselectCol( int col )
+void wxGrid::DeselectRow(int row)
- if ( !m_selection )
- return;
+ DeselectLine(row, wxGridRowOperations());
- if ( m_selection->GetSelectionMode() == wxGrid::wxGridSelectColumns )
- {
- if ( m_selection->IsInSelection(0, col ) )
- m_selection->ToggleCellSelection(0, col);
- }
- else
- {
- int nRows = GetNumberRows();
- for ( int i = 0; i < nRows; i++ )
- {
- if ( m_selection->IsInSelection(i, col ) )
- m_selection->ToggleCellSelection(i, col);
- }
- }
+void wxGrid::DeselectCol(int col)
+ DeselectLine(col, wxGridColumnOperations());
void wxGrid::DeselectCell( int row, int col )