+ return true;
+void wxTopLevelWindowMSW::RequestUserAttention(int flags)
+ // check if we can use FlashWindowEx(): unfortunately a simple test for
+ // FLASHW_STOP doesn't work because MSVC6 headers do #define it but don't
+ // provide FlashWindowEx() declaration, so try to detect whether we have
+ // real headers for WINVER 0x0500 by checking for existence of a symbol not
+ // declated in MSVC6 header
+#if defined(FLASHW_STOP) && defined(VK_XBUTTON1) && wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS
+ // available in the headers, check if it is supported by the system
+ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *FlashWindowEx_t)(FLASHWINFO *pfwi);
+ static FlashWindowEx_t s_pfnFlashWindowEx = NULL;
+ if ( !s_pfnFlashWindowEx )
+ {
+ wxDynamicLibrary dllUser32(wxT("user32.dll"));
+ s_pfnFlashWindowEx = (FlashWindowEx_t)
+ dllUser32.GetSymbol(wxT("FlashWindowEx"));
+ // we can safely unload user32.dll here, it's going to remain loaded as
+ // long as the program is running anyhow
+ }
+ if ( s_pfnFlashWindowEx )
+ {
+ WinStruct<FLASHWINFO> fwi;
+ fwi.hwnd = GetHwnd();
+ fwi.dwFlags = FLASHW_ALL;
+ if ( flags & wxUSER_ATTENTION_INFO )
+ {
+ // just flash a few times
+ fwi.uCount = 3;
+ }
+ {
+ // flash until the user notices it
+ fwi.dwFlags |= FLASHW_TIMERNOFG;
+ }
+ s_pfnFlashWindowEx(&fwi);
+ }
+ else // FlashWindowEx() not available
+#endif // FlashWindowEx() defined
+ {
+ wxUnusedVar(flags);
+#ifndef __WXWINCE__
+ ::FlashWindow(GetHwnd(), TRUE);
+#endif // __WXWINCE__
+ }
+wxMenu *wxTopLevelWindowMSW::MSWGetSystemMenu() const
+#ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__
+ if ( !m_menuSystem )
+ {
+ HMENU hmenu = ::GetSystemMenu(GetHwnd(), FALSE);
+ if ( !hmenu )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("GetSystemMenu()"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ wxTopLevelWindowMSW * const
+ self = const_cast<wxTopLevelWindowMSW *>(this);
+ self->m_menuSystem = wxMenu::MSWNewFromHMENU(hmenu);
+ // We need to somehow associate this menu with this window to ensure
+ // that we get events from it. A natural idea would be to pretend that
+ // it's attached to our menu bar but this wouldn't work if we don't
+ // have any menu bar which is a common case for applications using
+ // custom items in the system menu (they mostly do it exactly because
+ // they don't have any other menus).
+ //
+ // So reuse the invoking window pointer instead, this is not exactly
+ // correct but doesn't seem to have any serious drawbacks.
+ m_menuSystem->SetInvokingWindow(self);
+ }
+#endif // #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__
+ return m_menuSystem;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Transparency support
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMSW::SetTransparent(wxByte alpha)
+ pSetLayeredWindowAttributes = (PSETLAYEREDWINDOWATTR)-1;
+ if ( pSetLayeredWindowAttributes == (PSETLAYEREDWINDOWATTR)-1 )
+ {
+ wxDynamicLibrary dllUser32(wxT("user32.dll"));
+ // use RawGetSymbol() and not GetSymbol() to avoid error messages under
+ // Windows 95: there is nothing the user can do about this anyhow
+ pSetLayeredWindowAttributes = (PSETLAYEREDWINDOWATTR)
+ dllUser32.RawGetSymbol(wxT("SetLayeredWindowAttributes"));
+ // it's ok to destroy dllUser32 here, we link statically to user32.dll
+ // anyhow so it won't be unloaded
+ }
+ if ( !pSetLayeredWindowAttributes )
+ return false;
+#endif // wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS
+ LONG exstyle = GetWindowLong(GetHwnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE);
+ // if setting alpha to fully opaque then turn off the layered style
+ if (alpha == 255)
+ {
+ SetWindowLong(GetHwnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE, exstyle & ~WS_EX_LAYERED);
+ Refresh();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, set the layered style if needed and set the alpha value
+ if ((exstyle & WS_EX_LAYERED) == 0 )
+ SetWindowLong(GetHwnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE, exstyle | WS_EX_LAYERED);
+ if ( pSetLayeredWindowAttributes(GetHwnd(), 0, (BYTE)alpha, LWA_ALPHA) )
+ return true;
+#endif // wxUSE_DYNLIB_CLASS
+ return false;
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMSW::CanSetTransparent()
+ // The API is available on win2k and above
+ static int os_type = -1;
+ static int ver_major = -1;
+ if (os_type == -1)
+ os_type = ::wxGetOsVersion(&ver_major);
+ return (os_type == wxOS_WINDOWS_NT && ver_major >= 5);
+void wxTopLevelWindowMSW::DoFreeze()
+ // do nothing: freezing toplevel window causes paint and mouse events
+ // to go through it any TLWs under it, so the best we can do is to freeze
+ // all children -- and wxWindowBase::Freeze() does that
+void wxTopLevelWindowMSW::DoThaw()
+ // intentionally empty -- see DoFreeze()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxTopLevelWindow event handling
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxTopLevelWindowMSW::DoSaveLastFocus()
+ if ( m_iconized )
+ return;
+ // remember the last focused child if it is our child
+ m_winLastFocused = FindFocus();
+ if ( m_winLastFocused )
+ {
+ // and don't remember it if it's a child from some other frame
+ if ( wxGetTopLevelParent(m_winLastFocused) != this )
+ {
+ m_winLastFocused = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void wxTopLevelWindowMSW::DoRestoreLastFocus()
+ wxWindow *parent = m_winLastFocused ? m_winLastFocused->GetParent()
+ : NULL;
+ if ( !parent )
+ {
+ parent = this;
+ }
+ wxSetFocusToChild(parent, &m_winLastFocused);
+void wxTopLevelWindowMSW::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event)
+ if ( event.GetActive() )
+ {
+ // We get WM_ACTIVATE before being restored from iconized state, so we
+ // can be still iconized here. In this case, avoid restoring the focus
+ // as it doesn't work anyhow and we will do when we're really restored.
+ if ( m_iconized )
+ {
+ event.Skip();
+ return;
+ }
+ // restore focus to the child which was last focused unless we already
+ // have it
+ wxLogTrace(wxT("focus"), wxT("wxTLW %p activated."), m_hWnd);
+ wxWindow *winFocus = FindFocus();
+ if ( !winFocus || wxGetTopLevelParent(winFocus) != this )
+ DoRestoreLastFocus();
+ }
+ else // deactivating
+ {
+ DoSaveLastFocus();
+ wxLogTrace(wxT("focus"),
+ wxT("wxTLW %p deactivated, last focused: %p."),
+ m_hWnd,
+ m_winLastFocused ? GetHwndOf(m_winLastFocused) : NULL);
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+#if wxUSE_MENUS
+wxTopLevelWindowMSW::HandleMenuSelect(WXWORD nItem, WXWORD flags, WXHMENU WXUNUSED(hMenu))
+ // sign extend to int from unsigned short we get from Windows
+ int item = (signed short)nItem;
+ // WM_MENUSELECT is generated for both normal items and menus, including
+ // the top level menus of the menu bar, which can't be represented using
+ // any valid identifier in wxMenuEvent so use an otherwise unused value for
+ // them
+ if ( flags & (MF_POPUP | MF_SEPARATOR) )
+ item = wxID_NONE;
+ wxMenuEvent event(wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT, item);
+ event.SetEventObject(this);
+ if ( HandleWindowEvent(event) )
+ return true;
+ // by default, i.e. if the event wasn't handled above, clear the status bar
+ // text when an item which can't have any associated help string in wx API
+ // is selected
+ if ( item == wxID_NONE )
+ DoGiveHelp(wxEmptyString, true);
+ return false;
+wxTopLevelWindowMSW::DoSendMenuOpenCloseEvent(wxEventType evtType, wxMenu* menu, bool popup)
+ wxMenuEvent event(evtType, popup ? wxID_ANY : 0, menu);
+ event.SetEventObject(menu);
+ return HandleWindowEvent(event);
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMSW::HandleExitMenuLoop(WXWORD isPopup)
+ return DoSendMenuOpenCloseEvent(wxEVT_MENU_CLOSE,
+ isPopup ? wxCurrentPopupMenu : NULL,
+ isPopup != 0);
+bool wxTopLevelWindowMSW::HandleMenuPopup(wxEventType evtType, WXHMENU hMenu)
+ bool isPopup = false;
+ wxMenu* menu = NULL;
+ if ( wxCurrentPopupMenu && wxCurrentPopupMenu->GetHMenu() == hMenu )
+ {
+ menu = wxCurrentPopupMenu;
+ isPopup = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ menu = MSWFindMenuFromHMENU(hMenu);
+ }
+ return DoSendMenuOpenCloseEvent(evtType, menu, isPopup);
+wxMenu* wxTopLevelWindowMSW::MSWFindMenuFromHMENU(WXHMENU WXUNUSED(hMenu))
+ // We don't have any menus at this level.
+ return NULL;
+#endif // wxUSE_MENUS
+// the DialogProc for all wxWidgets dialogs
+wxDlgProc(HWND hDlg,
+ UINT message,
+ switch ( message )
+ {
+ {
+ // under CE, add a "Ok" button in the dialog title bar and make it full
+ // screen
+ //
+ // TODO: find the window for this HWND, and take into account
+ // wxMAXIMIZE and wxCLOSE_BOX. For now, assume both are present.
+ //
+ // Standard SDK doesn't have aygshell.dll: see
+ // include/wx/msw/wince/libraries.h
+#if defined(__WXWINCE__) && !defined(__WINCE_STANDARDSDK__) && !defined(__HANDHELDPC__)
+ shidi.dwMask = SHIDIM_FLAGS;
+ shidi.dwFlags = SHIDIF_SIZEDLG // take account of the SIP or menubar
+#ifndef __SMARTPHONE__
+ ;
+ shidi.hDlg = hDlg;
+ SHInitDialog( &shidi );
+#else // no SHInitDialog()
+ wxUnusedVar(hDlg);
+ // for WM_INITDIALOG, returning TRUE tells system to set focus to
+ // the first control in the dialog box, but as we set the focus
+ // ourselves, we return FALSE for it as well
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // for almost all messages, returning FALSE means that we didn't process
+ // the message
+ return FALSE;
+// ============================================================================
+// wxTLWHiddenParentModule implementation
+// ============================================================================
+HWND wxTLWHiddenParentModule::ms_hwnd = NULL;
+const wxChar *wxTLWHiddenParentModule::ms_className = NULL;
+bool wxTLWHiddenParentModule::OnInit()
+ ms_hwnd = NULL;
+ ms_className = NULL;
+ return true;