+ };
+ // Activates Previous Instance if a window matching Title is found
+ bool ActivatePrevInstance(const wxString & sSearch)
+ {
+ //store search text and window handle for use by callback
+ s_Title = sSearch ;
+ FirsthWnd = 0;
+ EnumWindows (WNDENUMPROC(&EnumWindowsProc), 0L);
+ if (FirsthWnd == 0)
+ {
+ //no matching window found
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (::IsIconic(FirsthWnd))
+ {
+ ::ShowWindow(FirsthWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
+ }
+ ::SetForegroundWindow(FirsthWnd);
+ // now try to deal with any active children
+ // Handles to child of previous instance
+ HWND FirstChildhWnd;
+ FirstChildhWnd = ::GetLastActivePopup(FirsthWnd);
+ if (FirsthWnd != FirstChildhWnd)
+ {
+ // A pop-up is active so bring it to the top too.
+ ::BringWindowToTop(FirstChildhWnd);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // Activates Previous Instance and passes CommandLine to wxCommandLineEvent
+ // if a window matching Title is found
+ bool PassCommandLineToPrevInstance(const wxString & sTitle, const wxString & sCmdLine)
+ {
+ // this stores a string of up to 255 bytes
+ //ATOM myAtom = GlobalAddAtom ( sCmdLine );
+ // this would create a call to wxWindow::OnCommandLine(wxCommandLineEvent & event)
+ // which should retrieve the commandline, and then delete the atom, GlobalDeleteAtom( myAtom );
+ //::SendMessage (FirsthWnd, wxCOMMANDLINE_MESSAGE, 0, myAtom) ;
+ return FALSE;