-def runTest(frame, nb, log):
- data = wxFontData()
- data.EnableEffects(true)
- font_colour = wxColour(255, 0, 0) # colour of font (red)
- data.SetColour(font_colour) # set colour
- print data.GetColour()
- dlg = wxFontDialog(frame, data)
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
- data = dlg.GetFontData()
- font = data.GetChosenFont()
- log.WriteText('You selected: "%s", %d points, color %s\n' %
- (font.GetFaceName(), font.GetPointSize(),
- data.GetColour().Get()))
- dlg.Destroy()
+class TestPanel(wxPanel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, log):
+ wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
+ self.log = log
+ btn = wxButton(self, -1, "Select Font")
+ EVT_BUTTON(self, btn.GetId(), self.OnSelectFont)
+ self.sampleText = wxTextCtrl(self, -1, "Sample Text")
+ #from wxPython.lib.stattext import wxGenStaticText
+ #self.sampleText = wxGenStaticText(self, -1, "Sample Text")
+ self.curFont = self.sampleText.GetFont()
+ self.curClr = wxBLACK
+ fgs = wxFlexGridSizer(cols=2, vgap=5, hgap=5)
+ fgs.AddGrowableCol(1)
+ fgs.AddGrowableRow(0)
+ fgs.Add(btn)
+ fgs.Add(self.sampleText, 0, wxADJUST_MINSIZE|wxGROW)
+ fgs.Add(15,15); fgs.Add(15,15) # an empty row
+ fgs.Add(wxStaticText(self, -1, "PointSize:"))
+ self.ps = wxStaticText(self, -1, "")
+ font = self.ps.GetFont()
+ font.SetWeight(wxBOLD)
+ self.ps.SetFont(font)
+ fgs.Add(self.ps, 0, wxADJUST_MINSIZE)
+ fgs.Add(wxStaticText(self, -1, "Family:"))
+ self.family = wxStaticText(self, -1, "")
+ self.family.SetFont(font)
+ fgs.Add(self.family, 0, wxADJUST_MINSIZE)
+ fgs.Add(wxStaticText(self, -1, "Style:"))
+ self.style = wxStaticText(self, -1, "")
+ self.style.SetFont(font)
+ fgs.Add(self.style, 0, wxADJUST_MINSIZE)
+ fgs.Add(wxStaticText(self, -1, "Weight:"))
+ self.weight = wxStaticText(self, -1, "")
+ self.weight.SetFont(font)
+ fgs.Add(self.weight, 0, wxADJUST_MINSIZE)
+ fgs.Add(wxStaticText(self, -1, "Face:"))
+ self.face = wxStaticText(self, -1, "")
+ self.face.SetFont(font)
+ fgs.Add(self.face, 0, wxADJUST_MINSIZE)
+ fgs.Add(15,15); fgs.Add(15,15) # an empty row
+ fgs.Add(wxStaticText(self, -1, "wxNativeFontInfo:"))
+ self.nfi = wxStaticText(self, -1, "")
+ self.nfi.SetFont(font)
+ fgs.Add(self.nfi, 0, wxADJUST_MINSIZE)
+ # give it some border space
+ sizer = wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL)
+ sizer.Add(fgs, 0, wxGROW|wxADJUST_MINSIZE|wxALL, 25)
+ self.SetSizer(sizer)
+ self.UpdateUI()
+ def UpdateUI(self):
+ self.sampleText.SetFont(self.curFont)
+ self.ps.SetLabel(str(self.curFont.GetPointSize()))
+ self.family.SetLabel(self.curFont.GetFamilyString())
+ self.style.SetLabel(self.curFont.GetStyleString())
+ self.weight.SetLabel(self.curFont.GetWeightString())
+ self.face.SetLabel(self.curFont.GetFaceName())
+ self.nfi.SetLabel(self.curFont.GetNativeFontInfo().ToString())
+ self.Layout()
-overview = """\
-This class represents the font chooser dialog.
+ def OnSelectFont(self, evt):
+ data = wxFontData()
+ data.EnableEffects(True)
+ data.SetColour(self.curClr) # set colour
+ data.SetInitialFont(self.curFont)
-wxFontDialog(wxWindow* parent, wxFontData* data)
+ dlg = wxFontDialog(self, data)
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
+ data = dlg.GetFontData()
+ font = data.GetChosenFont()
+ colour = data.GetColour()
+ self.log.WriteText('You selected: "%s", %d points, color %s\n' %
+ (font.GetFaceName(), font.GetPointSize(),
+ colour.Get()))
+ self.curFont = font
+ self.curClr = colour
+ self.UpdateUI()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+def runTest(frame, nb, log):
+ win = TestPanel(nb, log)
+ return win
+overview = """\
+This class allows you to use the system font chooser dialog.
-Constructor. Pass a parent window and a font data object, which will be copied to the font dialog's font data.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys,os
+ import run
+ run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])])