- * Invokes context-sensitive help
- */
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
- // This class exists in order to eat events until the left mouse
- // button is pressed
-class wxContextHelpEvtHandler: public wxEvtHandler
- wxContextHelpEvtHandler(wxContextHelp* contextHelp)
- {
- m_contextHelp = contextHelp;
- }
- virtual bool ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event);
-//// Data
- wxContextHelp* m_contextHelp;
-IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxContextHelp, wxObject)
-wxContextHelp::wxContextHelp(wxWindow* win, bool beginHelp)
- m_inHelp = FALSE;
- if (beginHelp)
- BeginContextHelp(win);
- if (m_inHelp)
- EndContextHelp();
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
-wxWindow* wxFindWindowForGdkWindow(wxWindow* win, GdkWindow* gdkWindow)
- GdkWindow* thisGdkWindow1 = 0;
- GdkWindow* thisGdkWindow2 = 0;
- if (win->m_wxwindow)
- thisGdkWindow1 = GTK_PIZZA(win->m_wxwindow)->bin_window;
- thisGdkWindow2 = win->m_widget->window;
- if (gdkWindow == thisGdkWindow1 || gdkWindow == thisGdkWindow2)
- return win;
- wxNode* node = win->GetChildren().First();
- while (node)
- {
- wxWindow* child = (wxWindow*) node->Data();
- wxWindow* found = wxFindWindowForGdkWindow(child, gdkWindow);
- if (found)
- return found;
- node = node->Next();
- }
- return NULL;
-bool wxContextHelp::BeginContextHelp(wxWindow* win)
- if (!win)
- win = wxTheApp->GetTopWindow();
- if (!win)
- return FALSE;
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
- wxCursor cursor(wxCURSOR_QUESTION_ARROW);
- wxSetCursor(cursor);
- win->CaptureMouse();
- EventLoop(cursor, win);
- win->ReleaseMouse();
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
- m_status = FALSE;
- GdkCursor* query_cursor = gdk_cursor_new (GDK_QUESTION_ARROW);
- GdkWindow* gdkWindow = 0;
- GtkWidget* gtkWidget = 0;
- if (win->m_wxwindow)
- {
- gtkWidget = win->m_wxwindow;
- gdkWindow = GTK_PIZZA(win->m_wxwindow)->bin_window;
- }
- else
- {
- gtkWidget = win->m_widget;
- gdkWindow = win->m_widget->window;
- }
- gint failure = gdk_pointer_grab (gdkWindow,
- query_cursor,
- if (failure)
- {
- gdk_cursor_destroy (query_cursor);
- query_cursor = NULL;
- }
- gdk_keyboard_grab (gdkWindow, FALSE, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
- gtk_grab_add (gtkWidget);
- win->PushEventHandler(new wxContextHelpEvtHandler(this));
- // wxLogDebug("Entering loop.");
- EventLoop(wxNullCursor, win);
- // wxLogDebug("Exiting loop.");
- win->PopEventHandler(TRUE);
- gtk_grab_remove (gtkWidget);
- gdk_keyboard_ungrab (GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
- if (query_cursor)
- {
- gdk_pointer_ungrab (GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
- gdk_cursor_destroy (query_cursor);
- query_cursor = NULL;
- }
- if (m_status)
- {
- //wxMessageBox("Left-clicked");
- //wxPoint screenPt = win->ClientToScreen(m_mousePos);
- int x, y;
- GdkWindow* windowAtPtr = gdk_window_at_pointer(& x, & y);
- if (windowAtPtr)
- {
- wxWindow* wxWinAtPtr = wxFindWindowForGdkWindow(win, windowAtPtr);
- if (wxWinAtPtr)
- {
- DispatchEvent(wxWinAtPtr, wxPoint(x, y));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //wxMessageBox("Cancelled");
- }
- return TRUE;
-bool wxContextHelp::EndContextHelp()
- m_inHelp = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
-bool wxContextHelp::EventLoop(const wxCursor& cursor, wxWindow* win)
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
- m_inHelp = TRUE;
- while ( m_inHelp )
- {
- MSG msg;
- if (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE))
- {
- if (!ProcessHelpMessage((WXMSG*) & msg, cursor, win))
- {
- m_inHelp = FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- wxTheApp->ProcessIdle();
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
-#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
- m_inHelp = TRUE;
- while ( m_inHelp )
- {
- if (wxTheApp->Pending())
- {
- wxTheApp->Dispatch();
- }
- else
- {
- wxTheApp->ProcessIdle();
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
-// PROBLEM: If you click on the panel or other descendant of the
-// given window, then it doesn't go to this handler, even though
-// there's a grab.
-bool wxContextHelpEvtHandler::ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event)
- //wxLogDebug("Got event");
- if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN)
- {
- //wxLogDebug("Mouse event");
- wxMouseEvent& mouseEvent = (wxMouseEvent&) event;
- m_contextHelp->SetStatus(TRUE, mouseEvent.GetPosition());
- m_contextHelp->EndContextHelp();
- }
- // Don't know why these aren't being caught
- else if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_CHAR || event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_KEY_DOWN)
- {
- //wxKeyEvent& keyEvent = (wxKeyEvent&) event;
- if (TRUE) // keyEvent.GetKeyCode() == WXK_ESCAPE)
- {
- m_contextHelp->SetStatus(FALSE, wxPoint(0, 0));
- m_contextHelp->EndContextHelp();
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
-bool wxContextHelp::ProcessHelpMessage(WXMSG* wxmsg, const wxCursor& cursor, wxWindow* winInQuestion)
- MSG& msg = * (MSG*) wxmsg;
- if (msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN || msg.wParam == VK_ESCAPE)
- {
- PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, msg.message, msg.message, PM_REMOVE);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (msg.message == WM_CAPTURECHANGED)
- {
- PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, msg.message, msg.message, PM_REMOVE);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (msg.message == WM_ACTIVATE)
- {
- PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, msg.message, msg.message, PM_REMOVE);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ((msg.message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST && msg.message <= WM_MOUSELAST))
-// || (msg.message >= WM_NCMOUSEFIRST && msg.message <= WM_NCMOUSELAST))
- {
- wxSetCursor(cursor);
- HWND hWndHit = ::WindowFromPoint(msg.pt);
- wxWindow* win = wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND) hWndHit) ;
- HWND hWnd = hWndHit;
- // Try to find a window with a wxWindow associated with it
- while (!win && (hWnd != 0))
- {
- hWnd = ::GetParent(hWnd);
- win = wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND) hWnd) ;
- }
- if (win)
- {
- // It's a wxWindows window
- if (msg.message != WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
- {
- // Hit one of our owned windows -- eat the message.
- PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, msg.message, msg.message, PM_REMOVE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- int iHit = (int)::SendMessage(hWndHit, WM_NCHITTEST, 0,
- MAKELONG(msg.pt.x, msg.pt.y));
- if (iHit == HTMENU || iHit == HTSYSMENU)
- {
- // Eat this message, send the event and return
- PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, msg.message, msg.message, PM_REMOVE);
- DispatchEvent(win, wxPoint(msg.pt.x, msg.pt.y));
- return FALSE;
- }
- else if (iHit == HTCLIENT)
- {
- PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, msg.message, msg.message, PM_REMOVE);
- DispatchEvent(win, wxPoint(msg.pt.x, msg.pt.y));
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, msg.message, msg.message, PM_REMOVE);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Someone else's message
- if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, msg.message, msg.message, PM_REMOVE))
- {
- ::TranslateMessage(&msg);
- ::DispatchMessage(&msg);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // allow all other messages to go through (capture still set)
- if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, msg.message, msg.message, PM_REMOVE))
- DispatchMessage(&msg);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-// Dispatch the help event to the relevant window
-bool wxContextHelp::DispatchEvent(wxWindow* win, const wxPoint& pt)
- wxWindow* subjectOfHelp = win;
- bool eventProcessed = FALSE;
- while (subjectOfHelp && !eventProcessed)
- {
- wxHelpEvent helpEvent(wxEVT_HELP, subjectOfHelp->GetId(), pt) ;
- helpEvent.SetEventObject(this);
- eventProcessed = win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(helpEvent);
- // Go up the window hierarchy until the event is handled (or not).
- // I.e. keep submitting ancestor windows until one is recognised
- // by the app code that processes the ids and displays help.
- subjectOfHelp = subjectOfHelp->GetParent();
- }
- return eventProcessed;