# Job("co-mdk2006.24","distrib/all/build-rpm", ["beast", "co-mdk2006", "mdk2006", "2.4"], env=config_env),
# Job("co-mdk2006.24","distrib/all/build-rpm", ["beast", "co-mdk2006", "mdk2006", "2.4"], env=config_env),
print " skipdocs Don't rebuild the docs"
print " skipwin Don't do the remote Windows build"
print " skiposx Don't do the remote OSX build"
print " skipdocs Don't rebuild the docs"
print " skipwin Don't do the remote Windows build"
print " skiposx Don't do the remote OSX build"
print " skipclean Don't do the cleanup step on the remote builds"
print " skipupload Don't upload the builds to starship"
print " ansi Also do the ansi builds"
print " skipclean Don't do the cleanup step on the remote builds"
print " skipupload Don't upload the builds to starship"
print " ansi Also do the ansi builds"