#include <wx/wx.h>
+#define ColourID scColourID
+#define FontID scFontID
+#define SurfaceID scSurfaceID
+#define WindowID scWindowID
+#define MenuID scMenuID
+#define Point scPoint
+#define PRectangle scPRectangle
+#define Colour scColour
+#define ColourPair scColourPair
+#define Window scWindow
+#define Palette scPalette
+#define Font scFont
+#define Surface scSurface
+#define Window scWindow
+#define ListBox scListBox
+#define Menu scMenu
+#define Platform scPlatform
+#define TextRange scTextRange
+#define KeyMap scKeyMap
+#define Style scStyle
// Underlying the implementation of the platform classes are platform specific types.
// Sometimes these need to be passed around by client code so they are defined here