-# should inspection frame (and children) be includeed in the tree?
-class InspectionTree(wx.TreeCtrl):
- """
- All of the widgets in the app, and optionally their sizers, are
- loaded into this tree.
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- #s = kw.get('style', 0)
- #kw['style'] = s | wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT
- wx.TreeCtrl.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
- self.roots = []
- self.built = False
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, self.OnSelectionChanged)
- def BuildTree(self, startWidget, includeSizers=False):
- if self.GetCount():
- self.DeleteAllItems()
- self.roots = []
- self.built = False
- realRoot = self.AddRoot('Top-level Windows')
- for w in wx.GetTopLevelWindows():
- if w is wx.GetTopLevelParent(self) and not INCLUDE_INSPECTOR:
- continue
- root = self._AddWidget(realRoot, w, includeSizers)
- self.roots.append(root)
- # Expand the subtree containing the startWidget, and select it.
- if not startWidget or not isinstance(startWidget, wx.Window):
- startWidget = wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
- top = wx.GetTopLevelParent(startWidget)
- topItem = self.FindWidgetItem(top)
- if topItem:
- self.ExpandAllChildren(topItem)
- self.SelectObj(startWidget)
- self.built = True
- def _AddWidget(self, parentItem, widget, includeSizers):
- text = self.GetTextForWidget(widget)
- item = self.AppendItem(parentItem, text)
- self.SetItemPyData(item, widget)
- # Add the sizer and widgets in the sizer, if we're showing them
- widgetsInSizer = []
- if includeSizers and widget.GetSizer() is not None:
- widgetsInSizer = self._AddSizer(item, widget.GetSizer())
- # Add any children not in the sizer, or all children if we're
- # not showing the sizers
- for child in widget.GetChildren():
- if not child in widgetsInSizer and not child.IsTopLevel():
- self._AddWidget(item, child, includeSizers)
- return item
- def _AddSizer(self, parentItem, sizer):
- widgets = []
- text = self.GetTextForSizer(sizer)
- item = self.AppendItem(parentItem, text)
- self.SetItemPyData(item, sizer)
- self.SetItemTextColour(item, "blue")
- for si in sizer.GetChildren():
- if si.IsWindow():
- w = si.GetWindow()
- self._AddWidget(item, w, True)
- widgets.append(w)
- elif si.IsSizer():
- widgets += self._AddSizer(item, si.GetSizer())
- else:
- i = self.AppendItem(item, "Spacer")
- self.SetItemPyData(i, si)
- self.SetItemTextColour(i, "blue")
- return widgets
- def FindWidgetItem(self, widget):
- """
- Find the tree item for a widget.
- """
- for item in self.roots:
- found = self._FindWidgetItem(widget, item)
- if found:
- return found
- return None
- def _FindWidgetItem(self, widget, item):
- if self.GetItemPyData(item) is widget:
- return item
- child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(item)
- while child:
- found = self._FindWidgetItem(widget, child)
- if found:
- return found
- child, cookie = self.GetNextChild(item, cookie)
- return None
- def GetTextForWidget(self, widget):
- """
- Returns the string to be used in the tree for a widget
- """
- return "%s (\"%s\")" % (widget.__class__.__name__, widget.GetName())
- def GetTextForSizer(self, sizer):
- """
- Returns the string to be used in the tree for a sizer
- """
- return "%s" % sizer.__class__.__name__
- def SelectObj(self, obj):
- item = self.FindWidgetItem(obj)
- if item:
- self.EnsureVisible(item)
- self.SelectItem(item)
- def OnSelectionChanged(self, evt):
- obj = self.GetItemPyData(evt.GetItem())
- toolFrm = wx.GetTopLevelParent(self)
- toolFrm.SetObj(obj)
-class InspectionInfoPanel(wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl):
- """
- Used to display information about the currently selected items.
- Currently just a read-only wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl with some plain
- text. Should probably add some styles to make things easier to
- read.
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
- from wx.py.editwindow import FACES
- self.StyleSetSpec(wx.stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT,
- "face:%(mono)s,size:%(size)d,back:%(backcol)s" % FACES)
- self.StyleClearAll()
- self.SetReadOnly(True)
- self.SetMarginType(1, 0)
- self.SetMarginWidth(1, 0)
- self.SetSelForeground(True, wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT))
- self.SetSelBackground(True, wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT))
- def Update(self, obj):
- st = []
- if not obj:
- st.append("Item is None or has been destroyed.")
- elif isinstance(obj, wx.Window):
- st += self.FmtWidget(obj)
- elif isinstance(obj, wx.Sizer):
- st += self.FmtSizer(obj)
- elif isinstance(obj, wx.SizerItem):
- st += self.FmtSizerItem(obj)
- self.SetReadOnly(False)
- self.SetText('\n'.join(st))
- self.SetReadOnly(True)
- def Fmt(self, name, value):
- if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
- return " %s = '%s'" % (name, value)
- else:
- return " %s = %s" % (name, value)
- def FmtWidget(self, obj):
- st = ["Widget:"]
- st.append(self.Fmt('name', obj.GetName()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('class', obj.__class__))
- st.append(self.Fmt('bases', obj.__class__.__bases__))
- st.append(self.Fmt('id', obj.GetId()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('style', obj.GetWindowStyle()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('pos', obj.GetPosition()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('size', obj.GetSize()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('minsize', obj.GetMinSize()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('bestsize', obj.GetBestSize()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('client size',obj.GetClientSize()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('IsEnabled', obj.IsEnabled()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('IsShown', obj.IsShown()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('fg color', obj.GetForegroundColour()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('bg color', obj.GetBackgroundColour()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('label', obj.GetLabel()))
- if hasattr(obj, 'GetTitle'):
- st.append(self.Fmt('title', obj.GetTitle()))
- if hasattr(obj, 'GetValue'):
- st.append(self.Fmt('value', obj.GetValue()))
- if obj.GetContainingSizer() is not None:
- st.append('')
- sizer = obj.GetContainingSizer()
- st += self.FmtSizerItem(sizer.GetItem(obj))
- return st
- def FmtSizerItem(self, obj):
- st = ['SizerItem:']
- st.append(self.Fmt('proportion', obj.GetProportion()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('flag',
- FlagsFormatter(itemFlags, obj.GetFlag())))
- st.append(self.Fmt('border', obj.GetBorder()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('pos', obj.GetPosition()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('size', obj.GetSize()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('minsize', obj.GetMinSize()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('ratio', obj.GetRatio()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('IsWindow', obj.IsWindow()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('IsSizer', obj.IsSizer()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('IsSpacer', obj.IsSpacer()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('IsShown', obj.IsShown()))
- if isinstance(obj, wx.GBSizerItem):
- st.append(self.Fmt('cellpos', obj.GetPos()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('cellspan', obj.GetSpan()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('endpos', obj.GetEndPos()))
- return st
- def FmtSizer(self, obj):
- st = ['Sizer:']
- st.append(self.Fmt('class', obj.__class__))
- st.append(self.Fmt('pos', obj.GetPosition()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('size', obj.GetSize()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('minsize', obj.GetMinSize()))
- if isinstance(obj, wx.BoxSizer):
- st.append(self.Fmt('orientation',
- FlagsFormatter(orientFlags, obj.GetOrientation())))
- if isinstance(obj, wx.GridSizer):
- st.append(self.Fmt('cols', obj.GetCols()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('rows', obj.GetRows()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('vgap', obj.GetVGap()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('hgap', obj.GetHGap()))
- if isinstance(obj, wx.FlexGridSizer):
- st.append(self.Fmt('rowheights', obj.GetRowHeights()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('colwidths', obj.GetColWidths()))
- st.append(self.Fmt('flexdir',
- FlagsFormatter(orientFlags, obj.GetFlexibleDirection())))
- st.append(self.Fmt('nonflexmode',
- FlagsFormatter(flexmodeFlags, obj.GetNonFlexibleGrowMode())))
- if isinstance(obj, wx.GridBagSizer):
- st.append(self.Fmt('emptycell', obj.GetEmptyCellSize()))
- if obj.GetContainingWindow():
- si = obj.GetContainingWindow().GetSizer().GetItem(obj)
- if si:
- st.append('')
- st += self.FmtSizerItem(si)
- return st
-class FlagsFormatter(object):
- def __init__(self, d, val):
- self.d = d
- self.val = val
- def __str__(self):
- st = []
- for k in self.d.keys():
- if self.val & k:
- st.append(self.d[k])
- if st:
- return '|'.join(st)
- else:
- return '0'
-orientFlags = {
- }
-itemFlags = {
- wx.TOP : 'wx.TOP',
- wx.BOTTOM : 'wx.BOTTOM',
- wx.LEFT : 'wx.LEFT',
- wx.RIGHT : 'wx.RIGHT',
-# wx.ALL : 'wx.ALL',
- wx.EXPAND : 'wx.EXPAND',
-# wx.GROW : 'wx.GROW',
- wx.SHAPED : 'wx.SHAPED',
- wx.ALIGN_TOP : 'wx.ALIGN_TOP',
- }
-flexmodeFlags = {
- }
-from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
-import cStringIO
-def getRefreshData():
- return \
-\xa1P\x88\xc6\xc6Fj\xb5\x1a\x96eaY\x16\xc6\x18\x82\xc1 \x91H\x84`0H\xadVcxx\
-\xd1Q_\x92\x8a\xc5\xa2r\xb9\x9c$\xe9\xe9\xd3\xa7z\xff\xfd\xf7\xd5\xd0\xd0 \
- \x10 \x9f\xcf\xf3\xea\xd5+fgg\x91\xc4\x91#G\x18\x1a\x1a"\x1a\x8d\xb2\xbc\
-@KK\x0b7n\xdc \x1a\x8dr\xed\xda5\x9a\x9a\x9aXZZB\x92\x00\x12\x89\xc4\x16 f\
-\x80_\x02\x9fm\xb4q]\xf7w@\xf7\x9ao\x17\xe0 4\xfc\x15\x92\xc6\x98\x1f\x02\
-def getRefreshBitmap():
- return BitmapFromImage(getRefreshImage())
-def getRefreshImage():
- stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getRefreshData())
- return ImageFromStream(stream)
-def getFindData():
- return \
-\x12^\xeb$d\xf3\x08\xc1V\xa8\xc9\xb3i\xe2x\x97\x10(]$\xf0\xc0!i> i\xc0\x8bR(\
-x\xf3\xe6\rN\x9e<\x89\x9b7o\x82R\nUUQ*\x95\xe8\xee\xee.(\xa5\xdb\x9fU \xcb2\
-B\xf8\x0c\xe0\xba.8\xe7 \x84@\x14E\xd4\xebuX\x96\x85 \x08\x10\x04\x01U\x14%0\
-M\xd3\x01\x80X,\x16\xe6\x9cK\xb6mcuu\x15\x9a\xa6!\x9dN\x1f\x18\x831v\x00 \
-cc\x03{{{\x90$\t\x82 \x80\x10\xf2\xbdM\x1d\xc7qL\xd3\x84\xa6i\xd8\xdc\xdc\
-\xba\xfe-\x80 \x1e\x8f\xf7U\xab\xd5\xaca\x18\x92i\x9ap\x1c\x07\xba\xae#\x1a\
-@\x08\x81 |\xf7\xbb\xe0\x9c\x83s\x1e:\xa4A\xb85V\x04A\x80\xe38\x10\x04\x01\
-\xb7i$\x12A\x10\x04PU5XZZ"\xd1h\x14\xf1x\x1c\x8a\xa2 \x08\x02\xd4j5?\x9dN\
-def getFindBitmap():
- return BitmapFromImage(getFindImage())
-def getFindImage():
- stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getFindData())
- return ImageFromStream(stream)
-def getShowSizersData():
- return \
-\t`9b\xe0\xaf\x1c\xfc4\t\x19\x0b\x84`\xe3[\x92\xde\x1a \x05Z1\x9ci\x82\xb2Pr\
-\xc0\xc2\xfa\x1eY\x07 \xa5\xcc\xd9\x8c\xcd\xf3\x03p\xa2\x0f\x97\xcf\x02X\xa4\
-\x92\xf8\xa3 \x08fVV\xe6y\xde\xd6\x8c\x94\xfbQj\xaa/M\x10/\xf4\xb6\x93u\x02\
-\x1a\xb5 \xedP\xde\xebOLL\xbc\xb6\xba\x95\xe3\xe3\xe3\xfb\xfc\xc2P\x1f\xb0%T\
-\xe4\x9a\x00@d\x10)x\xe1,K\x93\x92\x8c? %\x8b\x06\xe8\x01d\x84\x109\x0bp\xfa\
-def getShowSizersBitmap():
- return BitmapFromImage(getShowSizersImage())
-def getShowSizersImage():
- stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getShowSizersData())
- return ImageFromStream(stream)
-def getShowFillingData():
- return \
-\x01\xbc>\x80\x10bf\xc0$\xaf\xaf\x06\x8dF\x03\x80f\xb3\x19*\xdc4\xcd\x81w* \
-B\x80\xa2(t:\xfe\xfb\xe9\x03d2\x19\xd2\xe94\xf5z=\x14 \x1e\x8f\x93\xcf\xe7\
-def getShowFillingBitmap():
- return BitmapFromImage(getShowFillingImage())
-def getShowFillingImage():
- stream = cStringIO.StringIO(getShowFillingData())
- return ImageFromStream(stream)