// Created: 9.96
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1996 Remstar International, Inc.
-// Licence: wxWindows licence, plus:
-// Notice: This class library and its intellectual design are free of charge for use,
-// modification, enhancement, debugging under the following conditions:
-// 1) These classes may only be used as part of the implementation of a
-// wxWidgets-based application
-// 2) All enhancements and bug fixes are to be submitted back to the wxWidgets
-// user groups free of all charges for use with the wxWidgets library.
-// 3) These classes may not be distributed as part of any other class library,
-// DLL, text (written or electronic), other than a complete distribution of
-// the wxWidgets GUI development toolkit.
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_DB_H_
#define _WX_DB_H_
-// BJO 20000503: introduce new GetColumns members which are more database independant and
+// BJO 20000503: introduce new GetColumns members which are more database independant and
// return columns in the order they were created
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/string.h"
-#if defined(__VISUALC__)
+#if defined(__VISUALC__)
// we need to include standard Windows headers but we can't include
// <windows.h> directly when using MFC because it includes it itself in a
// different manner
typedef float SFLOAT;
typedef double SDOUBLE;
- wxDbConnectInf(HENV henv, const wxString &dsn, const wxString &userID=wxEmptyString,
- const wxString &password=wxEmptyString, const wxString &defaultDir=wxEmptyString,
+ wxDbConnectInf(HENV henv, const wxString &dsn, const wxString &userID=wxEmptyString,
+ const wxString &password=wxEmptyString, const wxString &defaultDir=wxEmptyString,
const wxString &description=wxEmptyString, const wxString &fileType=wxEmptyString);
SWORD i_sqlDataType;
- ~wxDbColFor();
+ ~wxDbColFor(){}
void Initialize();
- int Format(int Nation, int dbDataType, SWORD sqlDataType, short columnSize, short decimalDigits);
+ int Format(int Nation, int dbDataType, SWORD sqlDataType, short columnLength, short decimalDigits);
wxChar colName[DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1];
SWORD sqlDataType;
wxChar typeName[128+1];
- SWORD columnSize;
- SWORD bufferLength;
+ SWORD columnLength;
+ SWORD bufferSize;
short decimalDigits;
short numPrecRadix;
short nullable;
// will overwrite the errors of the previously destroyed wxDb object in
// this variable.
wxDBMS dbmsType; // Type of datasource - i.e. Oracle, dBase, SQLServer, etc
// Private member functions
- bool getDbInfo(bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported=TRUE);
+ bool getDbInfo(bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported=true);
bool getDataTypeInfo(SWORD fSqlType, wxDbSqlTypeInfo &structSQLTypeInfo);
bool setConnectionOptions(void);
void logError(const wxString &errMsg, const wxString &SQLState);
const wxChar *convertUserID(const wxChar *userID, wxString &UserID);
+ bool determineDataTypes(bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported);
void initialize();
- bool open(bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported=TRUE);
+ bool open(bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported=true);
// ODBC handles
// ODBC Error Inf.
SWORD cbErrorMsg;
+#ifdef __VMS
+ // The DECC compiler chokes when in db.cpp the array is accessed outside
+ // its bounds. Maybe this change should also applied for other platforms.
SDWORD nativeError;
wxChar sqlState[20];
// Data Source Name, User ID, Password and whether open should fail on data type not supported
- bool Open(const wxString& inConnectStr, bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported=TRUE);
- bool Open(const wxString &Dsn, const wxString &Uid, const wxString &AuthStr, bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported=TRUE);
- bool Open(wxDbConnectInf *dbConnectInf, bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported=TRUE);
+ bool Open(const wxString& inConnectStr, bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported=true);
+ bool Open(const wxString &Dsn, const wxString &Uid, const wxString &AuthStr, bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported=true);
+ bool Open(wxDbConnectInf *dbConnectInf, bool failOnDataTypeUnsupported=true);
bool Open(wxDb *copyDb); // pointer to a wxDb whose connection info should be copied rather than re-queried
void Close(void);
bool CommitTrans(void);
bool DispAllErrors(HENV aHenv, HDBC aHdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC, HSTMT aHstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
bool GetNextError(HENV aHenv, HDBC aHdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC, HSTMT aHstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
void DispNextError(void);
- bool CreateView(const wxString &viewName, const wxString &colList, const wxString &pSqlStmt, bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
+ bool CreateView(const wxString &viewName, const wxString &colList, const wxString &pSqlStmt, bool attemptDrop=true);
bool DropView(const wxString &viewName);
bool ExecSql(const wxString &pSqlStmt);
+ bool ExecSql(const wxString &pSqlStmt, wxDbColInf** columns, short& numcols);
bool GetNext(void);
bool GetData(UWORD colNo, SWORD cType, PTR pData, SDWORD maxLen, SDWORD FAR *cbReturned);
bool Grant(int privileges, const wxString &tableName, const wxString &userList = wxT("PUBLIC"));
int GetKeyFields(const wxString &tableName, wxDbColInf* colInf, UWORD noCols);
wxDbColInf *GetColumns(wxChar *tableName[], const wxChar *userID=NULL);
- wxDbColInf *GetColumns(const wxString &tableName, UWORD *numCols, const wxChar *userID=NULL);
+ wxDbColInf *GetColumns(const wxString &tableName, UWORD *numCols, const wxChar *userID=NULL);
int GetColumnCount(const wxString &tableName, const wxChar *userID=NULL);
const wxChar *GetDatabaseName(void) {return dbInf.dbmsName;}
wxDbSqlTypeInfo GetTypeInfBlob() {return typeInfBlob;}
// tableName can refer to a table, view, alias or synonym
- bool TableExists(const wxString &tableName, const wxChar *userID=NULL,
+ bool TableExists(const wxString &tableName, const wxChar *userID=NULL,
const wxString &tablePath=wxEmptyString);
- bool TablePrivileges(const wxString &tableName, const wxString &priv,
- const wxChar *userID=NULL, const wxChar *schema=NULL,
+ bool TablePrivileges(const wxString &tableName, const wxString &priv,
+ const wxChar *userID=NULL, const wxChar *schema=NULL,
const wxString &path=wxEmptyString);
// These two functions return the table name or column name in a form ready
// for use in SQL statements. For example, if the datasource allows spaces
// in the table name or column name, the returned string will have the
- // correct enclosing marks around the name to allow it to be properly
+ // correct enclosing marks around the name to allow it to be properly
// included in a SQL statement
const wxString SQLTableName(const wxChar *tableName);
const wxString SQLColumnName(const wxChar *colName);
- void LogError(const wxString &errMsg, const wxString &SQLState = wxEmptyString)
+ void LogError(const wxString &errMsg, const wxString &SQLState = wxEmptyString)
{ logError(errMsg, SQLState); }
void SetDebugErrorMessages(bool state) { silent = !state; }
- bool SetSqlLogging(wxDbSqlLogState state, const wxString &filename = SQL_LOG_FILENAME,
- bool append = FALSE);
+ bool SetSqlLogging(wxDbSqlLogState state, const wxString &filename = SQL_LOG_FILENAME,
+ bool append = false);
bool WriteSqlLog(const wxString &logMsg);
wxDBMS Dbms(void);
#if 0
// MSW/VC6 ONLY!!! Experimental
int WXDLLEXPORT wxDbCreateDataSource(const wxString &driverName, const wxString &dsn, const wxString &description=wxEmptyString,
- bool sysDSN=FALSE, const wxString &defDir=wxEmptyString, wxWindow *parent=NULL);
+ bool sysDSN=false, const wxString &defDir=wxEmptyString, wxWindow *parent=NULL);
// This routine allows you to query a driver manager
// the first time using SQL_FETCH_FIRST. Continue to call it
// using SQL_FETCH_NEXT until you've exhausted the list.
-wxDbGetDataSource(HENV henv, wxChar *Dsn, SWORD DsnMax, wxChar *DsDesc,
- SWORD DsDescMax, UWORD direction = SQL_FETCH_NEXT);
+wxDbGetDataSource(HENV henv, wxChar *Dsn, SWORD DsnMaxLength, wxChar *DsDesc,
+ SWORD DsDescMaxLength, UWORD direction = SQL_FETCH_NEXT);
// Change this to 0 to remove use of all deprecated functions
bool SqlLog(sqlLog state, const wxChar *filename = SQL_LOG_FILENAME);
-GetDataSource(HENV henv, char *Dsn, SWORD DsnMax, char *DsDesc, SWORD DsDescMax,
+GetDataSource(HENV henv, char *Dsn, SWORD DsnMaxLength, char *DsDesc, SWORD DsDescMaxLength,
UWORD direction = SQL_FETCH_NEXT);
#endif // Deprecated structures/classes/functions