+ * regex execution flags
+ */
+#define REG_NOTBOL 0001 /* BOS is not BOL */
+#define REG_NOTEOL 0002 /* EOS is not EOL */
+#define REG_STARTEND 0004 /* backward compatibility kludge */
+#define REG_FTRACE 0010 /* none of your business */
+#define REG_MTRACE 0020 /* none of your business */
+#define REG_SMALL 0040 /* none of your business */
+ * error reporting
+ * Be careful if modifying the list of error codes -- the table used by
+ * regerror() is generated automatically from this file!
+ */
+#define REG_OKAY 0 /* no errors detected */
+#define REG_NOMATCH 1 /* failed to match */
+#define REG_BADPAT 2 /* invalid regexp */
+#define REG_ECOLLATE 3 /* invalid collating element */
+#define REG_ECTYPE 4 /* invalid character class */
+#define REG_EESCAPE 5 /* invalid escape \ sequence */
+#define REG_ESUBREG 6 /* invalid backreference number */
+#define REG_EBRACK 7 /* brackets [] not balanced */
+#define REG_EPAREN 8 /* parentheses () not balanced */
+#define REG_EBRACE 9 /* braces {} not balanced */
+#define REG_BADBR 10 /* invalid repetition count(s) */
+#define REG_ERANGE 11 /* invalid character range */
+#define REG_ESPACE 12 /* out of memory */
+#define REG_BADRPT 13 /* quantifier operand invalid */
+#define REG_ASSERT 15 /* "can't happen" -- you found a bug */
+#define REG_INVARG 16 /* invalid argument to regex function */
+#define REG_MIXED 17 /* character widths of regex and string
+ * differ */
+#define REG_BADOPT 18 /* invalid embedded option */
+/* two specials for debugging and testing */
+#define REG_ATOI 101 /* convert error-code name to number */
+#define REG_ITOA 102 /* convert error-code number to name */
+ * the prototypes for exported functions
+ */
+extern int wx_regcomp(regex_t *, const wx_wchar *, size_t, int);
+extern int regcomp(regex_t *, const wx_wchar *, int);
+extern int wx_regexec(regex_t *, const wx_wchar *, size_t, rm_detail_t *, size_t, regmatch_t[], int);
+extern int regexec(regex_t *, const wx_wchar *, size_t, regmatch_t[], int);