from globals import *
-import os, sys, getopt, re, traceback
+import os, sys, getopt, re, traceback, tempfile, shutil
# Local modules
from tree import * # imports xxx which imports params
# Load our own resources
self.res = wxXmlResource('')
- # !!! Blocking of assert failure occuring in older unicode builds
+ # !!! Blocking of assert failure occurring in older unicode builds
self.res.Load(os.path.join(basePath, 'xrced.xrc'))
except wx._core.PyAssertionError:
menu.Append(self.ID_DELETE, '&Delete\tCtrl-D', 'Delete object')
self.ID_LOCATE = wxNewId()
- self.ID_LOCATE_TOOL = wxNewId()
+ self.ID_TOOL_LOCATE = wxNewId()
+ self.ID_TOOL_PASTE = wxNewId()
menu.Append(self.ID_LOCATE, '&Locate\tCtrl-L', 'Locate control in test window and select it')
menuBar.Append(menu, '&Edit')
# Create toolbar
tb = self.CreateToolBar(wxTB_HORIZONTAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxTB_FLAT)
- tb.SetToolBitmapSize((24, 23))
- tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_NEW, images.getNewBitmap(), 'New', 'New file')
- tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_OPEN, images.getOpenBitmap(), 'Open', 'Open file')
- tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_SAVE, images.getSaveBitmap(), 'Save', 'Save file')
+ tb.SetToolBitmapSize((24,24))
+ new_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_NORMAL_FILE, wx.ART_TOOLBAR)
+ open_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_FILE_OPEN, wx.ART_TOOLBAR)
+ save_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_FILE_SAVE, wx.ART_TOOLBAR)
+ undo_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_UNDO, wx.ART_TOOLBAR)
+ redo_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_REDO, wx.ART_TOOLBAR)
+ cut_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_CUT, wx.ART_TOOLBAR)
+ copy_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_COPY, wx.ART_TOOLBAR)
+ paste_bmp= wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_PASTE, wx.ART_TOOLBAR)
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_NEW, new_bmp, 'New', 'New file')
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_OPEN, open_bmp, 'Open', 'Open file')
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_SAVE, save_bmp, 'Save', 'Save file')
tb.AddControl(wxStaticLine(tb, -1, size=(-1,23), style=wxLI_VERTICAL))
- tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_UNDO, images.getUndoBitmap(), 'Undo', 'Undo')
- tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_REDO, images.getRedoBitmap(), 'Redo', 'Redo')
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_UNDO, undo_bmp, 'Undo', 'Undo')
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_REDO, redo_bmp, 'Redo', 'Redo')
tb.AddControl(wxStaticLine(tb, -1, size=(-1,23), style=wxLI_VERTICAL))
- tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_CUT, images.getCutBitmap(), 'Cut', 'Cut')
- tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_COPY, images.getCopyBitmap(), 'Copy', 'Copy')
- tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_PASTE, images.getPasteBitmap(), 'Paste', 'Paste')
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_CUT, cut_bmp, 'Cut', 'Cut')
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(wxID_COPY, copy_bmp, 'Copy', 'Copy')
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(self.ID_TOOL_PASTE, paste_bmp, 'Paste', 'Paste')
tb.AddControl(wxStaticLine(tb, -1, size=(-1,23), style=wxLI_VERTICAL))
- tb.AddCheckTool(self.ID_LOCATE_TOOL,
- images.getLocateBitmap(), images.getLocateArmedBitmap(),
- 'Locate', 'Locate control in test window and select it')
+ tb.AddSimpleTool(self.ID_TOOL_LOCATE,
+ images.getLocateBitmap(), #images.getLocateArmedBitmap(),
+ 'Locate', 'Locate control in test window and select it', True)
tb.AddControl(wxStaticLine(tb, -1, size=(-1,23), style=wxLI_VERTICAL))
tb.AddSimpleTool(self.ID_TEST, images.getTestBitmap(), 'Test', 'Test window')
tb.AddSimpleTool(self.ID_REFRESH, images.getRefreshBitmap(),
EVT_MENU(self, wxID_CUT, self.OnCutDelete)
EVT_MENU(self, wxID_COPY, self.OnCopy)
EVT_MENU(self, wxID_PASTE, self.OnPaste)
+ EVT_MENU(self, self.ID_TOOL_PASTE, self.OnPaste)
EVT_MENU(self, self.ID_DELETE, self.OnCutDelete)
EVT_MENU(self, self.ID_LOCATE, self.OnLocate)
- EVT_MENU(self, self.ID_LOCATE_TOOL, self.OnLocate)
+ EVT_MENU(self, self.ID_TOOL_LOCATE, self.OnLocate)
# View
EVT_MENU(self, self.ID_EMBED_PANEL, self.OnEmbedPanel)
EVT_MENU(self, self.ID_SHOW_TOOLS, self.OnShowTools)
EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, wxID_COPY, self.OnUpdateUI)
EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, wxID_PASTE, self.OnUpdateUI)
EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, self.ID_LOCATE, self.OnUpdateUI)
- EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, self.ID_LOCATE_TOOL, self.OnUpdateUI)
+ EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, self.ID_TOOL_LOCATE, self.OnUpdateUI)
+ EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, self.ID_TOOL_PASTE, self.OnUpdateUI)
EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, wxID_UNDO, self.OnUpdateUI)
EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, wxID_REDO, self.OnUpdateUI)
EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, self.ID_DELETE, self.OnUpdateUI)
- if self.Open(path):
- self.SetStatusText('Data loaded')
- else:
- self.SetStatusText('Failed')
- self.SaveRecent(path)
- wxEndBusyCursor()
+ try:
+ if self.Open(path):
+ self.SetStatusText('Data loaded')
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText('Failed')
+ self.SaveRecent(path)
+ finally:
+ wxEndBusyCursor()
def OnSaveOrSaveAs(self, evt):
if evt.GetId() == wxID_SAVEAS or not self.dataFile:
if self.dataFile: defaultName = ''
else: defaultName = 'UNTITLED.xrc'
- dirname = os.path.dirname(self.dataFile)
+ dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.dataFile))
dlg = wxFileDialog(self, 'Save As', dirname, defaultName, '*.xrc',
if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
- self.Save(path)
- self.dataFile = path
- self.SetStatusText('Data saved')
- self.SaveRecent(path)
- except IOError:
- self.SetStatusText('Failed')
- wxEndBusyCursor()
+ try:
+ tmpFile,tmpName = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='xrced-')
+ os.close(tmpFile)
+ self.Save(tmpName) # save temporary file first
+ shutil.move(tmpName, path)
+ self.dataFile = path
+ self.SetStatusText('Data saved')
+ self.SaveRecent(path)
+ except IOError:
+ self.SetStatusText('Failed')
+ finally:
+ wxEndBusyCursor()
def SaveRecent(self,path):
# append to recently used files
selected = tree.selection
if not selected: return # key pressed event
# For pasting with Ctrl pressed
+ appendChild = True
if evt.GetId() == pullDownMenu.ID_PASTE_SIBLING: appendChild = False
+ elif evt.GetId() == self.ID_TOOL_PASTE:
+ if g.tree.ctrl: appendChild = False
+ else: appendChild = not tree.NeedInsert(selected)
else: appendChild = not tree.NeedInsert(selected)
xxx = tree.GetPyData(selected)
if not appendChild:
if parent.__class__ != xxxMainNode: error = True
elif x.__class__ == xxxToolBar:
# Toolbar can be top-level of child of panel or frame
- if parent.__class__ not in [xxxMainNode, xxxPanel, xxxFrame]: error = True
+ if parent.__class__ not in [xxxMainNode, xxxPanel, xxxFrame] and \
+ not parent.isSizer: error = True
elif x.__class__ == xxxPanel and parent.__class__ == xxxMainNode:
elif x.__class__ == xxxSpacer:
item = self.FindObject(g.testWin.item, evt.GetEventObject())
if item:
- self.tb.ToggleTool(self.ID_LOCATE_TOOL, False)
+ self.tb.ToggleTool(self.ID_TOOL_LOCATE, False)
if item:
self.SetStatusText('Selected %s' % tree.GetItemText(item))
def OnLocate(self, evt):
if g.testWin:
if evt.GetId() == self.ID_LOCATE or \
- evt.GetId() == self.ID_LOCATE_TOOL and evt.IsChecked():
+ evt.GetId() == self.ID_TOOL_LOCATE and evt.IsChecked():
self.SetHandler(g.testWin, g.testWin)
g.testWin.Connect(wxID_ANY, wxID_ANY, wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnTestWinLeftDown)
if evt.GetId() == self.ID_LOCATE:
- self.tb.ToggleTool(self.ID_LOCATE_TOOL, True)
- elif evt.GetId() == self.ID_LOCATE_TOOL and not evt.IsChecked():
+ self.tb.ToggleTool(self.ID_TOOL_LOCATE, True)
+ elif evt.GetId() == self.ID_TOOL_LOCATE and not evt.IsChecked():
self.SetHandler(g.testWin, None)
g.testWin.Disconnect(wxID_ANY, wxID_ANY, wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN)
self.SetStatusText('Click somewhere in your test window now')
# Simple emulation of python command line
def OnDebugCMD(self, evt):
- import traceback
while 1:
exec raw_input('C:\> ')
def OnUpdateUI(self, evt):
if evt.GetId() in [wxID_CUT, wxID_COPY, self.ID_DELETE]:
evt.Enable(tree.selection is not None and tree.selection != tree.root)
- elif evt.GetId() == wxID_PASTE:
+ elif evt.GetId() in [wxID_PASTE, self.ID_TOOL_PASTE]:
evt.Enable((self.clipboard and tree.selection) != None)
elif evt.GetId() == self.ID_TEST:
evt.Enable(tree.selection is not None and tree.selection != tree.root)
- elif evt.GetId() in [self.ID_LOCATE, self.ID_LOCATE_TOOL]:
+ elif evt.GetId() in [self.ID_LOCATE, self.ID_TOOL_LOCATE]:
evt.Enable(g.testWin is not None)
elif evt.GetId() == wxID_UNDO: evt.Enable(undoMan.CanUndo())
elif evt.GetId() == wxID_REDO: evt.Enable(undoMan.CanRedo())
dom = minidom.parse(f)
- # Set encoding global variable
- if dom.encoding: g.currentEncoding = dom.encoding
+ # Set encoding global variable and default encoding
+ if dom.encoding:
+ g.currentEncoding = dom.encoding
+ wx.SetDefaultPyEncoding(g.currentEncoding.encode())
+ else:
+ g.currentEncoding = ''
# Change dir
self.dataFile = path = os.path.abspath(path)
dir = os.path.dirname(path)
inf = sys.exc_info()
wxLogError(traceback.format_exception(inf[0], inf[1], None)[-1])
wxLogError('Error reading file: %s' % path)
+ if debug: raise
return False
return True
# Apply changes
if tree.selection and panel.IsModified():
- f =, 'w', g.currentEncoding)
+ if g.currentEncoding:
+ f =, 'wt', g.currentEncoding)
+ else:
+ f =, 'wt')
# Make temporary copy for formatting it
# !!! We can't clone dom node, it works only once
#self.domCopy = tree.dom.cloneNode(True)
self.modified = False
+ inf = sys.exc_info()
+ wxLogError(traceback.format_exception(inf[0], inf[1], None)[-1])
wxLogError('Error writing file: %s' % path)