+ if ( m_selection->GetSelectionMode() == wxGrid::wxGridSelectRows )
+ {
+ leftCol = 0;
+ rightCol = GetNumberCols() - 1;
+ }
+ else if ( m_selection->GetSelectionMode() == wxGrid::wxGridSelectColumns )
+ {
+ topRow = 0;
+ bottomRow = GetNumberRows() - 1;
+ }
+ if ( topRow > bottomRow )
+ {
+ temp = topRow;
+ topRow = bottomRow;
+ bottomRow = temp;
+ }
+ if ( leftCol > rightCol )
+ {
+ temp = leftCol;
+ leftCol = rightCol;
+ rightCol = temp;
+ }
+ updateTopLeft = wxGridCellCoords( topRow, leftCol );
+ updateBottomRight = wxGridCellCoords( bottomRow, rightCol );
+ if ( m_selectingTopLeft != updateTopLeft ||
+ m_selectingBottomRight != updateBottomRight )
+ {
+ // Compute two optimal update rectangles:
+ // Either one rectangle is a real subset of the
+ // other, or they are (almost) disjoint!
+ wxRect rect[4];
+ bool need_refresh[4];
+ need_refresh[0] =
+ need_refresh[1] =
+ need_refresh[2] =
+ need_refresh[3] = FALSE;
+ int i;
+ // Store intermediate values
+ wxCoord oldLeft = m_selectingTopLeft.GetCol();
+ wxCoord oldTop = m_selectingTopLeft.GetRow();
+ wxCoord oldRight = m_selectingBottomRight.GetCol();
+ wxCoord oldBottom = m_selectingBottomRight.GetRow();
+ // Determine the outer/inner coordinates.
+ if (oldLeft > leftCol)
+ {
+ temp = oldLeft;
+ oldLeft = leftCol;
+ leftCol = temp;
+ }
+ if (oldTop > topRow )
+ {
+ temp = oldTop;
+ oldTop = topRow;
+ topRow = temp;
+ }
+ if (oldRight < rightCol )
+ {
+ temp = oldRight;
+ oldRight = rightCol;
+ rightCol = temp;
+ }
+ if (oldBottom < bottomRow)
+ {
+ temp = oldBottom;
+ oldBottom = bottomRow;
+ bottomRow = temp;
+ }
+ // Now, either the stuff marked old is the outer
+ // rectangle or we don't have a situation where one
+ // is contained in the other.
+ if ( oldLeft < leftCol )
+ {
+ need_refresh[0] = TRUE;
+ rect[0] = BlockToDeviceRect( wxGridCellCoords ( oldTop,
+ oldLeft ),
+ wxGridCellCoords ( oldBottom,
+ leftCol - 1 ) );
+ }
+ if ( oldTop < topRow )
+ {
+ need_refresh[1] = TRUE;
+ rect[1] = BlockToDeviceRect( wxGridCellCoords ( oldTop,
+ leftCol ),
+ wxGridCellCoords ( topRow - 1,
+ rightCol ) );
+ }
+ if ( oldRight > rightCol )
+ {
+ need_refresh[2] = TRUE;
+ rect[2] = BlockToDeviceRect( wxGridCellCoords ( oldTop,
+ rightCol + 1 ),
+ wxGridCellCoords ( oldBottom,
+ oldRight ) );
+ }
+ if ( oldBottom > bottomRow )
+ {
+ need_refresh[3] = TRUE;
+ rect[3] = BlockToDeviceRect( wxGridCellCoords ( bottomRow + 1,
+ leftCol ),
+ wxGridCellCoords ( oldBottom,
+ rightCol ) );
+ }
+ // Change Selection
+ m_selectingTopLeft = updateTopLeft;
+ m_selectingBottomRight = updateBottomRight;
+ // various Refresh() calls
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+ if ( need_refresh[i] && rect[i] != wxGridNoCellRect )
+ m_gridWin->Refresh( FALSE, &(rect[i]) );
+ }
+ // never generate an event as it will be generated from
+ // wxGridSelection::SelectBlock!
+ // (old comment from when this was the body of SelectBlock)
+// ------ functions to get/send data (see also public functions)
+bool wxGrid::GetModelValues()
+ if ( m_table )
+ {
+ // all we need to do is repaint the grid
+ //
+ m_gridWin->Refresh();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+bool wxGrid::SetModelValues()
+ int row, col;
+ if ( m_table )