wxSpinCtrlTextGeneric(wxSpinCtrlGenericBase *spin, const wxString& value, long style=0)
: wxTextCtrl(spin->GetParent(), wxID_ANY, value, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
- style & wxALIGN_MASK)
+ // This is tricky: we want to honour any alignment flags
+ // but not wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL because it's the same
+ // as wxTE_PASSWORD and we definitely don't want to show
+ // asterisks in spin control.
m_spin = spin;
void OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event )
- if (m_spin)
- m_spin->ProcessWindowEvent(event);
+ if ( !m_spin->ProcessWindowEvent(event) )
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ void OnTextEnter(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+ // We need to forward this event to the spin control itself as it's
+ // supposed to generate it if wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER is used with it.
+ wxCommandEvent eventCopy(event);
+ eventCopy.SetEventObject(m_spin);
+ eventCopy.SetId(m_spin->GetId());
+ m_spin->ProcessWindowEvent(eventCopy);
void OnKillFocus(wxFocusEvent& event)
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxSpinCtrlTextGeneric, wxTextCtrl)
+ EVT_TEXT_ENTER(wxID_ANY, wxSpinCtrlTextGeneric::OnTextEnter)
// wxSpinCtrl
+bool wxSpinCtrl::SetBase(int base)
+ // Currently we only support base 10 and 16. We could add support for base
+ // 8 quite easily but wxMSW doesn't support it natively so don't bother.
+ if ( base != 10 && base != 16 )
+ return false;
+ if ( base == m_base )
+ return true;
+ // Update the current control contents to show in the new base: be careful
+ // to call DoTextToValue() before changing the base...
+ double val;
+ const bool hasValidVal = DoTextToValue(m_textCtrl->GetValue(), &val);
+ m_base = base;
+ // ... but DoValueToText() after doing it.
+ if ( hasValidVal )
+ m_textCtrl->SetValue(DoValueToText(val));
+ return true;
void wxSpinCtrl::DoSendEvent()
wxSpinEvent event( wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED, GetId());
bool wxSpinCtrl::DoTextToValue(const wxString& text, double *val)
long lval;
- if ( !text.ToLong(&lval) )
+ if ( !text.ToLong(&lval, GetBase()) )
return false;
*val = static_cast<double>(lval);
wxString wxSpinCtrl::DoValueToText(double val)
- return wxString::Format("%ld", static_cast<long>(val));
+ switch ( GetBase() )
+ {
+ case 16:
+ return wxPrivate::wxSpinCtrlFormatAsHex(static_cast<long>(val),
+ GetMax());
+ default:
+ wxFAIL_MSG( wxS("Unsupported spin control base") );
+ // Fall through
+ case 10:
+ return wxString::Format("%ld", static_cast<long>(val));
+ }