+ //make a group of wxCanvasObjects
+ wxCanvasObjectGroup* group1 = new wxCanvasObjectGroup(0,0);
+ wxCanvasLine* line = new wxCanvasLine( 10,-35,50,190);
+ line->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(255,161,5),5,wxDOT_DASH ));
+ group1->Prepend( line );
+ group1->Prepend( new wxCanvasImage( image, 4,38,32,32 ) );
+ wxCanvasRect* rec3 = new wxCanvasRect(20,-20,50,170);
+ rec3->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(0,120,240),wxSOLID));
+ rec3->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(252,54,252 ),3,wxSOLID));
+ group1->Prepend( rec3 );
+ wxCanvasRect* rec2 = new wxCanvasRect(10,20,104,52);
+ rec2->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(0,240,240),wxSOLID));
+ rec2->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(210,40,50 ),1,wxSOLID));
+ group1->Prepend( rec2 );
+ wxPoint2DDouble* todraw2 = new wxPoint2DDouble[3];
+ todraw2[0].m_x=230;
+ todraw2[0].m_y=220;
+ todraw2[1].m_x=300;
+ todraw2[1].m_y=200;
+ todraw2[2].m_x=300;
+ todraw2[2].m_y=300;
+ wxCanvasPolyline* poly2= new wxCanvasPolyline(3,todraw2);
+ poly2->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(200,0,64 ),4,wxDOT));
+ m_datatree->Prepend( poly2 );
+ //make another group of wxCanvasObjects
+ wxCanvasObjectGroup* group2 = new wxCanvasObjectGroup(0,0);
+ group2->Prepend( new wxCanvasImage( image, 60,38,52,32 ) );
+ wxCanvasRect* rr = new wxCanvasRect(10,20,104,52,30);
+ rr->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(10,17,255),wxHORIZONTAL_HATCH ));
+ rr->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(9,115,64 ),4,wxSOLID));
+ group2->Prepend( rr );
+ //this a reference to group2 put into group1
+ MywxCanvasObjectRef* m_subref = new MywxCanvasObjectRef(60,50, group2);
+ m_subref->SetRotation(35);
+ m_subref->SetRotation(0);
+ group1->Prepend( m_subref );
+ wxPoint2DDouble* todraw = new wxPoint2DDouble[5];
+ todraw[0].m_x=-30;
+ todraw[0].m_y=-20;
+ todraw[1].m_x=100;
+ todraw[1].m_y=0;
+ todraw[2].m_x=100;
+ todraw[2].m_y=100;
+ todraw[3].m_x=50;
+ todraw[3].m_y=150;
+ todraw[4].m_x=0;
+ todraw[4].m_y=100;
+ wxCanvasPolygon* poly= new wxCanvasPolygon(5,todraw);
+ poly->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(100,17,255),wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH ));
+ poly->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(9,115,64 ),4,wxSOLID));
+ group1->Prepend( poly );
+ wxPoint2DDouble* todraw4 = new wxPoint2DDouble[4];
+ todraw4[0].m_x=-50;
+ todraw4[0].m_y=-30;
+ todraw4[1].m_x=-50;
+ todraw4[1].m_y=70;
+ todraw4[2].m_x=150;
+ todraw4[2].m_y=70;
+ todraw4[3].m_x=150;
+ todraw4[3].m_y=-30;
+ wxCanvasPolygon* poly5= new wxCanvasPolygon(4,todraw4);
+ poly5->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(100,17,255),wxCROSSDIAG_HATCH ));
+// poly5->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(100,17,255),wxSOLID ));
+// poly5->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(9,115,64 ),1,wxSOLID));
+ poly5->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(9,115,64 ),4,wxSOLID));
+ wxCanvasObjectGroup* group3 = new wxCanvasObjectGroup(0,0);
+ group3->Prepend( poly5 );
+ wxList* pointlist = new wxList();
+ wxPoint2DDouble* point = new wxPoint2DDouble(0,0);
+ pointlist->Append((wxObject*)point);
+ point = new wxPoint2DDouble(-300,100);
+ pointlist->Append((wxObject*)point);
+ point = new wxPoint2DDouble(-100,100);
+ pointlist->Append((wxObject*)point);
+ point = new wxPoint2DDouble(-100,0);
+ pointlist->Append((wxObject*)point);
+ point = new wxPoint2DDouble(-200,50);
+ pointlist->Append((wxObject*)point);
+ wxCanvasPolygonL* poly15= new wxCanvasPolygonL(pointlist,TRUE);
+ poly15->SetColour1(wxColour(250,78,216 ));
+ poly15->SetColour2(*wxRED);
+ poly15->SetBrush(wxBrush(gs_bmp36_mono));
+ poly15->SetTransParent(TRUE);
+ poly15->SetPen(wxPen(*wxRED,4,wxSOLID));
+ group1->Prepend( poly15 );
+ wxList* pointlist2 = new wxList();
+ wxPoint2DDouble* point2 = new wxPoint2DDouble(-400,100);
+ pointlist2->Append((wxObject*)point2);
+ point2 = new wxPoint2DDouble(-400,200);
+ pointlist2->Append((wxObject*)point2);
+ point2 = new wxPoint2DDouble(0,200);
+ pointlist2->Append((wxObject*)point2);
+ point2 = new wxPoint2DDouble(0,100);
+ pointlist2->Append((wxObject*)point2);
+ point2 = new wxPoint2DDouble(-200,175);
+ pointlist2->Append((wxObject*)point2);
+ wxCanvasPolylineL* poly16= new wxCanvasPolylineL(pointlist2,TRUE);
+ poly16->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(9,115,64 ),4,wxSOLID));
+ m_datatree->Prepend( poly16 );
+ wxPoint2DDouble* todraw6 = new wxPoint2DDouble[5];
+ todraw6[0].m_x=50;
+ todraw6[0].m_y=305;
+ todraw6[1].m_x=-200;
+ todraw6[1].m_y=200;
+ todraw6[2].m_x=0;
+ todraw6[2].m_y=500;
+ todraw6[3].m_x=300;
+ todraw6[3].m_y=200;
+ todraw6[4].m_x=-300;
+ todraw6[4].m_y=-300;
+ wxCanvasPolygon* poly17= new wxCanvasPolygon(5,todraw6,TRUE);
+ poly17->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(100,17,255),wxSOLID));
+ poly17->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(10,17,25),16,wxLONG_DASH ));
+ poly17->SetColour1(*wxGREEN);
+ poly17->SetColour2(*wxRED);
+ poly17->SetGradient(TRUE,wxPen(wxColour(0,0,0),0,wxSOLID),0);
+ wxCanvasObjectRef* m_refc = new wxCanvasObjectRef(0,-200, poly17);
+ m_refc->SetRotation(90);
+ m_datatree->Prepend( m_refc );
+ wxCanvasObjectRef* m_refd = new wxCanvasObjectRef(200,-50, poly17);
+ m_refd->SetRotation(0);
+ m_datatree->Append( m_refd );
+ //now make two references to group1 into root group of the canvas
+ m_ref = new MywxCanvasObjectRef(350,-200, group1);
+ m_ref->SetRotation(25);
+ //TODO if rotation is 0 scaling is weird
+// m_ref->SetScale(2,3.2);
+ m_datatree->Append( m_ref );
+ group3->Prepend( m_ref );
+ //this a reference to group2 put into group1
+ MywxCanvasObjectRef* subref2 = new MywxCanvasObjectRef(20,130, group2);
+ subref2->SetRotation(15);
+ group3->Prepend( subref2 );
+ m_datatree->Prepend( subref2 );
+ m_ref2 = new MywxCanvasObjectRef(80,450, group1);
+ m_ref2->SetRotation(-35);
+ m_ref2->SetDragMode(wxDRAG_RECTANGLE);
+ m_datatree->Prepend( m_ref2 );
+ wxCanvasCircle* cir = new wxCanvasCircle( -100, -150, 100 );
+ cir->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(19,215,6),wxHORIZONTAL_HATCH ));
+ cir->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(198,3,105 ),30,wxSOLID));
+ cir->SetDragMode(wxDRAG_REDRAW);
+ m_datatree->Prepend( cir );
+ wxCanvasEllipse* elp = new wxCanvasEllipse( -100, 250, 100,300 );
+ elp->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(100,17,55),wxVERTICAL_HATCH ));
+ elp->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(2,255,6 ),10,wxDOT));
+ m_datatree->Prepend( elp );
+ wxCanvasEllipticArc* aelp = new wxCanvasEllipticArc( -230, 250, 100,300, 30,270 );
+ aelp->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(100,17,155),wxSOLID ));
+ aelp->SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(1,215,6 ),10,wxSOLID));
+ m_datatree->Prepend( aelp );
+ int kk;
+ for (kk=0;kk<100;kk++)
+ {
+// MywxCanvasObjectRef* m_refx = new MywxCanvasObjectRef(180,50+kk*30, group1);
+// m_refx->SetRotation(-35);
+// m_datatree->Prepend( m_refx );
+ }