// Called by ApplyWidgetStyle (which is called by SetFont() and
// SetXXXColour etc to apply style changed to native widgets) to create
// modified GTK style with non-standard attributes. If forceStyle=true,
// creates empty GtkRcStyle if there are no modifications, otherwise
// returns NULL in such case.
GtkRcStyle *GTKCreateWidgetStyle(bool forceStyle = false);
// Called by ApplyWidgetStyle (which is called by SetFont() and
// SetXXXColour etc to apply style changed to native widgets) to create
// modified GTK style with non-standard attributes. If forceStyle=true,
// creates empty GtkRcStyle if there are no modifications, otherwise
// returns NULL in such case.
GtkRcStyle *GTKCreateWidgetStyle(bool forceStyle = false);