+ bool IsValid() const
+ {
+ return IsOk() && CFGetTypeID((CFTypeRef)m_cfmdRef) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID();
+ }
+ void PrintOut(wxString& sMessage)
+ {
+ PrintOutDictionary(sMessage, m_cfmdRef);
+ }
+ static void PrintOutDictionary(wxString& sMessage, CFDictionaryRef cfdRef)
+ {
+ CFIndex cfiCount = CFDictionaryGetCount(cfdRef);
+ CFTypeRef* pKeys = new CFTypeRef[cfiCount];
+ CFTypeRef* pValues = new CFTypeRef[cfiCount];
+ CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(cfdRef, pKeys, pValues);
+ for(CFIndex i = 0; i < cfiCount; ++i)
+ {
+ wxString sKey = wxMacCFStringHolder(CFCopyTypeIDDescription(CFGetTypeID(pKeys[i]))).AsString();
+ wxString sValue = wxMacCFStringHolder(CFCopyTypeIDDescription(CFGetTypeID(pValues[i]))).AsString();
+ sMessage <<
+ wxString::Format(wxT("[{#%d} Key : %s]"), (int) i,
+ sKey.c_str());
+ PrintOutType(sMessage, sKey, pKeys[i]);
+ sMessage <<
+ wxString::Format(wxT("\n\t[Value : %s]"),
+ sValue.c_str());
+ PrintOutType(sMessage, sValue, pValues[i]);
+ sMessage << wxT("\n");
+ }
+ delete[] pKeys;
+ delete[] pValues;
+ }
+ static void PrintOutArray(wxString& sMessage, CFArrayRef cfaRef)
+ {
+ for(CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(cfaRef); ++i)
+ {
+ wxString sValue = wxMacCFStringHolder(CFCopyTypeIDDescription(CFGetTypeID(
+ CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cfaRef, i)
+ ))).AsString();
+ sMessage <<
+ wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t[{#%d} ArrayValue : %s]\n"), (int) i,
+ sValue.c_str());
+ PrintOutType(sMessage, sValue, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cfaRef, i));
+ }
+ }
+ static void PrintOutType(wxString& sMessage, wxString sValue, CFTypeRef cfRef)
+ {
+ sMessage << wxT(" {");
+ if(sValue == wxT("CFString"))
+ {
+ sMessage << wxMacCFStringHolder((CFStringRef)cfRef, false).AsString();
+ }
+ else if(sValue == wxT("CFNumber"))
+ {
+ int nOut;
+ CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)cfRef, kCFNumberIntType, &nOut);
+ sMessage << nOut;
+ }
+ else if(sValue == wxT("CFDictionary"))
+ {
+ PrintOutDictionary(sMessage, (CFDictionaryRef)cfRef);
+ }
+ else if(sValue == wxT("CFArray"))
+ {
+ PrintOutArray(sMessage, (CFArrayRef)cfRef);
+ }
+ else if(sValue == wxT("CFBoolean"))
+ {
+ sMessage << (cfRef == kCFBooleanTrue ? wxT("true") : wxT("false"));
+ }
+ else if(sValue == wxT("CFURL"))
+ {
+ sMessage << wxMacCFStringHolder(CFURLCopyPath((CFURLRef) cfRef)).AsString();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sMessage << wxT("*****UNKNOWN TYPE******");
+ }
+ sMessage << wxT("} ");
+ }
+ void MakeValidXML();
+ CFTypeRef WriteAsXML()
+ {
+ return CFPropertyListCreateXMLData(kCFAllocatorDefault, m_cfmdRef);
+ }
+ bool ReadAsXML(CFTypeRef cfData, wxString* pErrorMsg = NULL)
+ {
+ Clear();
+ CFStringRef cfsError=NULL;
+ m_cfmdRef = (CFMutableDictionaryRef) CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(
+ kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ (CFDataRef)cfData,
+ kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves,
+ &cfsError );
+ if(cfsError)
+ {
+ if(pErrorMsg)
+ *pErrorMsg = wxMacCFStringHolder(cfsError).AsString();
+ else
+ CFRelease(cfsError);
+ }
+ return m_cfmdRef != NULL;
+ }
+ private:
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef m_cfmdRef;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxCFArray
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class wxCFArray
+ wxCFArray(CFTypeRef ref, bool bRetain = wxCF_RELEASE)
+ {
+ m_cfmaRef = (CFMutableArrayRef)ref;
+ if(bRetain == wxCF_RETAIN && ref)
+ CFRetain(ref);
+ }
+ wxCFArray(CFIndex cfiSize = 0) : m_cfmaRef(NULL)
+ { Create(cfiSize); }
+ ~wxCFArray()
+ { Clear(); }
+ void MakeMutable(CFIndex cfiSize = 0)
+ {
+ wxASSERT(IsValid());
+ CFMutableArrayRef oldref = m_cfmaRef;
+ m_cfmaRef = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(
+ kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ cfiSize,
+ (CFArrayRef)oldref);
+ CFRelease(oldref);
+ }
+ void BuildCallbacks(CFArrayCallBacks* pCbs)
+ {
+ pCbs->version = 0;
+ pCbs->retain = RetainProc;
+ pCbs->release = ReleaseProc;
+ pCbs->copyDescription = NULL;
+ pCbs->equal = NULL;
+ }
+ void Create(CFIndex cfiSize = 0)
+ {
+ Clear();
+ CFArrayCallBacks cb;
+ BuildCallbacks(&cb);
+ m_cfmaRef = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, cfiSize, &cb);
+ }
+ void Clear()
+ {if(m_cfmaRef) CFRelease(m_cfmaRef);}
+ static const void* RetainProc(CFAllocatorRef, const void* v)
+ { return (const void*) CFRetain(v); }
+ static void ReleaseProc(CFAllocatorRef, const void* v)
+ { CFRelease(v); }
+ operator CFTypeRef () const
+ { return (CFTypeRef)m_cfmaRef; }
+ CFArrayRef GetCFArray() const
+ { return (CFArrayRef)m_cfmaRef; }
+ CFMutableArrayRef GetCFMutableArray()
+ { return (CFMutableArrayRef) m_cfmaRef; }
+ CFTypeRef operator [] (CFIndex cfiIndex) const
+ {
+ wxASSERT(IsValid());
+ return (CFTypeRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex((CFArrayRef)m_cfmaRef, cfiIndex);
+ }
+ CFIndex GetCount()
+ {
+ wxASSERT(IsValid());
+ return CFArrayGetCount((CFArrayRef)m_cfmaRef);
+ }
+ void Add(CFTypeRef cftValue)
+ {
+ wxASSERT(IsValid());
+ CFArrayAppendValue(m_cfmaRef, cftValue);
+ }
+ void Remove(CFIndex cfiIndex)
+ {
+ wxASSERT(IsValid());
+ wxASSERT(cfiIndex < GetCount());
+ CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(m_cfmaRef, cfiIndex);
+ }
+ void Set(CFIndex cfiIndex, CFTypeRef cftValue)
+ {
+ wxASSERT(IsValid());
+ wxASSERT(cfiIndex < GetCount());
+ CFArraySetValueAtIndex(m_cfmaRef, cfiIndex, cftValue);
+ }
+ bool IsOk() const {return m_cfmaRef != NULL; }
+ bool IsValid() const
+ {
+ return IsOk() && CFGetTypeID((CFTypeRef)m_cfmaRef) == CFArrayGetTypeID();
+ }
+ void MakeValidXML();
+ CFMutableArrayRef m_cfmaRef;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxCFString
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class wxCFString
+ wxCFString(CFTypeRef ref, bool bRetain = wxCF_RELEASE) : m_Holder((CFStringRef)ref, bRetain == wxCF_RELEASE)
+ { }
+ wxCFString(const wxChar* szString) : m_Holder(wxString(szString), wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding())
+ { }
+ wxCFString(const wxString& sString) : m_Holder(sString, wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding())
+ { }
+ operator CFTypeRef() const
+ {return (CFTypeRef) ((CFStringRef) m_Holder); }
+ bool IsOk() { return ((CFTypeRef)(*this)) != NULL; }
+ wxString BuildWXString() {return m_Holder.AsString(); }
+ wxMacCFStringHolder m_Holder;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxCFNumber
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class wxCFNumber
+ wxCFNumber(int nValue)
+ {
+ m_cfnRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ kCFNumberIntType, &nValue);
+ }
+ wxCFNumber(CFTypeRef ref, bool bRetain = wxCF_RELEASE) : m_cfnRef((CFNumberRef)ref)
+ {
+ if(bRetain == wxCF_RETAIN && ref)
+ CFRetain(ref);
+ }
+ ~wxCFNumber()
+ { if(m_cfnRef) CFRelease(m_cfnRef); }
+ operator CFTypeRef() const
+ { return (CFTypeRef) m_cfnRef; }
+ int GetValue()
+ {
+ int nOut;
+ CFNumberGetValue(
+ m_cfnRef,
+ kCFNumberIntType,
+ &nOut
+ );
+ return nOut;
+ }
+ bool IsOk() { return m_cfnRef != NULL; }
+ CFNumberRef m_cfnRef;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxCFURL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class wxCFURL
+ wxCFURL(CFTypeRef ref = NULL, bool bRetain = wxCF_RELEASE) : m_cfurlRef((CFURLRef)ref)
+ {
+ if(bRetain == wxCF_RETAIN && ref)
+ CFRetain(ref);
+ }
+ wxCFURL(const wxCFString& URLString, CFTypeRef BaseURL = NULL)
+ {
+ Create(URLString, BaseURL);
+ }
+ void Create(const wxCFString& URLString, CFTypeRef BaseURL = NULL)
+ {
+ m_cfurlRef = CFURLCreateWithString(
+ kCFAllocatorDefault,
+ (CFStringRef)(CFTypeRef)URLString,
+ (CFURLRef) BaseURL);
+ }
+ ~wxCFURL() {if(m_cfurlRef) CFRelease(m_cfurlRef);}
+ wxString BuildWXString()
+ {
+ return wxCFString(CFURLCopyPath(m_cfurlRef)).BuildWXString();
+ }
+ operator CFTypeRef() const
+ { return (CFTypeRef)m_cfurlRef; }
+ bool IsOk() { return m_cfurlRef != NULL; }
+ CFURLRef m_cfurlRef;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxCFData
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class wxCFData
+ wxCFData(CFTypeRef ref, bool bRetain = wxCF_RELEASE) : m_cfdaRef((CFDataRef)ref)
+ {
+ if(bRetain == wxCF_RETAIN && ref)
+ CFRetain(ref);
+ }
+ wxCFData(const UInt8* pBytes, CFIndex len, bool bKeep = wxCFDATA_RELEASEBUFFER)
+ {
+ {
+ m_cfdaRef = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy
+ (kCFAllocatorDefault, pBytes, len, kCFAllocatorDefault);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_cfdaRef = CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, pBytes, len);
+ }
+ }
+ ~wxCFData() {if(m_cfdaRef) CFRelease(m_cfdaRef);}
+ const UInt8* GetValue()
+ {
+ return CFDataGetBytePtr(m_cfdaRef);
+ }
+ CFIndex GetCount()
+ {
+ return CFDataGetLength(m_cfdaRef);
+ }
+ operator CFTypeRef() const
+ { return (CFTypeRef)m_cfdaRef; }
+ bool IsOk() { return m_cfdaRef != NULL; }
+ CFDataRef m_cfdaRef;
+void wxCFDictionary::MakeValidXML()
+ CFIndex cfiCount = GetCount();
+ CFTypeRef* pKeys = new CFTypeRef[cfiCount];
+ CFTypeRef* pValues = new CFTypeRef[cfiCount];
+ CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(m_cfmdRef, pKeys, pValues);
+ //for plist xml format all dictionary keys must be cfstrings and no values in
+ //the dictionary or subkeys/values can be NULL
+ //Also, CFURLs are not allowed
+ for(CFIndex i = 0; i < cfiCount; ++i)
+ {
+ //must be an array, dictionary, string, bool, or int and cannot be null
+ //and dictionaries can only contain cfstring keys
+ CFTypeRef cfRef = pValues[i];
+ if(!pKeys[i] ||
+ CFGetTypeID(pKeys[i]) != CFStringGetTypeID() ||
+ !cfRef)
+ {
+ Remove(pKeys[i]);
+ --i;
+ --cfiCount;
+ delete[] pKeys;
+ delete[] pValues;
+ pKeys = new CFTypeRef[cfiCount];
+ pValues = new CFTypeRef[cfiCount];
+ CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(m_cfmdRef, pKeys, pValues);
+ }
+ else if (CFGetTypeID(cfRef) == CFArrayGetTypeID())
+ {
+ CFRetain(cfRef);
+ wxCFArray cfaCurrent(cfRef);
+ cfaCurrent.MakeMutable();
+ cfaCurrent.MakeValidXML();
+ Set(pKeys[i], cfaCurrent);
+ }
+ else if (CFGetTypeID(cfRef) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
+ {
+ CFRetain(cfRef);
+ wxCFDictionary cfdCurrent(cfRef);
+ cfdCurrent.MakeMutable();
+ cfdCurrent.MakeValidXML();
+ Set(pKeys[i], cfdCurrent);
+ }
+ else if( ( CFGetTypeID(cfRef) == CFStringGetTypeID() ||
+ CFGetTypeID(cfRef) == CFNumberGetTypeID() ||
+ CFGetTypeID(cfRef) == CFBooleanGetTypeID() ) == false )
+ {
+ Remove(pKeys[i]);
+ --i;
+ --cfiCount;
+ delete[] pKeys;
+ delete[] pValues;
+ pKeys = new CFTypeRef[cfiCount];
+ pValues = new CFTypeRef[cfiCount];
+ CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(m_cfmdRef, pKeys, pValues);
+ }
+ }
+ delete[] pValues;
+ delete[] pKeys;