+ for(CFIndex i = 0; i < GetCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ //must be an array, dictionary, string, bool, or int and cannot be null
+ //and dictionaries can only contain cfstring keys
+ CFTypeRef cfRef = (*this)[i];
+ if(!cfRef)
+ {
+ Remove(i);
+ --i;
+ }
+ else if (CFGetTypeID(cfRef) == CFArrayGetTypeID())
+ {
+ CFRetain(cfRef);
+ wxCFArray cfaCurrent(cfRef);
+ cfaCurrent.MakeMutable();
+ cfaCurrent.MakeValidXML();
+ Set(i, cfaCurrent);
+ }
+ else if (CFGetTypeID(cfRef) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
+ {
+ CFRetain(cfRef);
+ wxCFDictionary cfdCurrent(cfRef);
+ cfdCurrent.MakeMutable();
+ cfdCurrent.MakeValidXML();
+ Set(i, cfdCurrent);
+ }
+ else if ( CFGetTypeID(cfRef) != CFStringGetTypeID() &&
+ CFGetTypeID(cfRef) != CFNumberGetTypeID() &&
+ CFGetTypeID(cfRef) != CFBooleanGetTypeID() )
+ {
+ Remove(i);
+ --i;
+ }
+ }
+wxFileType* wxMimeTypesManagerImpl::Associate(const wxFileTypeInfo& ftInfo)
+ bool bInfoSuccess = false;
+ const wxArrayString& asExtensions = ftInfo.GetExtensions();
+ size_t dwFoundIndex = 0;
+ if(!asExtensions.GetCount())
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("Must have extension to associate with"));
+ }
+ //Find and write to Info.plist in main bundle (note that some other
+ //apps have theirs named differently, i.e. IE's is named Info-macos.plist
+ //some apps (non-wx) use the 'plst' resource instead
+ CFBundleRef cfbMain = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
+ if(cfbMain)
+ {
+ UInt32 dwBundleType, dwBundleCreator;
+ CFBundleGetPackageInfo(cfbMain, &dwBundleType, &dwBundleCreator);
+ //if launching terminal non-app version will be 'BNDL' (generic bundle, maybe in other cases too),
+ //which will give us the incorrect info.plist path
+ //otherwise it will be 'APPL', or in the case of a framework,
+ //'FMWK'
+ if(dwBundleType == 'APPL')
+ {
+ wxCFURL cfurlBundleLoc((CFTypeRef)CFBundleCopyBundleURL(cfbMain));
+// wxCFURL cfurlBundleLoc((CFTypeRef)CFBundleCopyExecutableURL(cfbMain));
+ wxString sInfoPath;
+// sInfoPath << wxT("file://");
+ sInfoPath << cfurlBundleLoc.BuildWXString();
+ sInfoPath << wxT("Contents/Info.plist");
+// wxCFDictionary cfdInfo( CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(cfbMain), wxCF_RETAIN );
+ wxCFDictionary cfdInfo;
+ bool bInfoOpenSuccess = false;
+ wxFile indictfile;
+ if(indictfile.Open(sInfoPath, wxFile::read))
+ {
+ CFIndex cfiBufLen = (CFIndex) indictfile.Length();
+ const UInt8* pBuffer = new UInt8[cfiBufLen];
+ indictfile.Read((void*)pBuffer, cfiBufLen);
+ wxCFData cfdaInDict(pBuffer, cfiBufLen);
+ wxString sError;
+ bInfoOpenSuccess = cfdInfo.ReadAsXML(cfdaInDict, &sError);
+ if(!bInfoOpenSuccess)
+ wxLogDebug(sError);
+ indictfile.Close();
+ }
+ if(bInfoOpenSuccess)
+ {
+ cfdInfo.MakeMutable( cfdInfo.GetCount() + 1 );
+ wxCFArray cfaDocTypes( cfdInfo[ wxCFString(wxT("CFBundleDocumentTypes")) ], wxCF_RETAIN );
+ bool bAddDocTypesArrayToDictionary = cfaDocTypes.IsOk() == false;
+ if(bAddDocTypesArrayToDictionary)
+ cfaDocTypes.Create();
+ else
+ cfaDocTypes.MakeMutable( cfaDocTypes.GetCount() + 1 );
+ bool bEntryFound = false;
+ //search for duplicate
+ CFIndex i;
+ for(i = 0; i < cfaDocTypes.GetCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ wxCFDictionary cfdDocTypeEntry( cfaDocTypes[i], wxCF_RETAIN );
+ //A lot of apps dont do to mime types for some reason
+ //so we go by extensions only
+ wxCFArray cfaExtensions( cfdDocTypeEntry[ wxCFString(wxT("CFBundleTypeExtensions")) ],
+ wxCF_RETAIN );
+ if(cfaExtensions.IsOk() == false)
+ continue;
+ for(CFIndex iExt = 0; iExt < cfaExtensions.GetCount(); ++iExt)
+ {
+ for (size_t iWXExt = 0; iWXExt < asExtensions.GetCount(); ++iWXExt)
+ {
+ if(asExtensions[iWXExt] ==
+ wxCFString(cfaExtensions[iExt], wxCF_RETAIN).BuildWXString())
+ {
+ bEntryFound = true;
+ dwFoundIndex = iWXExt;
+ break;
+ }
+ } //end of wxstring array
+ if(bEntryFound)
+ break;
+ } //end for cf array
+ if(bEntryFound)
+ break;
+ }//end for doctypes
+ wxCFDictionary cfdNewEntry;
+ if(!ftInfo.GetDescription().empty())
+ {
+ cfdNewEntry.Add( wxCFString(wxT("CFBundleTypeName")),
+ wxCFString(ftInfo.GetDescription()) );
+ }
+ if(!ftInfo.GetIconFile().empty())
+ {
+ cfdNewEntry.Add( wxCFString(wxT("CFBundleTypeIconFile")),
+ wxCFString(ftInfo.GetIconFile()) );
+ }
+ wxCFArray cfaOSTypes;
+ wxCFArray cfaExtensions;
+ wxCFArray cfaMimeTypes;
+ //OSTypes is a cfarray of four-char-codes - '****' for unrestricted
+ cfaOSTypes.Add( wxCFString(wxT("****")) );
+ cfdNewEntry.Add( wxCFString(wxT("CFBundleTypeOSTypes")), cfaOSTypes );
+ if(ftInfo.GetExtensionsCount() != 0) //'*' for unrestricted
+ {
+ for(size_t iExtension = 0; iExtension < (size_t)ftInfo.GetExtensionsCount(); ++iExtension)
+ {
+ cfaExtensions.Add( wxCFString( asExtensions[iExtension] ) );
+ }
+ cfdNewEntry.Add( wxCFString(wxT("CFBundleTypeExtensions")), cfaExtensions );
+ }
+ if(!ftInfo.GetMimeType().empty())
+ {
+ cfaMimeTypes.Add( wxCFString(ftInfo.GetMimeType()) );
+ cfdNewEntry.Add( wxCFString(wxT("CFBundleTypeMIMETypes")), cfaMimeTypes );
+ }
+ // Editor - can perform all actions
+ // Viewer - all actions except manipulation/saving
+ // None - can perform no actions
+ cfdNewEntry.Add( wxCFString(wxT("CFBundleTypeRole")), wxCFString(wxT("Editor")) );
+ // Is application bundled?
+ cfdNewEntry.Add( wxCFString(wxT("LSTypeIsPackage")), kCFBooleanTrue );
+ if(bEntryFound)
+ cfaDocTypes.Set(i, cfdNewEntry);
+ else
+ cfaDocTypes.Add(cfdNewEntry);
+ //
+ // set the doc types array in the muted dictionary
+ //
+ if(bAddDocTypesArrayToDictionary)
+ cfdInfo.Add(wxCFString(wxT("CFBundleDocumentTypes")), cfaDocTypes);
+ else
+ cfdInfo.Set(wxCFString(wxT("CFBundleDocumentTypes")), cfaDocTypes);
+ cfdInfo.MakeValidXML();
+ wxFile outdictfile;
+ if(outdictfile.Open(sInfoPath, wxFile::write))
+ {
+ wxCFData cfdaInfo(cfdInfo.WriteAsXML());
+ if(cfdaInfo.IsOk())
+ {
+ if(outdictfile.Write(cfdaInfo.GetValue(), cfdaInfo.GetCount()) !=
+ (wxFileOffset)cfdaInfo.GetCount())
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("error in writing to file"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bInfoSuccess = true;
+//#if defined(__DARWIN__)
+// //force launch services to update its database for the finder
+// OSStatus status = LSRegisterURL((CFURLRef)(CFTypeRef)cfurlBundleLoc, true);
+// if(status != noErr)
+// {
+// wxLogDebug(wxT("LSRegisterURL Failed."));
+// }
+ }
+ outdictfile.Close();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ outdictfile.Close();
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("Could not read in new dictionary"));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxString(wxT("Could not open [")) +
+ sInfoPath + wxT("] for writing."));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("No info dictionary in main bundle"));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("Can only call associate from bundled app within XXX.app"));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("No main bundle"));
+ }
+#if defined(__DARWIN__)
+ if(!bInfoSuccess)
+ return NULL;
+ //on mac you have to embed it into the mac's file reference resource ('FREF' I believe)
+ //or, alternately, you could just add an entry to m_hDatabase, but you'd need to get
+ //the app's signature somehow...
+ OSType processType,
+ creator;
+ OSStatus status = MoreProcGetProcessTypeSignature(NULL,&processType, &creator);
+ if(status == noErr)
+ {
+ Str255 psCreatorName;
+ FSSpec dummySpec;
+ status = FindApplication(creator, false, psCreatorName, &dummySpec);
+ if(status == noErr)
+ {
+ //get the file type if it exists -
+ //if it really does then modify the database then save it,
+ //otherwise we need to create a whole new entry
+ wxFileType* pFileType = GetFileTypeFromExtension(asExtensions[dwFoundIndex]);
+ if(pFileType)
+ {
+ ICMapEntry entry;
+ ICGetMapEntry( (ICInstance) m_hIC, (Handle) m_hDatabase,
+ pFileType->m_impl->m_lIndex, &entry);
+ memcpy(entry.creatorAppName, psCreatorName, sizeof(Str255));
+ entry.fileCreator = creator;
+ status = ICSetMapEntry( (ICInstance) m_hIC, (Handle) m_hDatabase,
+ pFileType->m_impl->m_lIndex, &entry);
+ //success
+ if(status == noErr)
+ {
+ //kICAttrNoChange means we don't care about attributes such as
+ //locking in the database
+// status = ICSetPrefHandle((ICInstance) m_hIC, kICMapping,
+// kICAttrNoChange, (Handle) m_hDatabase);
+// if(status == noErr)
+ return pFileType;
+// else
+// {
+// wxLogDebug(wxString::Format(wxT("%i - %s"), (int)status, wxT("ICSetPrefHandle failed.")));
+ // }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxString::Format(wxT("%i - %s"), __LINE__, wxT("ICSetMapEntry failed.")));
+ }
+ //failure - cleanup
+ delete pFileType;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //TODO: Maybe force all 3 of these to be non-empty?
+ Str255 psExtension;
+ Str255 psMimeType;
+ Str255 psDescription;
+ wxMacStringToPascal(wxString(wxT(".")) + ftInfo.GetExtensions()[0], psExtension);
+ wxMacStringToPascal(ftInfo.GetMimeType(), psMimeType);
+ wxMacStringToPascal(ftInfo.GetDescription(), psDescription);
+ Str255 psPostCreatorName;
+ wxMacStringToPascal(wxT(""), psPostCreatorName);
+ //add the entry to the database
+ ICMapEntry entry;
+ entry.totalLength = sizeof(ICMapEntry);
+ entry.fixedLength = kICMapFixedLength;
+ entry.version = 0;
+ entry.fileType = 0; //TODO: File type?
+ entry.fileCreator = creator;
+ entry.postCreator = 0;
+ entry.flags = kICMapDataForkBit; //TODO: Maybe resource is valid by default too?
+ PLstrcpy( entry.extension , psExtension ) ;
+ memcpy(entry.creatorAppName, psCreatorName, sizeof(Str255));
+ memcpy(entry.postAppName, psPostCreatorName, sizeof(Str255));
+ memcpy(entry.MIMEType, psMimeType, sizeof(Str255));
+ memcpy(entry.entryName, psDescription, sizeof(Str255));
+ status = ICAddMapEntry( (ICInstance) m_hIC, (Handle) m_hDatabase, &entry);
+ if(status == noErr)
+ {
+ //kICAttrNoChange means we don't care about attributes such as
+ //locking in the database
+ // status = ICSetPrefHandle((ICInstance) m_hIC, kICMapping,
+ // kICAttrNoChange, (Handle) m_hDatabase);
+ //return the entry in the database if successful
+ // if(status == noErr)
+ return GetFileTypeFromExtension(ftInfo.GetMimeType());
+ // else
+ // {
+ // wxLogDebug(wxString::Format(wxT("%i - %s"), __LINE__, wxT("ICSetPrefHandle failed.")));
+ // }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxString::Format(wxT("%i - %s"), __LINE__, wxT("ICAppMapEntry failed.")));
+ }
+ }
+ } //end if FindApplcation was successful
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxString::Format(wxT("%i - %s"), __LINE__, wxT("FindApplication failed.")));
+ }
+ } //end if it could obtain app's signature
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogDebug(wxString::Format(wxT("%i - %s"), __LINE__, wxT("GetProcessSignature failed.")));
+ }