- @ref overview_xrcformat_sizers
- @ref overview_xrcformat_other_objects
- @ref overview_xrcformat_platform
+- @ref overview_xrcformat_idranges
- @ref overview_xrcformat_extending
- @ref overview_xrcformat_extending_subclass
- @ref overview_xrcformat_extending_unknown
<object_ref ref="template" name="my_dlg">
<title>My dialog</title>
is identical to:
+@subsubsection xrc_wxbannerwindow wxBannerWindow
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{direction, @c wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM,
+ The side along which the banner will be positioned.}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap to use as the banner background.}
+@row3col{title, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Banner title, should be single line.}
+@row3col{message, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Possibly multi-line banner message.}
+@row3col{gradient-start, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
+ Starting colour of the gradient used as banner background. Can't be used if
+ a valid bitmap is specified.}
+@row3col{gradient-end, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_colour,
+ End colour of the gradient used as banner background. Can't be used if
+ a valid bitmap is specified.}
@subsubsection xrc_wxbitmapbutton wxBitmapButton
+@subsubsection xrc_wxbitmaptogglebutton wxBitmapToggleButton
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Label to display on the button (required).}
+@row3col{checked, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Should the button be checked/pressed initially (default: 0)?}
@subsubsection xrc_wxbutton wxButton
The title of the column. }
@row3col{width, integer,
The column width. }
+@row3col{image, integer,
+ The zero-based index of the image associated with the item in the 'small' image list. }
The columns are appended to the control in order of their appearance and may be
@row3col{max, integer,
Maximum allowed value (default: 100).}
@row3col{pagesize, integer,
- Line size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves
+ Page size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves
pages up or down (default: unset).}
@row3col{linesize, integer,
Line size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves it
@subsubsection xrc_wxspinctrl wxSpinCtrl
-wxSpinCtrl supports the properties as @ref xrc_wxspinbutton.
+wxSpinCtrl supports the same properties as @ref xrc_wxspinbutton and, since
+wxWidgets 2.9.5, another one:
+@row3col{base, integer,
+ Numeric base, currently can be only 10 or 16 (default: 10).}
@subsubsection xrc_wxsplitterwindow wxSplitterWindow
-@subsubsection xrc_wxtogglebuttton wxToggleButton
+@subsubsection xrc_wxtimepickerctrl wxTimePickerCtrl
+No additional properties.
+@subsubsection xrc_wxtogglebutton wxToggleButton
@hdr3col{property, type, description}
Help text shown in statusbar when the mouse is on the tool (default: none).}
@row3col{disabled, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
Is the tool initially disabled (default: 0)?}
+@row3col{checked, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the tool initially checked (default: 0)? (only available since wxWidgets 2.9.3)}
The presence of a @c dropdown property indicates that the tool is of type
into the image list.}
@row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
+@row3col{expanded, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ If set to 1, the page is initially expanded. By default all pages are
+ initially collapsed.}
Each @c treebookpage has exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
wxWizardPageSimple pages are automatically chained together; wxWizardPage pages
-transitions must be handled programatically.
+transitions must be handled programmatically.
@section overview_xrcformat_sizers Sizers
+@section overview_xrcformat_idranges ID Ranges
+Usually you won't care what value the XRCID macro returns for the ID of an
+object. Sometimes though it is convenient to have a range of IDs that are
+guaranteed to be consecutive. An example of this would be connecting a group of
+similar controls to the same event handler.
+The following XRC fragment 'declares' an ID range called @em foo and another
+called @em bar; each with some items.
+ <object class="wxButton" name="foo[start]">
+ <object class="wxButton" name="foo[end]">
+ <object class="wxButton" name="foo[2]">
+ ...
+ <object class="wxButton" name="bar[0]">
+ <object class="wxButton" name="bar[2]">
+ <object class="wxButton" name="bar[1]">
+ ...
+<ids-range name="foo" />
+<ids-range name="bar" size="30" start="10000" />
+For the range foo, no @em size or @em start parameters were given, so the size
+will be calculated from the number of range items, and IDs allocated by
+wxWindow::NewControlId (so they'll be negative). Range bar asked for a size of
+30, so this will be its minimum size: should it have more items, the range will
+automatically expand to fit them. It specified a start ID of 10000, so
+XRCID("bar[0]") will be 10000, XRCID("bar[1]") 10001 etc. Note that if you
+choose to supply a start value it must be positive, and it's your
+responsibility to avoid clashes.
+For every ID range, the first item can be referenced either as
+<em>rangename</em>[0] or <em>rangename</em>[start]. Similarly
+<em>rangename</em>[end] is the last item. Using [start] and [end] is more
+descriptive in e.g. a Bind() event range or a @em for loop, and they don't have
+to be altered whenever the number of items changes.
+Whether a range has positive or negative IDs, [start] is always a smaller
+number than [end]; so code like this works as expected:
+for (int n=XRCID("foo[start]"); n <= XRCID("foo[end]"); ++n)
+ ...
+ID ranges can be seen in action in the <em>objref</em> dialog section of the
+@li All the items in an ID range must be contained in the same XRC file.
+@li You can't use an ID range in a situation where static initialisation
+occurs; in particular, they won't work as expected in an event table. This is
+because the event table's IDs are set to their integer values before the XRC
+file is loaded, and aren't subsequently altered when the XRCID value changes.
+@since 2.9.2
@section overview_xrcformat_extending Extending the XRC Format
The XRC format is designed to be extensible and allows specifying and loading