+ delete m_disabledImgList;
+wxSize wxToolBar::DoGetBestSize() const
+ wxSize sizeBest;
+ SIZE size;
+ if ( !::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_GETMAXSIZE, 0, (LPARAM)&size) )
+ {
+ // maybe an old (< 0x400) Windows version? try to approximate the
+ // toolbar size ourselves
+ sizeBest = GetToolSize();
+ sizeBest.y += 2 * ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER); // Add borders
+ sizeBest.x *= GetToolsCount();
+ // reverse horz and vertical components if necessary
+ if ( IsVertical() )
+ {
+ int t = sizeBest.x;
+ sizeBest.x = sizeBest.y;
+ sizeBest.y = t;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sizeBest.x = size.cx;
+ sizeBest.y = size.cy;
+ }
+ if (!IsVertical() && !(GetWindowStyle() & wxTB_NODIVIDER))
+ sizeBest.y += 1;
+ CacheBestSize(sizeBest);
+ return sizeBest;
+WXDWORD wxToolBar::MSWGetStyle(long style, WXDWORD *exstyle) const
+ // toolbars never have border, giving one to them results in broken
+ // appearance
+ WXDWORD msStyle = wxControl::MSWGetStyle
+ (
+ (style & ~wxBORDER_MASK) | wxBORDER_NONE, exstyle
+ );
+ if ( !(style & wxTB_NO_TOOLTIPS) )
+ if ( style & (wxTB_FLAT | wxTB_HORZ_LAYOUT) )
+ {
+ // static as it doesn't change during the program lifetime
+ static const int s_verComCtl = wxApp::GetComCtl32Version();
+ // comctl32.dll 4.00 doesn't support the flat toolbars and using this
+ // style with 6.00 (part of Windows XP) leads to the toolbar with
+ // incorrect background colour - and not using it still results in the
+ // correct (flat) toolbar, so don't use it there
+ if ( s_verComCtl > 400 && s_verComCtl < 600 )
+ if ( s_verComCtl >= 470 && style & wxTB_HORZ_LAYOUT )
+ msStyle |= TBSTYLE_LIST;