purpose, if you have lot's of objects
+ import wx
def runTest(frame, nb, log):
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(frame, errorText, 'Sorry', wx.OK |
StartUpDemo = "props"
import wx
import time, random
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, log):
+ self.log = log
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
+ b = wx.Button(self, -1, "Show the FloatBar sample", (50,50))
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton, b)
+ def OnButton(self, evt):
+ win = DrawFrame(None, -1, "FloatCanvas Drawing Window",wx.DefaultPosition,(500,500))
+ win.Show(True)
+ win.DrawTest()
def runTest(frame, nb, log):
- """
- This method is used by the wxPython Demo Framework for integrating
- this demo with the rest.
- """
- win = DrawFrame(None, -1, "FloatCanvas Drawing Window",wx.DefaultPosition,(500,500))
- frame.otherWin = win
- win.Show(True)
- win.DrawTest()
+ win = TestPanel(nb, log)
+ return win
from floatcanvas import NavCanvas, FloatCanvas