-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Master build script for building all the installers and such on all the
-# build machines in my lab, and then distributing the results as needed.
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-set -o errexit
-#set -o xtrace
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Some control variables...
+#!/usr/bin/python -u
+# Name: build-all.py
+# Purpose: Master build script for building all the installers and
+# such on all the build machines in my lab, and then
+# distributing the results as needed.
+# This will replace the build-all bash script and is
+# needed because the needs of the build have outgrown
+# what I can do with bash.
+# Author: Robin Dunn
+# Created: 05-Nov-2004
+# RCS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 2004 by Total Control Software
+# Licence: wxWindows license
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+from taskrunner import Job, Task, TaskRunner
+# Configuration items
+class Config:
+ def write(self, filename="config", outfile=None):
+ if outfile is None:
+ f = file(filename, "w")
+ else:
+ f = outfile
+ for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
+ f.write('%s="%s"\n' % (k, v))
+config = Config()
# the local spot that we put everything when done, before possibly copying
# to remote hosts
+config.STAGING_DIR = "./BUILD"
# host name of the machine to use for windows builds
+config.WIN_HOST = "beast"
# Where is the build dir from the remote machine's perspective?
+config.WIN_BUILD = "/c/BUILD"
# Just like the above
+config.OSX_HOST_panther = "bigmac"
+config.OSX_HOST_jaguar = "whopper"
+config.OSX_BUILD = "/BUILD"
# Alsmost the same... See below for hosts and other info
+config.LINUX_BUILD = "/tmp/BUILD"
# Upload server locations
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# functions
-function usage {
- echo ""
- echo "Usage: $0 [command flags...]"
- echo ""
- echo "build types:"
- echo " dryrun Do the build, but don't copy anywhere (default)"
- echo " daily Do a daily build, copy to starship"
- echo " release Do a normal release build, copy to starship"
- echo ""
- echo "optional command flags:"
- echo " 2.2 Build for Python 2.2 (default=off)"
- echo " 2.3 Build for Python 2.3 (default=on)"
- echo " all Build for all supported Python versions"
- echo ""
- echo " skipsource Don't build the source archives, use the ones"
- echo " already in the staging dir."
- echo " onlysource Exit after building the source archives"
- echo " skipdocs Don't rebuild the docs"
- echo " skipwin Don't do the remote Windows build"
- echo " skiposx Don't do the remote OSX build"
- echo " skiplinux Don't do the remote Linux build"
- echo " skipclean Don't do the cleanup step on the remote builds"
- echo ""
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Make sure we are running in the right directory. TODO: make this
-# test more robust. Currenly we just test for the presence of
-# 'wxPython' and 'wx' subdirs.
-if [ ! -d wxPython -o ! -d wx ]; then
- echo "Please run this script from the root wxPython directory."
- exit 1
-# Set defaults and check the command line options
-for flag in $*; do
- case $flag in
- dryrun) KIND=dryrun ;;
- daily) KIND=daily ;;
- release) KIND=release ;;
- 2.2) PYVER=2.2 ;;
- 2.3) PYVER=2.3 ;;
- all) PYVER="2.2 2.3" ;;
- skipsource) skipsource=yes ;;
- onlysource) onlysource=yes ;;
- skipdocs) skipdocs=yes ;;
- skipwin) skipwin=yes ;;
- skiposx) skiposx=yes ;;
- skiplinux) skiplinux=yes ;;
- skipclean) skipclean=yes ;;
- help) usage; exit 1 ;;
- *) echo "Unknown flag \"$flag\""
- usage
- exit 1
- esac
-# ensure the staging area exists
-if [ ! -d $STAGING_DIR ]; then
- mkdir -p $STAGING_DIR
-# Figure out the wxPython version number, possibly adjusted for being a daily build
-if [ $KIND = daily ]; then
- DAILY=`date +%Y%m%d` # should it include the hour too? 2-digit year?
-VERSION=`python -c "import setup;print setup.VERSION"`
-#exit 0
-echo "Getting started at " `date`
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Make the sources and other basic stuff.
-if [ $skipsource != yes -o $onlysource = yes ]; then
- # clean out the local dist dir
- rm -f dist/*
- if [ $skipdocs != yes ]; then
- # Regenerate the reST docs
- echo "Regenerating the reST docs..."
- cd docs
- for x in *.txt; do
- docutils-html $x `basename $x .txt`.html
- done
- cd -
- # build the doc and demo tarballs
- distrib/makedemo
- distrib/makedocs
- # build the new docs too
- docs/bin/everything
- fi
- # make the source tarball and srpm
- distrib/makerpm 2.3 srpm
- # Copy everything to the staging dir
- echo "Moving stuff to $STAGING_DIR..."
- mv dist/* $STAGING_DIR
- if [ $skipdocs != yes ]; then
- for doc in CHANGES BUILD INSTALL MigrationGuide default; do
- cp docs/$doc.* $STAGING_DIR
- done
- fi
- # cleanup
- echo "Cleaning up..."
- rm -f dist/*
-if [ $KIND = daily ]; then
-if [ $onlysource = yes ]; then
- exit 0
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Windows build
-if [ $skipwin != yes ]; then
- echo "-=-=- Starting Windows build..."
- echo "Copying source file and build script..."
- scp $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-src-$VERSION.tar.gz \
- distrib/all/build-windows \
- echo "Running build script on $WIN_HOST..."
- wxdir=$WIN_BUILD/wxPython-src-$VERSION
- cmd=./build-windows
- ssh $WIN_HOST "cd $WIN_BUILD && $cmd $wxdir $WIN_BUILD $skipclean $VERSION $PYVER && rm $cmd"
- echo "Fetching the results..."
- scp "$WIN_HOST:$WIN_BUILD/wxPython*-win32*" $STAGING_DIR
- ssh $WIN_HOST "rm $WIN_BUILD/wxPython*-win32*"
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# OSX build
-function DoOSXBuild {
- local host=$1
- local flavor=$2
- # test if the target machine is online
- if ping -q -c1 -w1 $host > /dev/null; then
- echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo " The $host machine is online, OSX-$flavor build continuing..."
- echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
- else
- echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo "The $host machine is offline, skipping the OSX-$flavor build."
- echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
- return 0
- fi
- echo "-=-=- Starting OSX-$flavor build on $host..."
- echo "Copying source files and build script..."
- ssh root@$host "mkdir -p $OSX_BUILD && rm -rf $OSX_BUILD/* || true"
- #ssh root@$host "mkdir -p $OSX_BUILD || true"
- scp $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-src-$VERSION.tar.gz \
- $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-docs-$VERSION.tar.gz \
- $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-demo-$VERSION.tar.gz \
- distrib/all/build-osx \
- root@$host:$OSX_BUILD
- echo "Running build script on $host..."
- wxdir=$OSX_BUILD/wxPython-src-$VERSION
- cmd=./build-osx
- ssh root@$host "cd $OSX_BUILD && $cmd $wxdir $OSX_BUILD $skipclean $VERSION $flavor $PYVER && rm $cmd"
- echo "Fetching the results..."
- scp "root@$host:$OSX_BUILD/wxPython*-osx*" $STAGING_DIR
- ssh root@$host "rm $OSX_BUILD/wxPython*-osx*"
-if [ $skiposx != yes ]; then
- DoOSXBuild $OSX_HOST_panther panther
- DoOSXBuild $OSX_HOST_jaguar jaguar
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Linux build
-# The remote Linux builds are different than those above. The source
-# RPMs were already built in the source step, and so building the
-# binary RPMs is a very simple followup step. But then add to that
-# the fact that we need to build on more than one distro...
-function DoLinuxBuild {
- local host=$1
- local reltag=$2
- shift;shift
- local pyver=$@
- # test if the target machine is online
- if ping -q -c1 -w1 $host > /dev/null; then
- echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo " The $host machine is online, build continuing..."
- echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
- else
- echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo "The $host machine is offline, skipping the binary RPM build."
- echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
- return 0
- fi
- echo "Copying source files and build script..."
- ssh root@$host "mkdir -p $LINUX_BUILD && rm -rf $LINUX_BUILD/*"
- scp $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-src* $STAGING_DIR/wxPython.spec\
- distrib/all/build-linux \
- root@$host:$LINUX_BUILD
- echo "Running build script on $host..."
- cmd=./build-linux
- ssh root@$host "cd $LINUX_BUILD && ./build-linux $reltag $skipclean $VERSION $pyver"
+config.UPLOAD_HOST = "starship.python.net"
+config.UPLOAD_DAILY_ROOT = "/home/crew/robind/public_html/wxPython/daily"
+config.UPLOAD_PREVIEW_ROOT = "/home/crew/robind/public_html/wxPython/preview"
+# defaults for build options
+config.KIND = "dryrun"
+config.skipsource = "no"
+config.onlysource = "no"
+config.skipdocs = "no"
+config.skipwin = "no"
+config.skiposx = "no"
+config.skiplinux = "no"
+config.skipclean = "no"
+config.skipupload = "no"
+config.skipnewdocs = "no"
+config.startcohost = "yes"
+# Define all the build tasks
+class Job(Job):
+ LOGBASE = "./tmp"
+CFGFILE = "./tmp/config"
+# Things that need to be done before any of the builds
+initialTask = Task([ Job("", ["distrib/all/build-setup", CFGFILE]),
+ Job("", ["distrib/all/build-docs", CFGFILE]),
+ Job("", ["distrib/all/build-sources", CFGFILE]),
+ ])
+# Build tasks. Anything that can be done in parallel (depends greatly
+# on the nature of the build machine configurations...) is a separate
+# task.
+jaguarTask = Task( Job(config.OSX_HOST_jaguar,
+ ["distrib/all/build-osx", CFGFILE, config.OSX_HOST_jaguar, "jaguar", "2.3"]) )
+pantherTask = Task( Job(config.OSX_HOST_panther,
+ ["distrib/all/build-osx", CFGFILE, config.OSX_HOST_panther, "panther", "2.3"]) )
+beastTask1 = Task([ Job("beast.23", ["distrib/all/build-windows", CFGFILE, "2.3"]),
+ Job("co-rh9.23", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-rh9", "rh9", "2.3"]),
+ Job("co-mdk92.23", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-mdk92", "mdk92", "2.3"]),
+ Job("co-rh9.24", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-rh9", "rh9", "2.4"]),
+ Job("co-mdk92.24", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-mdk92", "mdk92", "2.4"]),
+ ])
+beastTask2 = Task([ Job("co-mdk101.23", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-mdk101","mdk101","2.3"]),
+ Job("co-fc2.23", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-fc2", "fc2", "2.3"]),
+ Job("co-mdk101.24", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-mdk101","mdk101","2.4"]),
+ Job("co-fc2.24", ["distrib/all/build-rpm", CFGFILE, "beast", "co-fc2", "fc2", "2.4"]),
+ Job("beast.24", ["distrib/all/build-windows", CFGFILE, "2.4"]),
+ ])
+buildTasks = [ jaguarTask,
+ pantherTask,
+ beastTask1,
+ beastTask2,
+ ]
+# Finalization. This is for things that must wait until all the
+# builds are done, such as copying the installers someplace, sending
+# emails, etc.
+finalizationTask = Task( Job("", ["distrib/all/build-finalize", CFGFILE]) )
+def usage():
+ print ""
+ print "Usage: build-all [command flags...]"
+ print ""
+ print "build types:"
+ print " dryrun Do the build, but don't copy anywhere (default)"
+ print " daily Do a daily build, copy to starship"
+ print " release Do a normal release (cantidate) build, copy to starship"
+ print ""
+ print "optional command flags:"
+ print " skipsource Don't build the source archives, use the ones"
+ print " already in the staging dir."
+ print " onlysource Exit after building the source and docs archives"
+ print " skipdocs Don't rebuild the docs"
+ print " skipwin Don't do the remote Windows build"
+ print " skiposx Don't do the remote OSX build"
+ print " skiplinux Don't do the remote Linux build"
+ print " skipclean Don't do the cleanup step on the remote builds"
+ print " skipupload Don't upload the builds to starship"
+ print ""
+ print " nocohost Don't start the coLinux sessions if they are"
+ print " not already online"
+ print ""
- echo "Fetching the results..."
- scp "root@$host:$LINUX_BUILD/wxPython*.i[0-9]86.rpm" $STAGING_DIR
- ssh root@$host "rm $LINUX_BUILD/wxPython*.i[0-9]86.rpm"
-if [ $skiplinux != yes ]; then
- DoLinuxBuild co-rh9 rh9 $PYVER
- DoLinuxBuild co-fc2 fc2 2.3
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Final disposition of build results...
-chmod a+r $STAGING_DIR/*
-if [ $KIND = dryrun ]; then
- # we're done
- echo "Finished at " `date`
- exit 0
-if [ $KIND = daily ]; then
- echo "Copying to the local file server..."
- destdir=/stuff/temp/$VERSION
- mkdir -p $destdir
- cp $STAGING_DIR/* $destdir
- echo "Copying to the starship at $destdir..."
- ssh $UPLOAD_HOST "mkdir -p $destdir"
- scp $STAGING_DIR/* $UPLOAD_HOST:/$destdir
- ssh $UPLOAD_HOST "cd $destdir && ls -al"
- echo "Cleaning up staging dir..."
- rmdir $STAGING_DIR
- # TODO: something to remove old builds from starship, keeping
- # only N days worth
- # Send email to wxPython-dev
- DATE=`date`
- TO=wxPython-dev@lists.wxwidgets.org
+def main(args):
+ # Make sure we are running in the right directory. TODO: make
+ # this test more robust. Currenly we just test for the presence
+ # of 'wxPython' and 'wx' subdirs.
+ if not os.path.isdir("wxPython") or not os.path.isdir("wx"):
+ print "Please run this script from the root wxPython directory."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Check command line flags
+ for flag in args:
+ if flag in ["dryrun", "daily", "release"]:
+ config.KIND = flag
+ elif flag == "skipsource":
+ config.skipsource = "yes"
+ elif flag == "onlysource":
+ config.onlysource = "yes"
+ elif flag == "skipdocs":
+ config.skipdocs = "yes"
+ elif flag == "skipnewdocs":
+ config.skipnewdocs = "yes"
+ elif flag == "skipwin":
+ config.skipwin = "yes"
+ elif flag == "skiposx":
+ config.skiposx = "yes"
+ elif flag == "skiplinux":
+ config.skiplinux = "yes"
+ elif flag == "skipclean":
+ config.skipclean = "yes"
+ elif flag == "skipupload":
+ config.skipupload = "yes"
+ elif flag == "nocohost":
+ config.startcohost = "no"
+ else:
+ print 'Unknown flag: "%s"' % flag
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # ensure the staging area exists
+ if not os.path.exists(config.STAGING_DIR):
+ os.makedirs(config.STAGING_DIR)
+ # Figure out the wxPython version number, possibly adjusted for being a daily build
+ if config.KIND == "daily":
+ t = time.localtime()
+ config.DAILY = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") # should it include the hour too? 2-digit year?
+ file("DAILY_BUILD", "w").write(config.DAILY)
+ sys.path.append('.')
+ import setup
+ config.VERSION = setup.VERSION
+ # write the config file where the build scripts can find it
+ config.write(CFGFILE)
+ print "Build getting started at: ", time.ctime()
+ # Run the first task, which will create the docs and sources tarballs
+ tr = TaskRunner(initialTask)
+ rc = tr.run()
+ # cleanup the DAILY_BUILD file
+ if config.KIND == "daily":
+ os.unlink("DAILY_BUILD")
+ # Quit now?
+ if rc != 0 or config.onlysource == "yes":
+ sys.exit(rc)
+ # Run the main build tasks
+ tr = TaskRunner(buildTasks)
+ rc = tr.run()
+ if rc != 0:
+ sys.exit(rc)
+ # when all the builds are done, run the finalization task
+ tr = TaskRunner(finalizationTask)
+ rc = tr.run()
+ if rc != 0:
+ sys.exit(rc)
- cat <<EOF | /usr/sbin/sendmail $TO
-From: R'bot <rbot@wxpython.org>
-To: $TO
-Subject: $DAILY test build uploaded
-Date: $DATE
-A new test build of wxPython has been uploaded to starship.
- Version: $VERSION
- URL: http://starship.python.net/crew/robind/wxPython/daily/$DAILY
- Changes: http://starship.python.net/crew/robind/wxPython/daily/$DAILY/CHANGES.html
-Have fun!
- echo "Finished at " `date`
- exit 0
-if [ $KIND = release ]; then
- echo "Copying to the local file server..."
- destdir=/stuff/Development/wxPython/dist/$VERSION
- mkdir -p $destdir
- cp $STAGING_DIR/* $destdir
- echo "Copying to the starship..."
- ssh $UPLOAD_HOST "mkdir -p $destdir"
- scp $STAGING_DIR/* $UPLOAD_HOST:/$destdir
- echo "Cleaning up staging dir..."
- rmdir $STAGING_DIR
- # Send email to wxPython-dev
- DATE=`date`
- TO=wxPython-dev@lists.wxwidgets.org
- cat <<EOF | /usr/sbin/sendmail $TO
-From: R'bot <rbot@wxpython.org>
-To: $TO
-Subject: $VERSION release candidate build uploaded
-Date: $DATE
-A new RC build of wxPython has been uploaded to starship.
- Version: $VERSION
- URL: http://starship.python.net/crew/robind/wxPython/preview/$VERSION
- Changes: http://starship.python.net/crew/robind/wxPython/preview/$VERSION/CHANGES.html
-Have fun!
+ print "Build finished at: ", time.ctime()
+ sys.exit(0)
- echo "Finished at " `date`
- exit 0
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv[1:])