-// Chris Breeze 27/5/98: revised WIN32 code to
-// detect WindowsNT correctly
-int wxGetOsVersion(
- int* pMajorVsn
-, int* pMinorVsn
- ULONG ulSysInfo[QSV_MAX] = {0};
- APIRET ulrc;
- ulrc = ::DosQuerySysInfo( 1L
- ,(PVOID)ulSysInfo
- ,sizeof(ULONG) * QSV_MAX
- );
- if (ulrc == 0L)
- {
- *pMajorVsn = ulSysInfo[QSV_VERSION_MAJOR];
- *pMajorVsn = *pMajorVsn/10;
- *pMinorVsn = ulSysInfo[QSV_VERSION_MINOR];
- return wxWINDOWS_OS2;
- }
- return wxWINDOWS; // error if we get here, return generic value
-// Reading and writing resources (eg WIN.INI, .Xdefaults)
-bool wxWriteResource(
- const wxString& rSection
-, const wxString& rEntry
-, const wxString& rValue
-, const wxString& rFile
- HAB hab;
- HINI hIni;
- if (rFile != "")
- {
- hIni = ::PrfOpenProfile(hab, (PSZ)WXSTRINGCAST rFile);
- if (hIni != 0L)
- {
- return (::PrfWriteProfileString( hIni
- ));
- }
- }
- else
- return (::PrfWriteProfileString( HINI_PROFILE
- ));
- return FALSE;
-bool wxWriteResource(
- const wxString& rSection
-, const wxString& rEntry
-, float fValue
-, const wxString& rFile
- wxChar zBuf[50];
- wxSprintf(zBuf, "%.4f", fValue);
- return wxWriteResource( rSection
- ,rEntry
- ,zBuf
- ,rFile
- );
-bool wxWriteResource(
- const wxString& rSection
-, const wxString& rEntry
-, long lValue
-, const wxString& rFile
- wxChar zBuf[50];
- wxSprintf(zBuf, "%ld", lValue);
- return wxWriteResource( rSection
- ,rEntry
- ,zBuf
- ,rFile
- );
-bool wxWriteResource(
- const wxString& rSection
-, const wxString& rEntry
-, int lValue
-, const wxString& rFile
- wxChar zBuf[50];
- wxSprintf(zBuf, "%d", lValue);
- return wxWriteResource( rSection
- ,rEntry
- ,zBuf
- ,rFile
- );
-bool wxGetResource(
- const wxString& rSection
-, const wxString& rEntry
-, wxChar** ppValue
-, const wxString& rFile