# silly example. It could just as easily have been done in
# the resource. We do it in the EVT_WINDOW_CREATE handler
# because the window doesn't really exist yet in the __init__.
- t = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "MyCustomPanel")
- f = t.GetFont()
- f.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
- f.SetPointSize(f.GetPointSize()+2)
- t.SetFont(f)
- self.t = t
+ if self is evt.GetEventObject():
+ t = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "MyCustomPanel")
+ f = t.GetFont()
+ f.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
+ f.SetPointSize(f.GetPointSize()+2)
+ t.SetFont(f)
+ self.t = t
+ # On OSX the EVT_SIZE happens before EVT_WINDOW_CREATE !?!
+ # so give it another kick
+ wx.CallAfter(self.OnSize, None)
def OnSize(self, evt):
- sz = self.GetSize()
- w, h = self.t.GetTextExtent(self.t.GetLabel())
- self.t.SetPosition(((sz.width-w)/2, (sz.height-h)/2))
+ if hasattr(self, 't'):
+ sz = self.GetSize()
+ w, h = self.t.GetTextExtent(self.t.GetLabel())
+ print w, h
+ self.t.SetPosition(((sz.width-w)/2, (sz.height-h)/2))
# Now create a panel from the resource data
- panel = res.LoadPanel(self, "MyPanel")
+ #panel = res.LoadPanel(self, "MyPanel")
+ panel = MyCustomPanel()
+ panel.Create(self, -1)
# and do the layout
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)