- dc.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN );
- dc.DrawRectangle( x, y, w-CORNER+1, 1 ); // top (outer)
- dc.DrawRectangle( x, y, 1, h ); // left (outer)
- dc.DrawLine( x, y+h-1, x+1, y+h-1 );
- dc.DrawLine( x+w-1, y, x+w-1, y+1 );
+ CGContextTranslateCTM( cgContext, 0, bounds.bottom - bounds.top );
+ CGContextScaleCTM( cgContext, 1, -1 );
+ HIShapeReplacePathInCGContext( HIShapeCreateWithQDRgn( (RgnHandle) dc.m_macCurrentClipRgn ), cgContext );
+ CGContextClip( cgContext );
+ HIViewConvertRect( &headerRect, (HIViewRef) win->GetHandle(), (HIViewRef) win->MacGetTopLevelWindow()->GetHandle() );
+ {
+ HIThemeButtonDrawInfo drawInfo;
+ HIRect labelRect;
+ memset( &drawInfo, 0, sizeof(drawInfo) );
+ drawInfo.version = 0;
+ drawInfo.kind = kThemeListHeaderButton;
+ drawInfo.state = (flags & wxCONTROL_DISABLED) ? kThemeStateInactive : kThemeStateActive;
+ drawInfo.value = (flags & wxCONTROL_SELECTED) ? kThemeButtonOn : kThemeButtonOff;
+ drawInfo.adornment = kThemeAdornmentNone;
+ // The down arrow is drawn automatically, change it to an up arrow if needed.
+ if ( sortArrow == wxHDR_SORT_ICON_UP )
+ drawInfo.adornment = kThemeAdornmentHeaderButtonSortUp;
+ HIThemeDrawButton( &headerRect, &drawInfo, cgContext, kHIThemeOrientationNormal, &labelRect );
+ // If we don't want any arrows we need to draw over the one already there
+ if ( (flags & wxCONTROL_SELECTED) && (sortArrow == wxHDR_SORT_ICON_NONE) )
+ {
+ // clip to the header rectangle
+ CGContextSaveGState( cgContext );
+ CGContextClipToRect( cgContext, headerRect );
+ // but draw bigger than that so the arrow will get clipped off
+ headerRect.size.width += 25;
+ HIThemeDrawButton( &headerRect, &drawInfo, cgContext, kHIThemeOrientationNormal, &labelRect );
+ CGContextRestoreGState( cgContext );
+ }
+ }
+ QDEndCGContext( (CGrafPtr) dc.m_macPort, &cgContext );
+ }
+ // Reserve room for the arrows before writing the label, and turn off the
+ // flags we've already handled
+ wxRect newRect(rect);
+ if ( (flags & wxCONTROL_SELECTED) && (sortArrow != wxHDR_SORT_ICON_NONE) )
+ {
+ newRect.width -= 12;
+ sortArrow = wxHDR_SORT_ICON_NONE;
+ }
+ flags &= ~wxCONTROL_SELECTED;
+ DrawHeaderButtonContents(win, dc, newRect, flags, sortArrow, params);